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"After I bring Kugisaki to the hospital, I'll try and come back as soon as -" Ijichi started but was cut off by Fushiguro.

"No, don't. Even if you're present, it won't mean much. If you come back, please bring a sorcerer higher than Grade 1. But I doubt there's any available..."

"Y/n... You're OK with this?" Ijichi asked me. I appreciated his concern for my well being.

"I'm not badly injured... and I want to do as much as I can while I'm like this," I replied.

"OK then. You 2 be careful." Ijichi drove off to the hospital with Nobara.

Megumi's POV

Y/n and I just stood in the rain after that. We didn't say much, and I assumed that she had a lot on her mind right now too. She's really worried about Itadori, I can tell.

After a while, I noticed y/n's eyes widen looking at something.

"The expanded dormitory is gone!" I said. "That means the high-grade curse must've died. Now if Itadori could just come back..."

"He's not coming back." I froze and so did y/n. That voice was... Sukuna's.

"I'm feeling good right now so let's chat. He can't switch and I'm sure it's probably payback for using me without any deal. But of course, it's only a matter of time before he'll return."

Sukuna ripped off Itadori's top of his uniform. Yeah, this made me a little uncomfortable but he did it last time. I looked over at y/n who didn't really show any different expression.

"So I thought... What should I do while I have control?" Sukuna pulled out Itadori's heart.

"Hey!" I yelled.

"I'm taking him hostage," Sukuna sickly smiled. "The brat can't live without this." Sukuna held Itadori's heart then threw it to the side. He then took out one of his fingers and ate it.

That must've been in the high-grade I saw earlier. Y/n realized it too. Now Sukuna has consumed 3 of his fingers!

"You 2 can be afraid now. I'll kill you for no particular reason."

"Looks like our roles have reversed..." I muttered, looking down. "Itadori will come back even if he dies. That's just who he is."

"No. He's just a dimwit that's a little stronger than the average human," Sukuna responded. "You should've heard him earlier! He was so scared being on the verge of death."

I didn't really pay attention to what Sukuna was saying, and I could tell y/n really wasn't either. I looked at her and she nodded back. Sukuna can use reversal sorcery.

Sukuna can live without his heart, but he still must've taken some damage. I need to get him to heal Itadori's heart before Itadori comes back.

"Fushiguro... Don't do it." Y/n looked at me dead in the eye.

"Tch..." I'll convince him. I looked at my trembling hands in front of me. Can I even do that when I couldn't move in front of that high-grade earlier? No... I'll do it!!!

I summoned Nue and prepared to fight.

"We're finally outside, you know. Let's make full use of this space!" Sukuna laughed.

"Fushiguro!!" Y/n yelled. I know she was warning me but I wasn't gonna listen.

I tried attacking Sukuna with punches and kicks while Nue also tried to get him, but he managed to dodge all of our attacks effortlessly. Then Sukuna punched me. It was powerful, and definitely knocked some wind out of me.

"Put in some more curse, will ya?"

I summoned "Monster Serpent" and my Shikigami snake came out of the ground and grabbed Sukuna in its mouth.

"Attack him before he gets the chance!" I yelled. Nue and Monster Serpent ganged up on Sukuna but Sukuna managed to break free, destroying my serpent Shikigami in the process. No!


I wasn't doing anything! I was just standing there... watching!

This is bad... Should I help? But I'm nowhere near Sukuna's level. I'll be useless!

Megumi's POV

Sukuna grabbed my uniform.

"Didn't I say... to make full use of this space?" Sukuna threw me to the point where I was flying in the air.

"FUSHIGURO!!!" I heard y/n yell. I opened my eyes to be met with a kick from Sukuna. Damn, it hurt! But Sukuna doesn't even use sorcery... it's his own power!

"Urgh!" I was being kicked all over the place. I felt like I wasn't even a human anymore!

(I know this is mean of me, but I actually laughed at seeing Fushiguro being kicked through walls of concrete and coming out completely fine. Ansnsbdndndndnd IT DIDN'T MAKE SENSE!! They do him dirty, my dude's been slammed through so much walls. Anyways, back to the story)

Nue managed to grab me in time but Sukuna punched Nue into a building and the 2 of us fell.

My Chimera is at its limit... I undid the spell before Nue would be destroyed too. After all, I lost Jade Hound and Monster Serpent already.

"Good technique you got there. Your Shikigami... use shadows as a medium, huh..." Sukuna observed.

I didn't care that I got exposed. "And?"

"Hmmm..." Sukuna thought for a moment. "Why did you... escape during that time?"

I was confused. What was he talking about?

"What a waste. Whatever. Anyways... I'm not gonna heal this," Sukuna smirked.

So I've been completely exposed...

"You're risking your life over some really stupid -"

"Fushiguro!! Are you OK?!" Y/n ran over to my side.

"You..." Sukuna smiled at y/n. "Weren't you the one that displayed quite an interest in me?"

"Well... yes..." Y/n didn't look frightened at all, much to my surprise.

"Come here." Y/n of course didn't move from her spot and was hesitant. "I promise I won't hurt you."

"Don't..." I said, but she slowly approached him. Well, she told me to not do it and I didn't listen...

Sukuna brought his face close to hers. "What do you wanna know?" Y/n didn't say anything, she just responded with wide eyes. "I sense a lot of cursed energy flowing through you."

I flashbacked to what Gojo-sensei said about y/n. She's a... Semi Grade 1 sorcerer I think?

Y/n quickly took out what looked like a vintage pocket watch and in the blink of an eye, I saw the watch on the ground, several feet away from y/n. Did it just... teleport there? I wasn't familiar with y/n's techniques yet.

"What..." I heard her say. She then drew cursed energy into her foot and attempted kicking Sukuna, who unfortunately just caught her kick.

"I could just twist or break your leg but I won't. You made the smart decision earlier to not fight and warn Fushiguro." He let go of her leg. "You're welcome." Y/n looked extremely scared now.

"If you're trying to save this brat, he isn't worth it." Sukuna smiled in satisfaction.

I flashbacked to when Itadori asked me why I saved him. Then I suddenly remembered Tsumiki, and all these bad memories started coming back in.

Punishment isn't automatic. I realized sorcerers were one of those wheels of retribution. So that good people can have equality... even if it's a little bit.

I stood up and started to emit cursed energy.

I save people... unfairly.


I looked at Megumi in shock. He was...

"Excellent... So you're going to get fired up now. Then... Amuse me! Fushiguro Megumi!!" Sukuna started laughing in sick delight.

"Furube Yurayura..." Fushiguro started, but then the cursed energy seemed to disappear. Was he not gonna attack? "I don't have any logical reason... for saving you back then. Yes it was dangerous, but I didn't want to see someone good like you die. I had doubts, but in the end, I made a selfish choice driven by personal feelings. But that's OK because... I am not a hero. I am a Jujutsu sorcerer. So I never regretted saving you, Itadori."

I looked back at Sukuna who was gone. Itadori had switched back and smiled at Fushiguro and I. I was so happy.

"I see. You're definitely smart, Fushiguro. I think the way you live your truth is right, too. But I don't think I'm necessarily wrong either." Blood dripped out of Itadori's chest and some came out of his mouth.

"Itadori!" I helped him stand, as he was losing his sense of balance.

"You, Kugisaki... Sato, and Gojo-sensei... Live long for me, OK?" And with that, Itadori collapsed into my arms.


