Honest Opinions

The room was mostly a brown color, lighter and darker shades in different areas. Sam was pulled out of his trance by the Cheetah, now known as Zechariah "Is there anything I can help you with?" He repeated the same question from before, but with a more curious tone. Sam looked back at Jack and Zill with them motioning for him to go forward. Stepping closer to Zechariah he felt anxiety creep up his spine under the cheetah's gaze. "H-hopefully you can" Sam said looking straight into his eyes. He took a deep breath relaxing himself "My name is Sam Kendex, and I'm not supposed to be here, I was shoved into this... portal by someone and it brought me here. I was hoping you would be able to help me in some way and send me back to my world." He watched Zechariah's expression go from shock, to contemplating, and finally to stern saddened one. By this point, Sam knew what he was about to hear wasn't going to be good.

"I'm not going to lie to you Mr. Kendex, but I don't think there is anything I can do to help you, and I am truly sorry for that." As he said that, Zechariah showed a face of sorrow, but Sam could see slight anger in his eye. The feeling of sadness started over coming him as he thought about his friends and family that he wouldn't see ever again. With the thought flooding his head, he walked out of the office and sat against the wall taking deep breaths as tears started to stream down his face. About five or six minutes passed before Jack and Zill walked out and found Sam with his head on his knees, they walked over and crouched down to his level. Jack was the first to react by putting his hand on his back rubbing in small circle like motions "It's ok, your going to be fine" Sam just stayed silent, but at this point the tears had stopped. "You're gonna be staying at my house for another day or two until Zechariah can settle on where your going to live."

He looked up from the floor and stood, using the wall as support. After a few seconds of just standing there he pulled Jack into a hug which he was glad to return. Sam took sharp, shaky breaths calming himself to where he pulled away from the hug. He took one last deep breath then looked at Jack and Zill, he gave a slight smile showing that everything was going to be ok. After the whole interaction, the three of them exited the academy grounds in order to wonder around in hopes of cheering him up from the terrible news he had just received.

As they walked through the forest on their way back to Jack's house he started to get lost in thought. Sam was truly saddened by the thought of never seeing any of his friends or family ever again, but he looked on the brighter side and thought of this as an opportunity. An opportunity to better himself, become the person he had always wanted to be, the one who would stand up for the little guy. He tightened his grip on the strap of the backpack as he looked forward towards the two creatures he'd just met and smiled. In the back of his mind he just knew they'd be friends for a long time.

(I'm really sorry for this being late and for the short chapter. I've just been really busy, but next chapter i hope to get it out by Saturday and hopefully it'll be longer than the others)
