𝐗𝐕. We Can't

Fifteen━━We Can't

γ€Œ β˜„οΈπŸ”₯🧨 」

Real Life


OLIVIA WAS SITTING ON THE BENCH IN HER POARCH. She was waiting for Jaclyn, to be honest, she wasn't sure she was gonna show up. If she was in her shoes, she would've not gone to see her. She was thinking she wasn't gonna go, so she got up and headed towards the door. She was about to open the door before she heard footsteps outside of her house.

"Hey" she said as she saw Jaclyn open her gate. "Hi" Jaclyn mumbled back. "I was starting to think you weren't gonna show up" Olivia said, chuckling awkwardly as Jaclyn made her way to the bench next to her. "Why would why?" Jaclyn replied bitterly. "Right" Olivia whispered. "Look Jaclyn, I'm sorry" Olivia started. "I know you probably hate my guts right now and I don't blame you, like at all." Olivia told her, facing forward. "I don't hate you, Olivia" Jaclyn said before scoffing. "I could never hate you, no matter how hard I try" Jaclyn continued.

They sat in uncomfortable silence as they tried so hard not to make eye contact. "Do you know what you want yet?" Jaclyn asked, breaking the silence whom Olivia was glad she spoke. "Yeah, I've never been more sure" Olivia replied. "That's great" Jaclyn said, nodding looking away from Olivia. "I want you, Jackie" Olivia confessed. Jaclyn sighed, she knew Olivia was gonna say that.

Jaclyn was facing the ground, with her eyes closed. They sat in silence again. Jaclyn finally turned to Olivia, only for their faces to be inches apart. They both leaned in, their foreheads were touching but not their lips. Jaclyn could feel Olivia's breath hitting her face. Olivia could feel her heart beating loudly in her chest.

"No, we can't" Jaclyn whisperd turning her head away from Olivia's. "Why not?" Olivia asked Jaclyn. "Because, i'm with someone and i'm really really happy and I don't mean it to rub it in your face, Olivia" Jaclyn explained. "Well then break up with her, please" Olivia begged. Jaclyn took a deep breath "I can't" she whispered and she relased her breath. "What about me?" Olivia asked. "What about you?" Jaclyn repeated. "What about me, why can you just let me be happy, isn't that what you want" Jaclyn asked her.

"Of course I want you to be happy" Olivia told her. "Then let me be happy, let me be with Lydia" Jaclyn said looking at Olivia. "Tell me you don't love me, that you don't feel this between us" Olivia said reaching for Jaclyn's hands. Their foreheads touched and they stood there, hand in hand. "I-I" Jaclyn stutterd. She couldn't say it, she till loved her but she wouldn't admit it. "I have to go" Jaclyn said, pulling away from Olivia. It hurt her to leave he best friend like that, well ex best friend.

She left her gate and went home. She was holding her emotions in, she didn't want this to happen. This meant they were really over. She went home and her mom was cooking. "Hey honey" she heard her mom greet her from the kitchen. "Hi" she simply replied making her way to her room. She went into her bathroom and washed her face. She wiped the tears that were coming down. She texted Lydia to ask is she could call her. Lydia replied saying yes because she was on a break. They were in the phone laughing and smiling at eachother. Jaclyn really needed this.

Meanwhile, Olivia was in her room writing songs. She was sitting on her bed and writing and crying a bit, obviously. She loved writing songs during times like this. She ended up wrong three songs. They were called 'Happier, Enough For You, 1 step forward, 3 steps back'. She was gonna show them to Daniel, to see of he likes them for the album. She didn't want to get her hopes up that Jaclyn still loves her. She didn't deny it nor confirmed it. She just hopes Jaclyn still felt the same way.
