Itadori's POV

"I... I don't understand!" I said.

"Reverse cursed technique. I turned Mahito's negative cursed energy into positive cursed energy by multiplying my cursed energy into his. A negative times a negative will have a positive outcome, right? By turning it into positive energy, I cancelled his technique. I finally felt the core of cursed energy. And I did this all on the brink of death," y/n explained.

"Good job y/n. You've mastered reversed cursed technique, a very complicated technique to master in Jujutsu," Yuuta said.

"Thank you Okkotsu-senpai."

"I'm... happy..." I mumbled, tears already dropping onto the floor. "But Kugisaki..." I looked up to Fushiguro and Sato who didn't say a word. They just looked down. I wiped my tears. "I get it. I get it!!"

"You know about that barrier..."

Fushiguro and y/n made a funny surprised and scared face as Choso appeared out of the darkness.

"Ha ha! Shawty almost had a heard attack."

"There might be a way past the barrier," Choso said. "Mahito stole Sukuna's fingers and the death painting wombs before. We just have to do the same thing."

"Wow... It's been a while, huh."

"Maki-senpai?!" I was shocked to see how different she looked, her hair, her outfit, and everything! Her skin was noticeably burned and scarred. What happened?!

"Hi!" I waved to Yuki who was in the room as well.

"Maki! Can you move around well? Is it OK to?" Yuuta asked her.


"Burn scars can't be helped unfortunately. Reversed cursed techniques can only do so much," Yuki said. "I'd expect nothing less from someone physically gifted through heavenly restriction honestly. It was her natural physical endurance and toughness that saved her life, not her resistance against curses. It's too bad about the business going on with the head of the family."

"It doesn't matter," Maki said. "Megumi... What about the barrier?"

"I'll explain," Choso stepped in. "The cursed warehouse where the school stores cursed tools and objected lies between the doors and the tomb. It holds the remains of my younger brothers: Noranso, Sho-oso, Tanso, Sanso, Kotsuso and Shoso."

"They all end with 'o'!" I blurted out loud.

"Even if they are just remains, with the 6 altogether, a side of my effect cursed techniques should provide some potential guidance."


"OK but... Who's this guy?" Maki asked. She was referring to Choso.

After a moment, I spoke up. "For now... think of him as... my older brother."

"YUJIII!!" Choso exclaimed.

"I didn't know Itadori had an older brother. Nice to meet you," y/n said, kindly introducing herself to Choso.

"Let's go," I grabbed the shoulders of y/n and Megumi and continued forward.

We arrived at 2 closed doors and Choso said that without a doubt, his brothers sleep behind them.

We opened the doors to be met with trees with no leaves, wrapping themselves around other trees. These were definitely dead trees.

"Deep in, there should be an elevator to the tomb."

We took an elevator and arrived at a place where the ground had bloodstains on it.

"Bloodstains? What happened?" I asked.

"11 years ago... something happened. But now that I think about it, maybe that's when things started to become distorted," Yuki-san said. All of us were confused, but we continued walking anyway.

"Why does everyone look so composed?" I quietly asked y/n who was by my side.

"Dunno," she said.

We made it out of the end of a short tunnel, only to be met with nothing.

"Dammit..." Yuki muttered.

"There's nothing here."

"Is this the main shrine?" Fushiguro asked.

"No, it's rejecting us," Yuki said. "Tengen doesn't interfere with this world, but I thought contact was possible because the Six Eyes are sealed. I was being too optimistic, getting my hopes up."

"We should head back. Tsumiki doesn't have time," Yuuta said.

"Why are you leaving so soon?"

We all turned around to that voice. Wait - Was that creature with 4 eyes Master Tengen?!

"It's nice to meet you... child of the Zenin... Michizane's descendant... death painting womb... great-great-great-great granddaughter of Shinjiro Sato... and Sukuna's vessel."


I sat next to Gojo-sensei and Megumi as we were waiting for Itadori, Nobara, and the second years to arrive. Was I just too early?

I squeezed my water bottle a little hard, out of anxiety, and noticed Gojo's head tilting towards my direction and back forward. Was he looking at my water bottle? Why?

"It's hot ~," he said.


I took a sip from my water but then Gojo quickly squeezed the bottle, and the water went upwards, causing it to splash onto my face and I got some in my nose.

I looked at him in shock. The action also caused Megumi to look up from his phone.


Gojo didn't say anything, just smirked and shrugged, and even though he was my sensei, I stood up and poured the remaining water in my water bottle onto him.

"Heh heh," Gojo snickered.

He had used his stupid infinity so the water didn't get on him at all.



Here's what my friend had to say about each JJK character (she doesn't watch the anime)
