Rip Junpei 😒


"You 2 alright?" Itadori asked both of us. I nodded.

"Yeah. But I hope this doesn't leave a scar. And the possibility of poison flowing through my body... I hope Shoko's awake at this time to heal me," Nobara said. "What's wrong? Why are you acting so weird?"

"Is this the first time... you killed something before exorcising it?" Itadori asked the both of us. "I have once... No... It was 3 people."

"I don't really have a problem with it," Nobara said.

"As Jujutsu sorcerers, these kinds of things are gonna happen," I said. "We have to follow our own moral compass."

"But... He was crying... for his dead brother... we took a life... and tears were shed..." Itadori said.

"Well then... That makes us all accomplices," Nobara says.

The 3 of us return underneath the bridge, finding an unconscious Fushiguro.

"F-Fushiguro?!" We all say, nervous and sweating. Oh no, don't tell me...

He wakes up. "Oh, you're back and OK."

"You scared us for a second there! We thought you were dead!" Nobara and Itadori say. "Hooray!"

"Please be quiet... my head hurts..."

"How come you were just lying there with one of Sukuna's fingers? That's dangerous. And what happened?" I said.

"N-Nevermind that," Fushiguro said.

"I'll eat it!" Itadori exclaimed.

"Fine. Take it, but don't eat it though," Fushiguro hands Itadori the finger and Itadori's hand eats the finger.

Did Sukuna just... open up a mouth on Itadori's palm? "Wow..." I quietly say, amazed.

"WE TOLD YOU NOT TO EAT IT!!" Fushiguro and Nobara yelled.

"I didn't eat it though!!" Itadori yelled back.

"Hey, brats!!" I looked up to see Nitta calling for us from above.

I helped Fushiguro up by putting his arm around my shoulder. He was really beaten. I wonder if he got slammed through more walls or something. I hope not.

"Let's go home!" Itadori exclaimed.

Later on, when it was just the 3 of us, Fushiguro tells us that Sukuna's incarnation is what triggered the bridge's curse.

"Don't tell him, please," Fushiguro says.

"I won't," I say.

"I'm a lady, what do you think," Nobara replies.

Nobara's POV

After the mission, Fushiguro was taken home by Ijichi-san, Itadori went to go watch a movie, y/n went to go shopping and see a friend, and so I headed into town to try a new recently launched product.

I was sipping on my drink when a girl said, "Excuse me. Did I see Itadori with you earlier?"

The 2 of us stopped at a diner to chat. The girl's name was Yuko Ozawa. She showed me a picture of her at her junior high graduation.

"Wha?! Wasn't this taken like 6 months ago?! What the?!!" I kept looking back at the picture and her now. There's a big difference!!

"As you can see, I was very different back then. So when I saw him recently... I thought that since I changed I could..." she started.

"Wait! Do you mean..." I realized.

"Yes! That's exactly what I mean!" She said.

I thought about what I should do and decided I would call Ijichi and ask him to drop off Fushiguro here.

Soon enough, he arrived, irritated as always.

"What did you need me for?" He was annoyed.

"Hey Fushiguro, do you know if Itadori has a girlfriend?" I immediately asked, getting straight to the subject. I explained to him what was going on with Ozawa here.

"So... Do you mean?!"

"Yeah!" I say.

Fushiguro sat down next to me. "He definitely doesn't have a girlfriend. Well, it wouldn't make sense if he did. He wasn't bothered about moving to Tokyo out of the blue, he has 'inappropriate' posters around his room..." Fushiguro said. "I don't know a lot. You should ask y/n. She's pretty close to him y'know."

And so I called y/n. She arrived with no bags in her hands for some reason. I thought she went shopping?

"Hey, I thought you went shopping?" I said.

"Nah, not really. I just did whatever around the city and went to a manga store but they didn't have anything I liked. Don't worry, you didn't interrupt anything," she said.

"OK good. What do you know about Itadori?" I quickly asked.

"Why do you ask? You know a lot about him, right?" She replied.

"Well, you do hang out with him a lot!"

"Um... What do you wanna know then?"

"This girl here, Yuko Ozawa..."

"O-Oh... Um..." Y/n caught on. "He said he has a thing for tall girls."

"Yes!! Let's get him over here!!" I said.



(Shares location)
Hey, can you come here?

Why? Is there something wrong?

I guess I don't really have a good reason... And I'm sorry if I'm interrupting anything important, but can you just come?

Sure, I guess

(If you don't like the name then sorry, I couldn't think of anything better)

"Oh hey guys!" Itadori said.

"That was quick!!" Nobara exclaimed. "Oh um by the way this is -"

"Ozawa," Itadori acknowledged her. "We meet again."

In the end, we all leave without telling Itadori the truth.

"You sure it's fine?" Fushiguro asked.

"Don't worry. We got each others' numbers but I found something else along the way," Nobara said.

"What did you find?" I asked.

"If Itadori gets a girlfriend before I get a boyfriend... you can bet I'll be so annoyed. He's supposed to get a girlfriend after I get a boyfriend!"


I have a lot of images to share because I can
