π—π•πˆπˆ. I Love You

Seventeen━━I Love You

γ€Œ β˜„οΈπŸ”₯🧨 」



have you seen this stupidass article?

yeah i saw it last night

are you busy right now?

nope not at all i just woke up a
couple minutes ago

okay, i'll be there in 30

Real Life


JACLYN WAS CURIOUS OF WHY LYDIA WANTED TO TALK TO HER. She figured she had time to get ready and not be in her pajamas when Lydia get's here. She went to take a shower and brush her teeth. After she got ready, she still had a couple of minutes so she decided to eat breakfast. "Good morning honey, what time did you come back here last night?" Jennifer asked her daughter as she put french toast on a plate for her. "Around 9 maybe" Jaclyn answered as she sat down in the table.

"Any plans today?" Jennifer asked her. "Lydia's coming over soon" Jaclyn answered her mom. "Ok, I have this Friends reunion thing in about 2 days, it's in California so i'll probably stay in a hotel or something, depends if i'm too tired to drive for like an hour" Jennifer told her daughter. "Oh mom that's amazing, I missed Court and Lisa, I haven't seen them in a long time" Jaclyn said as she took a sip of her orange juice. They finished eating and Jaclyn was washing the dishes they used when she heard the doorbell go off. "Mom, Lydia's here" Jaclyn yelled to Jennifer. "Okay, i'm cleaning my closet, i'll be up here if you need me" Jennifer yelled back. "Okay" Jaclyn responded.

Jaclyn dried her hands before opening the door. "Hey" she greeted Lydia giving her a quick peck on the lips. They went up to Jaclyn's room and Lydia sat down on the her bed. Jaclyn went to sit on her vanity chair. "So, what did you want to talk about?" Jaclyn asked, giving Lydia her full attention. "Well, I wanted to talk about us" Lydia said as she looked down at the floor. "Oh" Jaclyn looked away, knowing where this was going. "I love you Jaclyn" Lydia said, looking back at Jaclyn.

"Me too Lyds, I love you" Jaclyn told her back. "That's the thing Jackie, i'm not the person you're supposed to love" Lydia told her in a serious tone. "I'm sorry, what" Jaclyn asked, clearly confused of what Lydia was saying. "Look Jaclyn, you have made me the happiest I have ever been and I truly believe that you don't belong with me" Lydia tried to explain. "What are you trying say?" Jaclyn asked her.

"You don't love me like you love Olivia and i'm okay with that, you guys belong together" Lydia explained to her. Jaclyn furred her brows in response. This hurt Lydia because she really loved Jaclyn. "I have to let you go, I want you to be happy and you'll be happier with her" Lydia told her with a small smile. "Lydia I" Jaclyn said taking a short pause. "I meant it, when I love you" Jaclyn explained. She really did love Lydia, she wasn't a rebound or anything, she was her girlfriend.

"I know you did, now go" Lydia said standing up, giving Jaclyn a hand which she accepted. "Go get your girl, Jackie" Lydia said pulling her out of the room. Lydia got Jaclyn's car keys and handed them to her. "Go, drive to her house and tell her that you love her" Lydia ordered her. "Yes ma'am" Jaclyn said as she took the car keys. She got into her car and drove off. After seeing Jaclyn leave, Lydia got into her car and drove back home.

Jaclyn would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous. She was pulling up to Olivia's house, she needed more time. She took a deep breath and mentally talked to herself. She got out the car and went to knock on the door. She waited for about 30 seconds before she heard footsteps coming closer to the door. Olivia opened the door and her eyes widened as she didn't expect Jaclyn to go over. "Jackie I-" Olivia was about to say until Jaclyn cut her off by slamming their lips together. Olivia's eye widened but the she immediately melted into the kiss. It felt right, sparks were flying, butterflies filled both of their stomachs.

Eventually, they both pulled away. "I love you" Jaclyn said as soon as they pulled away. "What about Lydia" Olivia said as she pulled herself back into reality, remembering about the brunette's girlfriend. "We're done. she broke up with me" Jaclyn replied. "I love you too" Olivia replied with a smile on her face. The girls just looked at eachother, smiling. "Jackie, do you wanna be my girlfriend" Olivia asked breaking the silence. Jaclyn smilled even more and replied "I would love to Olivia". Olivia pulled her in for a quick kiss. "Come inside" Olivia said.

The girls spend the day watching movies and cuddling. "Hey Liv, quick question, how many song in Sour were about me" Jaclyn asked. "Well, I-mostly all of them" Olivia answered. "Cool" Jaclyn told her. Eventually, Jaclyn had to go back home. The girls said their goodbyes and she went home. She was happy they were finally together and happy. Although she was hurt and felt bad for Lydia. She was a great person and an amazing girlfriend. She deserved a better girlfriend not some girl who was secretly in love with her best friend. Jaclyn just wished she would end up with a great girl that she deserves.
