οΏΌπ•πˆπˆπˆ. Oh My God

Eight━━Oh My God

γ€Œ β˜„οΈπŸ”₯🧨 」


livπŸ€ πŸ§β€β™€οΈ
i think i just realized that
i have feelings for jackie

i'm sorry you realized WHAT

i knew i fucking knew it

your friendship was really fruity

livπŸ€ πŸ§β€β™€οΈ
i'm just confused right?

livπŸ€ πŸ§β€β™€οΈ
i mean she doesn't like me like
that right, were just friends

are you kidding me

you guys are in love

do you not see how nervous
she is around you or how you guys
had your moment and were
so awkward

or how she talks about you when
they ask about you in an interview
saying "she amazing, she is the best person
ever" ect

or how flustered she gets when you
guys show any kind of affection

livπŸ€ πŸ§β€β™€οΈ
alright, alright i get it, but i don't want
to tell her

livπŸ€ πŸ§β€β™€οΈ
i'm confused rn yk like sexuality
confused type of thing

that's okay take your time

yeah, we support you no
matter what

livπŸ€ πŸ§β€β™€οΈ
thanks, i have calmed down now

livπŸ€ πŸ§β€β™€οΈ
i gtg see you guys laterπŸ’—

Real Life


OLIVIA WAS WAITING FOR JACLYN TO ARIVE TO HER HOUSE. They are gonna watch all the Twilight movies since it was their favorite thing to do together. Olivia was getting their food ready for their movie marathon. She ordered food ahead of time so when Jaclyn arrived the food would arrive too. Olivia was obviously nervous about seeing Jaclyn after her confession to her friends.

She didn't want her friendship with Jaclyn to change. She isn't planning on telling her today or ever if possible. She wasn't sure if Jaclyn liked her back, at least she hope she did. She tried to calm herself down so Jaclyn wouldn't suspect that something is going on. They are gonna wear their matching Twilight shirts.

Olivia was finishing setting up their snacks for the movies. She heard someone knock on her front door. She went to go open the door and it revealed Jaclyn. "Jackie, I missed you so much" Olivia said pulling Jaclyn into a hug. "Me too, I fee like we haven't see eachother in a long time" Jaclyn replied. They pulled away and went to sit down on the couch.

"Okay so I ordered food already so it's almost here" Olivia told Jaclyn. "Great, so shall we start the first movie ma'am" Jaclyn said in a fancy tone. "We shall ma'am" Olivia replied also in a fancy tone.

They started the first movie before the food arrived, 15 minutes later. Olivia had ordered chinese food, they always ordered it when they had movie marathons. They began eating and finished the first movie and then started the second movie.

"Hey, i'm gonna use the bathroom i'll be right back" Jaclyn told Olivia. Olivia just humed at her. Olivia was nervous at first but brushed it off. She figured she was nervous for nothing. She was just overreacting.

Jaclyn was shocked over how calm she was. Her feelings for Olivia had growned a lot over the over the past few days, yet she was so calm. Every time she and Olivia made eye contact and smiled at eachother she would get butterflies. She tried to fight her feelings but she couldn't. She used the bathroom then went back to the living room.

"How did you find out?" Olivia asked Jaclyn."Find out what?" Jaclyn asked her. She was confused of what Olivia was trying to ask. "Well that you were you know, gay" Olivia asked her nervously. Jaclyn was taken back at what Olivia was saying. "Oh, well I just realized that guys never took my attention you know, like I never found a guy that I was obsessed with, I just preferred girls more than guys" Jaclyn replied to her question.

"Oh" Olivia replied, not knowing what to say. "Are you questioning yourself, or..." Jaclyn asked not wanting to cross any boundaries. "I-I guess, kind of, it's just confusing" Olivia replied to Jaclyn, chuckling lightly. "Well that's okay, you don't need to label yourself, just be with whoever you want to be with" Jaclyn said, giving Olivia advice. "Thanks, i'm just exploring or questioning whatever it is that i'm doing right now" Olivia said. "You known I would support you no matter what, right?" Jaclyn asked Olivia.

"Yeah, don't worry I just didn't want you to worry or anything, I didn't think it was a big deal" Olivia said. "I just want you to know that i'm here for you no matter what" Jaclyn said. She wasn't mad that Olivia didn't tell her, she was just kind of hurt that she felt like she was gonna make a big deal out of it. But to be honest she probably would have.

The girls just smiled at eachother, they felt at happy. Before they knew it they were both leaning in. It felt right, like it needed to happen. They both melted into the kiss. Butterflies filled both of they stomachs. They ignored the sound of the tv, it was just them and no one else. They got pulled back into reality when they realized what they were doing

Oh My God

They both quickly pulled away from eachother. They didn't know what to say, they just sat there in shock. "It's getting late you should uh you should go" Olivia said, knowing what was gonna happen next. Jaclyn was taken back of what Olivia just said. "Yeah, I should" Jaclyn said, she was kinda pissed Olivia didn't say anything and just basically kicked her out.

She got up and got her stuff and left without saying goodbye. Did Olivia not like her? Of course she doesn't why would she? She just drove home and shook those thoughts away.

Meanwhile Olivia was mentally cursing herself. She didn't want this to happen nor was planning for it to happen, it just did. She slapped her forehand and groaned. "Fuck" she mumbled. She knew telling Jaclyn to leave wasn't the best idea but she panicked. She knew she hurt Jaclyn for that but she couldn't help it. The kiss confirmed she had feelings for her.
