𝐗. Leading Me On

Ten━━Leading Me On

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Real Life


JACLYN WAS CURRENTLY LAYING IN BED. She was thinking of calling or texting Olivia. They haven't talked since they kissed and confessed their feelings for eachother. She didn't know what Olivia wanted. Her thumb was inches away from Olivia's contact. She was questioning if she wanted to call her or not. She pressed the call number but instantly hung up before it even rang. She was pretty scared of what was gonna happen between them.

She got out of her bed and went to shower. She was hoping it would take her mind off things but it didn't. She got ready to go to Olivia's house to talk. She was originally gonna tell her that she was gonna go over but she chickened out. She put on her shoes and got her phone and left. She went inside her car and started driving off her garage to Olivia's house.
She was nearby at her house but then stopped driving. Did she really want to do it? She brushed off the voices in her head to go back and kept driving to her house.

She arrived and got out the car. She hesitated to open the gate and go inside. Her fist was inches away from the door. She held her fist there for a good 10 seconds before giving a hesitated knock. 10 seconds later someone opened the door. It was Olivia. "Hey, I didn't know you were coming here" Olivia said, chuckling awkwardly. "Yeah, I wanted to surprise you, I think" Jaclyn said. "Um, can we talk out here?" Jaclyn asked her. "Oh Yeah" Olivia answered.

They sat on the steps in silence. "Why did you leave?" Jaclyn asked softly. "What" Olivia whispered softly. "We kissed, we said we liked eachother and you just left like it didn't mean anything to you, why?" Jaclyn asked Olivia. "Jackie, I never meant to hurt you, when I said I liked you I meant it, I really really did" Olivia told her. "I just panicked and got scared about what was gonna happen next" Olivia finished

Jaclyn scoffed and said "Olivia I told you I was gonna wait for you, you don't just confess your feelings for someone and then kiss and then just walk away" Jaclyn told her. "Look I get it your scared but what about me, what about how I feel, did you not think about how I was gonna feel after" Jaclyn told Olivia. "Jaclyn, i-i'm sorry" Olivia said, realizing this was the first time she called her by her first name.

"God, just stop apologizing" Jaclyn said. They sat in silence for a while just staring at the ground. They turned and faced eachother. "I never meant to hurt you, Jax" Olivia whispered to Jaclyn as they started to lean-in. Their faces were inches apart before Olivia turned. "We shouldn't" Olivia whispered as she turned facing the other side. "Oh my god stop doing this" Jaclyn half yelled, getting up from the stairs. "Doing what" Olivia said obliviously.

"This, leading me on" Jaclyn told her. "I'm not leading you on, I like you" Olivia told her. "Do you or are you just pitting me" Jaclyn told Olivia. "I do I really do" Olivia told her. "I love you Olivia, and I have been making it pretty clear I do" Jaclyn told her. "Oh my god are you in love with Joshua" Jaclyn realized as she sat back down on the stairs. "I don't, I love you not him" Olivia told Jaclyn as she sat down next to her.

"Jackie, I don't think we should be friends anymore" Olivia told Jaclyn staring at her feet. "Seriously" Jaclyn half yelled as she stood back up. "You know what your right, I can't be with someone who just doesn't even love me enough to be with me and is just leading me on" Jaclyn told Olivia. "Screw you Olivia" Jaclyn said as she left before Olivia could reply.

A tear began rolling off Olivia's cheek. She just lost her best friend in the whole world. She couldn't understand why she just did that. She went inside and went to her room. She got a picture she had of her and Jaclyn in her room and sat on her bed. She began to cry herself to sleep, hugging the photo of them.

Meanwhile Jaclyn was in her room laying there. Jennifer was sleeping so she didn't hear her daughter come home. Jaclyn went to the bathroom to wipe the tears that were rolling down her cheeks. She didn't want to cry about it, it was clear it was gonna happen eventually. She took deeps breaths to try to calm down. She laid in her bed and stared at her celling. And then it hit her, she just lost her best friend, one of the most important person in her life.

The end of act 1
