A Much Need Chat

A quickened pace with foot steps echoing through the halls emitted from Sam as he made his way towards the Counselor's Office. Reaching the half way point the bell rang, in a matter of seconds the halls were brimming with a variety of students of different species. Sam started to sprint through the crowed halls as best as he could without knocking people over, not wanting to get stuck in the bustle of students, but with his luck Sam winded up crashing into a familiar lab wearing a worn out red and white letterman jacket. Now on the ground mirroring each other as they tried to recollect their baring's from the collision. Rusty was the first to stand back up with Sam following suit, "What the hell do you think you're doing freak?"

Rusty's face shifted to one of concern, but ever so slightly so as no one was to notice. What he saw was a person not fully there emotionally, as if the world around him was crashing down desperately trying to hold the pieces together. Sam fumbled with his words trying to form some sort of apology, but all it ended up doing it just confirming Rusty's thoughts. He truly felt sorry for him, at this very moment Sam reminded Rusty of himself when he's at home... alone with his father. He couldn't bring himself to be his usual arrogant asshole self right now, Rusty let out a tired sigh and kneeled down helping Sam grab all of his thing then standing him up, "Just get out of here loser, but I'll be looking for you later, remember that." Sam's face along with students near who saw the whole interaction showed astound expressions, he wanted to ask why he wasn't getting pummeled at that very instant, but realized that probably wasn't the smartest move so all was said was a quiet thank you and rushed off to his desired destination.

After Sam had left the hall returned to normal with a yell from Rusty "What the hell are you all lookin at?!" Everyone went back to what they were doing with Rusty about to do the very same, something on the ground caught his eye. He picked up now realizing it to be an old polaroid photo, he looked closer at it finding Sam quiet quickly. Sam was in between three other guys next to a tree with a quite beautiful mountain in the background. He gazed at the heartwarming photo for a few seconds before putting it away in his jacket pocket planning on returning it when he had the chance to talk with Sam one on one.

The familiar oak wood door from before came into view as Sam rounded the corner, relief washed over his once tensed body as he gripped the cold knob sending a shiver down his spine. He turned the handle and pushed open the door letting it creep open, knocking on the half open door notifying the gingered hared woman know of his presence. The slender red headed woman moved her gaze from the papers on her desk towards the figure poking his head into the room. "U-um Ms. Walden sorry to bother you" Sam stepped into the room still holding onto the door knob incase of needing to leave, "May I speak to you please?" Her face holding a curious look flipped to a gentle smiling one motioning him to come in and close the door. She motioned for him to sit down in one of the bean bag to which he obeyed willingly, "Of course, I don't have any meetings with a student till later this evening." Her smile put Sam at ease letting his body relax into the bean bag while letting his bag slide off his shoulder onto the floor next to him, mentally thanking Sahara for bring his bag to him while being laid up in the nurse office.

The two human sat in her office letting silence take over besides the clock ticking, counting the seconds go by as it hung on the warm autumn colored wall, "Is there anything specific you'd like to talk about that's bothering you Mr....?" She opened a side drawer pulling out a simplistic black ink pen and a tan notebook with a singular white tree etched into the cover, flipping through the pages before stopping on a blank one ready to jot down any notes she dreams worthy of circling back to in future discussions between them. "Kendex... m-my name is Samuel Kendex, but I'd prefer it if you'd call me Sam" he gave a shy smile towards her then looked down to his hands as he fumbled with them, "And I'd like discuss a dream I had... more so like a nightmare really, I keep having it and as crazy as it sounds, it's slowly coming true." Sam crossed his arms rubbing the cloth of his sleeves between his fingers showing his anxiety rearing its head again. Her head tilted slightly to the right while showing a somewhat confused expression from his answer, "You can just call me Cameron, Sam, and if I may why do you think this... nightmare of yours is coming true?" A deep breath in and out calmed his nerves enough to allow him to explain his problem, but just enough he didn't want to over load her with all of his problems.

Just wanting to let loose some stress that's been balled up inside of him. "Well where do I start? When I started these... dreams, I'd always see my brother at the very end every... single... time... Then I saw him here in Safe Haven which shouldn't be possible what so ever. And this morning I had the same dream as always, but this time towards the end instead of my brother I saw this hellhound, dying in my arms, my clothes were covered in her blood." He shuddered at the thought remembering every detail as if actually happened, "It was... overwhelming to say the least. My brain is scattered and I just don't know what to do anymore Cameron." Sam brushed a hand through his unkempt hair finishing his explanation, his stomach was doing flips it seemed like just wanting this whole experience to be over with.

Cameron just sat there finishing up her notes she took throughout his telling of what's been happening recently in Sam's life, then laid the pen to rest beside her notebook. She took a couple moments to formulate a rational thought of the story, but it showed to be quite difficult for her to put it into words. "Sam I... I am truly lost for words on what to say here, Zecharia explained to me on how you first arrived here in Safe Haven, and with what you've told me, you might have been brought here for a reason or possibly completely on accident. I honestly don't know Sam, but one thing I am sure of is everything will work out in the end, things, people, and events will come and go. Mistakes will be made and lessons will be learned, you'll become a better person by the time all this is over." From the information she gathered from his story and all the years she spent getting her degree in counselling allowed her to mix up a cocktail of useful information. To be honest Cameron was completely lost on the information she was told, the dreams he's having, people showing up here without explanation, it was almost as if he was a seer, someone who's able to predict the future.

Before she came to this place she'd never consider this ever happening even now it still baffles her, and she's met the devil's nephew, helping him out with if own anxieties and issues. As silence consumed the room She made a mental note to discuss with Zecharia about these dreams Sam's been having, normally she would divulge anything about the conversations had in this room, but in the back of her mind fear and worry flared up about harm the may come to the students. As time passed they moved on to more lighter subjects as to how he was adjusting a liking the academy or any classes he was more fond of than others. Their conversation went on for about another hour till the ringing of the bell halted their discussion. "Oh my, guess I lost track of time, you better be heading off to your next class if you don't wanna be late." Sam nodded a little disappointed their conversation ended, he stood up placing he bag over his should and turned to exit the same way he entered.

Sam turned around before leaving, facing Cameron with a gentle smile on his face "Cameron... thank you, this talk was very helpful." She mirrored his smile, genuinely glad she could help him in some way with his mental state, "I'm just glad i could help, try and stay positive okay?... and maybe talk to that hellhound." She gave a light smirk towards seeing Sam turn a light shade of pink from her comment as he walked out shutting the door behind him Cameron waited a few minutes before making a much needed call to Zecharia with the first words coming out of her mouth, "We need to talk about Sam."
