Itadori's POV

I woke up from my unconscious state after recalling a memory of my parents.

I sat up and turned to my side to see Yuuta sitting nearby.

"I'm alive?" I said.

"What a relief ~" Yuuta breathed out a heavy sigh. I looked at him in visible confusion. "Allow me to explain. I believe it was around September, when Gojo-sensei came to see me and asked me to watch over you. I was putting on a fake act this whole time."

"What did Gojo-sensei say?" I asked.

"He said he had a bad feeling and wanted me to take care of the current first and second years. And he's especially concerned about you in particular because you were up for secret execution. So instead of allowing a different executioner, or having information about you being hidden... I decided this would work best. But they aren't that stupid, so in order to be approved as an executioner, I entered a binding vow to 'kill' you. So sorry for killing you."

"Huh? But I'm alive right now...?"

"Because of reversed cursed technique. At the same time your heart stopped, I instantaneously healed you. I thought it might work best based on what I've heard about you so far. And I know this is the second time your death has been staged. Given the circumstances, they'll find out the truth soon, but for now they think you're really dead."

"Why... Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Because you're important to people who are important to me," Yuuta said. "I too once bore a power I couldn't control before. I thought it had been forced on me but I actually invited it upon myself. But the power you bear isn't your own. You aren't to blame."

"No... It isn't about whether it's my fault or not. But... I-"


I looked up to see Megumi.


"Let's head back to the school," he said. "The barrier around the school is loosening. And as long as no one sees your face, you can go back. We'll rejoin the older students -"

"Don't act like everything is normal!" I yelled. "Don't act like nothing happened!" I gave Fushiguro a serious look. "I killed people! Lots of people died because of me!"

"It's our fault," Fushiguro said. "Don't be selfish... and give up by yourself... alone." Of course he'd say that! "We're not heroes remember? We're Jujutsu sorcerers. No one can truly judge us... so we have to keep proving the worth of our existence. And we don't have the luxury of being selfish. We have to continue saving others. I believe... that was the original reason behind all of your actions."

You're wrong Fushiguro... It's because as long as I'm around... you'll have to suffer!

"So start by saving me, Itadori. Noritoshi Kamo has made plans for those associated with jujutsu to face off in a culling game. Tsumiki, my older sister, got caught up in it. So I'm begging you, lend me your strength."

I stood up.

"You're strong, so go and help people."

My grandfather's last words echoed in my head. Those words mean a lot to me, so I'll listen to them.

"Okkotsu-senpai... Sukuna is plotting something involving Fushiguro," I said. "He took over my body earlier in Shibuya, but I think that's due to consuming too much fingers all at one time. I've ingested 15 fingers as of right now. I doubt that once I've eaten the other 5, Sukuna would be able to take control of me and my body, but if it does happen... Don't hesitate to kill me. I think you could definitely do that."

"Understood. I'll do what I can," Yuuta replied.

"What should I do... Fushiguro?" I asked.

"We'll go back to Jujutsu High and contact Master Tengen to find out information on how to remove the seal on the Prison Realm, the box that's sealed Gojo-sensei," he explained. "And we also need to figure out Noritoshi Kamo's objectives and future moves. This culling game is Jujutsu terrorism never seen before. To fix this mess, we need answers. And I think Master Tengen knows."

"What about Yuki-san? Does she know?"

"I already spoke with her. In fact, this was her idea. She's hiding in Jujutsu High as well, because she wants to avoid the higher-ups."

"The problem is Master Tengen's concealing barrier," Yuuta said. "Over a thousand doors are continually shuffling in there, and only one leads to the tomb of the star corridor where he resides."

I closed my eyes and faced Fushiguro.

"Sorry but I have to ask... What happened to Kugisaki and Sato?"

Fushiguro turned his body to reveal a figure.

"I'm right here."

My breathing stopped for a second as I couldn't believe it. That voice I've missed so much, the smile
I felt like I haven't seen in years, and the girl who that all belonged to... was in front of me.

"Y/n? I'm hallucinating right?" Tears formed at the waterline of my eyes.


She gave me a hug just to prove that she was not a hallucination, but the real y/n Sato who I thought had died.


"SENSEIII!! KUGISAKIIIII!! SATOOOOO!!" Itadori yelled and halted to a stop in front of us. I looked up from my phone.

"What do you want? It's hot..." Nobara said.


"Eh? Are you su -"

Before I could finish my sentence, Nobara and Gojo-sensei had grabbed me and we were running towards Fushiguro.

"Formation B!"

"Roger that!"

The 3 split up in front of me and Nobara and Itadori ran to Fushiguro weirdly.

"fUsHiGuRo-KyUn ~"

"Who is that woman? Did you forget that night you toasted to my very own eyes?!"

"Was it a lie when you told me the time you spent with me was the most enjoyable of all?!"

The 2 kept annoying Fushiguro much to his delight, and he looked so done with it.

"Could you not touch him so casually like that, please, YOU HOMEWRECKERS?!" I turned my gaze over to my sensei who was now dazzling. Uh oh, girls gonna go brrr for that.

"Megumi-chan has violin practice with me now. Let's go home, Megumi-chan. You'll master 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' with me today."

"I'm sorry, don't mind them. Just continue straight ahead and you'll reach the station," Fushiguro said to the woman.

"Thank you so much," the woman bowed.


After the woman left, Fushiguro turned towards us and gave us a death glare. "OK what the hell is this? Stop it. You're embarrassing me."

Gojo-sensei made some noises and acted innocent. That won't work on Megumi, sensei.


Nobara and Gojo walked away, slouching.

"Heh heh... Ow!"

Fushiguro smacked Itadori. "Why can't you all be chill like Sato? What a pain..."


If using reversed cursed technique against Mahito's Idle Transfiguration goes against Jujutsu Kaisen logic, please let me know because I'm still confused on a lot of stuff πŸ˜€


And if you're here, thank you that means a lot to me since I know I haven't updated in 2+ months aosidjdojdkd πŸ₯²

Expect SLOW UPDATES though. The pacing of this book is going to change majorly so if you don't like that then sorry πŸ˜­πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Lastly, Yuuta supremacy πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›

Oh and I don't own this art (credits to the artists)
