π—π•πˆ. Sour


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Real Life


WEEKS PASSED SINCE OLIVIA AND JACLYN SAW EACH OTHER. Olivia had released 'Sour' and it was doing great. Jaclyn just wondered if some songs were about her. She was thinking about calling her and to talk. She missed when they would talk. She tried calling her multiple times but always hung up before it even rang. She decided to get her mind off her and go out.

She was gonna go out to eat with Lydia since they haven't hung out much due to Lydia filming. Jaclyn didn't tell her about the 'talk' she had with Olivia. I mean nothing happened right. She felt like she was betraying Lydia when in reality she wasn't. She was gonna tell her today, she hoped she wasn't gonna get mad.

Lydia came to pick her up and they went to go eat. They ordered and were making small talk. "So, anything happened while I was gone" Lydia asked. "Um, not really" Jaclyn simply answered. "Well, there is something I wanted to tell you" Jaclyn started. Lydia just nodded her head, signaling her to continue. "Well, I talked to Olivia a couple of weeks ago" Jaclyn told her. She avoided eye contact with Lydia, fearing she was gonna be pissed.

"That's great, you guys friends again?" Lydia asked. Jaclyn silently sighed in relief that Lydia wasn't mad or jealous. Lydia wanted Jaclyn to be happy and wanted Jaclyn and Olivia to be friends again. "Not really, but at least we didn't fight" Jaclyn said taking a sip of her drink. "You guys will make up eventually, alright, just be patient" Lydia said as she reached for Jaclyn's hand. She gave the girl a comforting smile before pulling her into a quick kiss.

The food later arrived, they ate and laughed together. Jaclyn felt guilty that she still had feeling for Olivia really deep inside her. She still loved Lydia and she means it when she says it. She cared for her but she still loved Olivia, although she would never admit it. She didn't want to hurt Lydia, she cared too much about her.The only thing she can do right now is try to forget about Olivia.

After they ate, they went to an amusement park to end the day. Jaclyn was happy that they were okay but something seemed off. She missed Olivia, she hated the fact that she did. She was dating Lydia and she was happy. She brushed it off and continued to have fun with Lydia. After they went to the park for about 2 hours, Lydia dropped off Jaclyn home. She kissed her goodbye before entering her home.

When Jaclyn came home it was pretty late so she figured her mom was sleeping. She went to take a shower since it was pretty hot outside and she was sweating. After she showered, she went downstairs to the living room to watch a movie. She went to make some popcorn for her movie. While her popcorn was in the microwave she was scrolling through netflix for a movie. None of the movies interested her so she went to her stack of movie DVD's.

She was digging through them, hoping one of them would catch her eye. She had a lot of movie saga's such as The Hunger Games, Marvel, Fast and Furious, ect. The found a Twilight movie which instantly made her remember about the night with Olivia. She remembered the kiss, the tension, and most importantly the aftermath. She remembered what her lips tasted like. Cherry chapstic

'Stop it Jaclyn, your with Lydia' Jaclyn mentally yelled at herself. She was pulled away from her thoughts when the microwave went off, her popcorn was ready. She put her movies away and went to put her popcorn in a bowl. She took her popcorn and went to her room. She didn't feel like watching a movie anymore so she put Gilmore Girls instead.

She was scrolling through twitter when an article caught her eye. 'Lydia Torres and Jaclyn Aniston still together?!' it said. "What the hell' she mumbled as she chewed the popcorn. She obviously clicked it and began reading.



By Nicole Diaz

The unexpected couple was recently spotted at a restaurant in Santa Monica. The couple had not been picture or spotted together in weeks. Rumors were saying that the pair had broken up due to Olivia Rodrigo's recent and first album called 'Sour'. Rodrigo and the young Aniston used to be best friend's but then randomly stopped being BFF's.

Many fans believed that the two girls liked eachother and their friendship was weird so they stopped being friends. We are just glad that Lydia and Jaclyn are still together. We wish them the best and we hope they are happy.

What do you guys think? Are you happy Lydia and Jaclyn are still together? Do you ship Jaclyn and Olivia? Let us know!


Real Life


"THIS IS FUCKING WIERD" JACLYN SAID AS SHE FINISHED READING. She was gonna send Lydia the article but she figured she was sleeping so she didn't. Jaclyn turned off ger phone and continued watching Gilmore Girls. She watched around 5 episodes before getting ready to go to sleep. She took the popcorn bowl to the kitchen and washed her face. She turned off the lights and got into bed.

She got her airpods to hear music before going to sleep. She didn't know what to listen to before she remembered Olivia released Sour. She didn't listen to it because she felt like it would be weird for her to listen to it. She played the album and begins listening to it. She went to her closet and pulled out a stuffed animal. It was the bear Olivia had bought her for valentine's day 2 years ago.

She hugged it as she listened to the album. After she listened to it, it was clear some of the songs were about her. Tears were rolling down her cheeks slowly. She wanted to be with Olivia it was clear now. But she also loved and wanted to be with Lydia. She thought about it some more and came down with her answer. She wants to be with Lydia, her and Olivia weren't gonna work out. She knew they weren't gonna be okay, she had to let her go.

It was 2 in the morning, she was aware it was late. She had to let Olivia go. She got a box and started putting the things that represent Olivia. Pictures, gifts, anything that symbolized their friendship. She put the stuffed bear in the box too. She put the box in her closet. It was too dark outside for her to throw it away so she figured she would throw it away tomorrow morning. She sat on her bed and took a deep breath. "Let her go" she mumbled. Her emotions took the best of her and began to cry silently. She tried her best to calm down and washed her face. She finally stopped crying and went to bed.
