Journey Through Safe Haven

The tray that once held food lay resting, cleared of its contents besides an empty glass. Sam had already taken a shower that was shown to him earlier by Jack, now he was getting in the clothes provided. They were a little loose on him, but he didn't mind since all of his clothes were more loose making it easier for him to move around in. Once he finished Sam went to exit the room taking one last glance before shutting the door with an audible click. He turned around and began walking down the hall towards the living room. While doing so he browsed the many pictures of friends and family, only to stop on a particular photograph of what could only be Jack's parents. Sam took in every detail of the photo, but then realized that there weren't any current pictures of Jack's father and that Jack and his father were never in the same photo. That could only lead to one conclusion, but before he could think it Jack appeared from behind the corner. "Hey Sam, I invited one of my friends to tag along, is that ok?" He asked tilting his head to the side. Sam nodded while walking closer to him, before they went to leave the house he took one last look at the photo deciding to ask about it later.

Once they had left Jack's house they started chatting up a storm. Sam was surprised to say the least, but he ended up having a lot in common with Jack from outer space to culinary. As their walk neared the flea market Sam was starting to get curious of what Jack's friend was like. "H-hey Jack? Your friend that we're meeting, what's he like?" He asked while staring at him waiting for an answer. "Well to say the least, he gives off a big brother vibe, but he's very kind and all around a great guy and I can't think of not having him in my life." He smiles looking forward. "Sounds like I'll get along with him, he actually sounds a bit like my friend back from where I came from." Sam looks towards Jack then looks forward seeing and arch leading to some kind of flea market somewhat filled with all different types of creatures. "Well I'm sure you'll both get along great!" Walking in Sam was over whelmed to say the least from all the different stores and item on display. While Jack texted his friend to find out where to meet, Sam was busy browsing a near by antique boutique with a vast collection of old and damaged pieces from the past. As he was walking around the shelves he notice an old worn box in the far back underneath a cloth making it barely visible to the naked eye. Removing the cloth and unlatching the lock that sealed it revealed an old worn-out notebook, the yellow color faded and the corner torn. After a bit of debating in his head he closed the box and bought it, stuffing it into the bag Jack was so kindly to let him borrow. Luckily the money he had still had value here which seemed odd, but he was thankful for it.

Sam met back up with Jack seeing as he was gone for a good few minutes. Him and his friend had decided on a place to meet at, so Jack started heading that way with Sam in tow. Soon enough they heard someone yelling, turning towards the person making the ruckus Sam sees some sort of chimera creature, from the looks of it this seems to be the friend Jack mentioned as he'd walked over all ready without him noticing. He started to get lost in thought of things most people would think were trivial like making a good first impression or what if he turned out to be an utter jerk, but before he could get any further, he was pulled out of his trance by Jack grabbing his shoulder. "Hey, you ok Sam?" He stared at you with a worried look "Y-yeah, I'm fine just lost in thought, that's all" Sam responded giving him a weak, but honest smile. Jack nodded then lead Sam over to his friend, Sam took a deep breath too calm him down as he stop right in front of him.

He stuck out his hand with a calm and gentle smile "Hey, my names Zill." Just as he did that, the feeling of worry and fear all went away in that split moment. Sam took Zill's hand and shook it firmly with a genuine smile, no worries were present, just a pleasant smile. "My names Sam" he said then released his hand from Zill's grasp. With introductions out of the way Sam, Jack, and Zill moseyed on throughout the market stepping into shops from time to time checking out the products for sale, some to which were normal but other items were a little odd, more to Sam than the others. It seemed to be hours before finally leaving. They all joked and laughed throughout the day, eventually making it to their final stop.

Zoo Phoenix Academy

Walking up the steps Sam was amazing at how massive and elegant the structure was. Compared to his old school, this place was 5 mansions smooshed into one. Frankly he wished he lived in Safe Haven just so he could go here. As all three of them entered the building they passed a giant white marble arch with a yin and yang symbol carved into the elegant stone work. Sam looked around taking in the sights of this school while Jack and Zill led the way to the principal's office to hopefully find out why Sam was here and how they could send him back or if they could send him back. Finally coming to an open area, Sam could see this is the main lobby see as all of the subject wings branched off into their own respect hallways. Jack and Zill turned his attention away and led him towards a door which read 'Principal's Office.' He swallowed the lump in his throat and knocked on the door. A low soothing voice answered "Come in." Sam opened the door and went wide eyed seeing a giant cheetah sitting behind a desk looking directly at him.

"Hello there, my name is Zechariah, is there something I can help you with?" He said with a mono toned expression.

(Hey there wonderful readers, I wanted to let you know this up coming week I'll be away from my computer cause I'll be flying back to Colorado for my graduation, but when I get back I'll make sure to write a chapter and put it out by next Saturday (a.k.a the 11th. Please leave a comment if you have any questions or thoughts for my story and I might just decide to figure out a way to put them in ^w^)
