Spilled Truths

The walk to the academy was filled with silence and a hint of fear of what's to come. Sam told Jack he needed to tell everyone what has happened... and why he's been so distant for the past few weeks. Jack texted Kayla and Zill to meet them in the back of the auditorium. It was the weekend so not many students were inside the academy besides the ones that had practice for their various sports and the ones that went to the school's weekend activities that were provided. They both entered making their way the the auditorium, passing by posters showing off clubs or reminders for any up coming stuff the school has planned. No student's were insight which Sam was glad for, less people to eaves drop on the up coming conversation. Soon enough they had reached the door to the auditorium and entered with an audible creak emitting from the doors hinges creating a slight echo throughout the room. Sam look onward towards the stage seeing two figures talking with each other, then turning to face him with worried expressions plastered on their faces staring right back at him.

He was scared of what everyone's reaction was going to be. Would it be one of understanding, hatred, utter disappointment? There are too many possibilities of how they will react, but he'd rather have them be safe and hate him than to be clueless and be dead. Sam stopped at the lip of the stage with Jack by his side and Kayla and Zill sitting on the stage. Zill was the first to speak as he turned his full attention to Sam. "Now are you gonna tell us why you've been so distant for the past few weeks or what?" He crossed his arms waiting for him to answer. He could tell Zill was a little frustrated with his behavior, but also wanted to make sure he was still ok. "I-I'm really sorry to all of you for the way I've been acting, I-I just don't wanna see you guys get hurt from my past mistakes" he sighed hanging his head looking towards the ground.

Hearing what he said about not wanting them to get hurt had them all confused and wanting to know more. Kayla leaned forward with a calm expression wanting him to explain himself so they could get the rest of the story "What do you mean by keep us safe? Safe from what?" Sam pulled his gaze from the floor looking into her sky blue eyes. Guilt started to over come him so he took a deep shaky breath and breathed out calming himself down. "I-I've been having... nightmares every night about my brother, each time they seem to get more and more realistic. He always said he'd be seeing me soon, but I never thought it was real cause... he's supposed to be dead." He looked at his friends for anything, but there was nothing... just silence. With no reaction he continued "I never thought anything of it... until just a few hours ago."

Jack raised an eye brow looking him in the eyes "So what happened a few hours ago?" He put his hand on Sam's shoulder nodding him to tell them the rest. "A few hours ago I was exploring an abandoned house to get some really nice pictures, and when I went up stairs I heard arguing so I peaked through the door and saw my... my brother standing there alive and breathing, but he was acting different... colder. He was with two others and they were talking about attacking the school... then they saw me and I ran" he finished sitting down in one of the nearby chair relaxing a bit finally getting that off of his chest. It felt like a 100 pound weight was lifted from him. He rested his head in his hand that was propped up on the arm rest, Sam sighed rubbing his temple.

Jack sat down in the chair across the aisle while the others stayed seated on the lip on the stage. There was a moment of silence as everyone needed some time to take in what was just said. Zill was the first to break the silence "I think the best thing we can do right now is to tell Zechariah what has happened so he can prevent anything from happening" he hopped down looking directly at Sam reaching out his hand, "You should be the one to explain it to him, then we can go back to Jack's place and talk more about your nightmare." He nods his head grasping onto his hand and getting pulled up to his feet. They all walked in silence to the principal's office all concerned of what might happen. Soon the students arrived and gave a light knock on the frosted-like glass window waiting for a response, a few seconds pass before hearing the familiar cheetahs voice.

After they all had entered the room, shutting the door behind them, Zill started to explain what has been happening the past few weeks then Sam continued explaining why he's been doing all of this as well as explaining what he saw earlier in the day. The principal contemplated on what action he should take with the information he has been given and decided the best thing right now would to go home and just relax till Monday came around. By then he would have discussed with the other teachers and come up with a plan of action. They all nod and started to walk out with Sam being the last. "Sam, I'm sorry your stay here in Safe Haven hasn't been the best" Zechariah said with an expression of sorrow for the young student. Sam sent a weak smile at him "I'll be ok... I've been through worse." Before Zechariah could say another word he left the room to head back to Jack's house with the rest of his friends.

Zechariah sighed with his ears flattening to the back of his head. This was going to cause much stress the large cheetah didn't need. He raised his tail that had a watch with a black leather strap and an electronic face plate fastened to his tail, he spoke into the watch "Carrie could you come to my office please, we have a problem." A few seconds passed before there was a response from a southern sounding woman "What's the problem Zech? Did a creature break through through the barrier?" He rubbed his eye's with his paw before answering "It's a possibility, it has something to do with one of your students." In response he got a little attitude, but in a joking kind of way "I have a lot of students taking my class Zech, you're gonna have to be more specific."

"Sam Kendex" there was no response on the other side.

(Hey I finally got the chapter out! I'm thinking of doing a love interest maybe with one of the character. I'm kind of leaning towards Vanexa which I'll find a wat to introduce her into the story if I do. So let me know who you'd like to see as the love interest or if you have any comments on this chapter or the others)
