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The 4 of us were sitting on the bridge... all of us extremely tired, exhausted, and fatigued.

"So..." Itadori yawned. "Where is this curse supposed to be again?"

"We couldn't feel any curse, couldn't see any curse," Fushiguro told Nitta.

"Really?" Nitta said.

"We can't afford to waste any more time. If this is a popular place, then there may be others out there who are cursed too," Itadori said. I agreed with him.

I munched on my Strawberry Pocky, while Nobara sipped on a juice box and the boys ate ongiri.

"Well if they were into bungee jumping, does it have to do with the act of jumping up and down?" Nitta asked.

"We already tested that with Itadori."

"With that plastic cord?!" Nita was surprised. Itadori's quite the daredevil.

"Fushiguro-san!!" I heard a voice yell. It came from one of the boys we saw earlier at the school. He was riding his bike towards us, with a girl on it as well.

"She. Classmate," Fushiguro's speech went broken again.

"Hi, I'm his older sister and I'm glad you still remember me," the girl said. "Let me get to the point. I... went to Yasohachi Bridge on a night when I was a second year in junior high!"

The girl went on to explain how when she came home, she would be greeted by automatic doors that were wide open.

"Oh and Fushiguro... your sister, Tsumiki-san... also came with me that night," she confessed.

I immediately looked over at Fushiguro whose eyes were widened but he returned to his normal expression. Tsumiki was his older sister!

"Don't worry. I'll talk to her about it," Fushiguro replied, though it sounded like a lie.

The 2 eventually left, and that's when Fushiguro kind of stopped pretending.

"Fushiguro!" Itadori put his hand on his shoulder for reassurance. "She'll be OK!"

Fushiguro called Ijichi and requested for backup, but Ijichi couldn't spare us and told us to retreat if the enemy was a far worse threat than expected.

As soon as Fushiguro hung up, he was bombarded with questions.

"She'll be fine. Um anyways, the mission's been given to other sorcerers so you can go home," Fushiguro shooed us into the car.

I gave him a confused look. "And what about you?" I asked.

"I'm gonna go see the old man we were talking to at the school," Fushiguro replied. I squinted my eyes a bit, internally questioning his response.

Megumi's POV

I'm sorry guys but I don't want to put you in danger.

I took it upon myself to investigate the bridge further on my own. Itadori and Nobara were really annoying today too so I'm sure I'll be able to focus better without them around.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard, "You never tell us anything."


Come on...

"Y/n was right, you're such a bad liar!" Nobara exclaimed.

"I didn't say he was a bad liar..." I heard y/n say.

"You can trust us because we're your friends!" Itadori once again reassured me.

"I want to exorcise this curse now," I said. I had a firm resolve to prevent Tsumiki's death from happening as much as possible. She was the reason I keep pushing forward.

"The mission is more dangerous now so -"

"Yeah we know," Nobara cut me off.

"We don't care about that," Itadori said.

I saw y/n nod in agreement. They made me smile.

To cross through the barrier, we must move at night, from below, and over the small river. This act has an important meaning in Jujutsu.

We crossed over into the Curse's Domain where we were confronted with a cursed spirit inside.

"I see it!" Itadori got ready to fight.

"This is gonna be fun!" Nobara exclaimed.


I froze and my eyes widened. The 4 of us turned around to be greeted by an ugly, creepy looking curse.

"Somebody's here already?" It said. So it's capable of communicating and talking...

"This is definitely something else," Nobara said, tools and weapons in hand.

"This one's mine!" Itadori said, cursed energy emitting from his hands.

The curse spit blood at Itadori but he managed to avoid it. Good, the blood was probably poisonous or acidic. Itadori kicked the curse.

"Straw Doll Technique: Resonance!" Nobara performed her technique to try and kill an annoying curse that kept popping in and out of different holes.

Y/n and I tried cutting it with our knives whenever we saw a chance to kill it when it popped up in a hole nearby but failed each time. Annoying.

"Keep crushing the exits for me," I said. I deduced the curse that Yuuji was fighting was the real threat here.

Suddenly, another curse reaches into the Domain and pulls Nobara and y/n inside. Nobara was pulled in first since I didn't see her anymore.

"Sato!!" I yelled, reaching to grab her. At least I could save her!

"Don't worry about me. I'll be OK. Just defeat the enemy before you," she said, before being pulled in completely.

Crap! Why do those 2 get sucked in everywhere?! (I don't know why do walls love you so much?)

"Kugisaki?! Sato?!" Itadori noticed the 2 girls were missing.

The curse Itadori was facing suddenly leaves the Domain as well.

"Ah, oh no! It got away! Should I go after it?!"

"Kugisaki and Sato are the priority right now! So go find them!!" I yelled.


I was being dragged by someone or something, and the next thing I knew, I was out of the Domain.

"Ew, don't touch me!!" Nobara yells, and forces it back with her hammer.

"Oh, 2 females. I apologize," a cursed spirit or maybe he was a cursed user, said. What's with this smell, too?!

"The task we were supposed to do does not involve killing sorcerers like you so you may leave," it said.

"Task?" I said.

"I thought we shared the same task. Our goal is to retrieve Sukuna's fingers, of course!"


"And so that's what went down. You guys try smell him and tell me what you think," Maki said. She previously explained how she and Panda argued over whether or not he smelled bad.

"Smells like the Sun to me," Fushiguro and I said both at the same time. We looked at each other with shock that we said the same exact thing.

"Sunshine!" Nobara and Maki exclaimed.


"Huh? Fushiguro, Sato, have you seen my jacket?" Nobara asked. Fushiguro shook his head no.

"I haven't seen it either, but I'm looking for my skirt though," I replied.

"Weird..." Nobara noticed Panda in the room. "Panda-senpai, have you seen it?" She asked.

"I haven't seen it anywhere," Panda answered, wearing Nobara's jacket and full on stretching it.

"Oh really? I wonder where it could've gone," Nobara said sarcastically, pulling out her hammer and hitting him with anger.

"My skirt isn't here either!!" She yelled furiously.

"Mustard leaf!" Inumaki opened the door and posed. He was wearing my skirt!!

"Inumaki-senpai!!" I yelled in disbelief. However, I didn't hit him. I pulled out my phone and snapped a few pics. Cute.


If you read this book, then you probably (if not obviously) like Jujutsu Kaisen. So here:
