Worries From Hell

Loona sat in her seat, her head propped up on her hand watching as the second hand on the clock ticked by. As she waited for the class to end her mind wandered towards the student that had to be practically dragged out of class to the nurses office. A strange sensation passed through her body as through she had known him from somewhere, except for the fact she knew she'd never seen him before in her life. "Weird" she thought, her train of mind was interrupted by the repetitive ringing of the bell, well repetitive ringing for everyone else that has heard it millions of times throughout their stay at ZPA. Loona gently gathered all of her issued school items plus some extras placing them into her bag, slinging it over her shoulder she exited making her way towards the nurses office with a few wrong turns here and there. 

After some help from a few students she was finally able to find the nurses office, Loona may have not know the boy, but still wanted to at least see if he was okay. Three heavy, but gentle knocks were laid upon the frosted glass pane door, alerting a certain nurse to a visitor. The nurse creaked open the door revealing a black and gray hellhound where Sam was hunched over a fellow student about an hour and some minutes prier. Loona fumbled with the strap of her book bag trying to keep it from slipping off her shoulder, but unbeknownst to her, kekou stood in the doorway with her hands behind her back wondering why this cute little hellhound was here at her office. Was someone hurt and needed her assistance? Once Loona finally got her bag fixed from continuously slipping she looked up coming eye to eye with the school nurse Miss Kekou.

 She was startled, but quickly regained her composure as quickly as she lost it. She looked Miss Kekou up and down with the sound of the clock ticking a chatter of passing students being the only thing breaking the silence. To her surprise Kekou's tall stature and skinny almost stick like frame reminded her of someone she's seen on TV down in hell, she just couldn't remember their name. "Is there something I may help you with miss?" Kekou spoke snapping Loona out of her thoughts, a blush made it's way on her face as she realized she'd been staring for way too long to be normal "O-oh I'm sorry my names Loona, I'm looking for someone who was brought here earlier from Creature Studies and I just wanted to make sure they were okay."

Kekou rummaged through her memory of the few students that came into her office remembering the boy on the verge of passing out "Oh! You must be thinking of Sam. I'm sorry to say, but he actually left about ten minutes before you arrived towards the counselor's office. could point you in the direction if you'd like?" Loona mulled it over in her head, but shook her head "No, it's fine I'm sure I'll run into him at some point today, but thank you for the offer" She turned away to head off to her next class after getting some much needed directions from Miss Kekou. "Such a sweet girl, I hope her stay in Safe Haven is exciting." 

(Sorry for the REALLY late chapter if you even wanna call it that. i needed to put this little one out just so I can get this story back on track to where I need it to be. I had to reread everything I wrote just to remember what was going on and make sure I'm putting stuff in the right place. Stories not done, just got to get back into writing it when I can, job doesn't really let me focus on it much. Anyways I'll see you guys in the next chapter soon, a lot is about to go down. Just hope I've got time to work on it, sleep shall be sacrificed.)
