Within the Darkness


The one word that tumbled throughout his mind once he saw the one hellhound he didn't want to see. It could have been anyone or anything but had to be her. The girl from his dreams, normally that would make him chuckle, but with how his dreams are going lately it just scares him. "Hello everyone, my name is Loona and I'm sure you've heard of the rumor, yes it's true, I'm from hell." she sat back down in the seat two rows behind Sam, he turned his gaze back to the front of the class as sweat started to drip down his worried expression.

The palms of his hands were damp with sweat and his face turned pale, the feeling of becoming sick was growing with every passing second. A sophomore named Sahara was busy finishing up some homework for her upcoming classes when the feeling to look to her left pricked at her thought process. What she saw was Sam, one of Addison's close friends and someone she'd consider an acquaintance look like he was either going to pass out or spill his guts all over the floor. Immediately she raised her hand calling out to Carrie, "Carrie I think Sam's about to puke!" She yelled as she started moving him out of his seat and towards the door. Carrie hurried overlooking him over and quickly deciding to him to the nurse's office.

"Sahara take him to the nurses office now, then come back for his bag." She nodded then guided him towards the door as Sam weakly tried to argue that he was completely fine. Loona watched as Sam was drug out of the class by the young witch, she made a mental note to go and see if he's OK once class concluded. Sahara closed the door behind them and struggled helping the wobbling, well more like stumbling friend not to fall on the way to the nurse's office. They finally got there with Sam falling to the ground only once, she felt bad, but nothing really could've been done about it since he's 6'1" and she's 5'7".

Three knocks on the frosted glass pane door were heard, Keiko looked up from her stack of papers and thousands of sticky notes that laid like a blanket across her desk. She stood up shuffling over to the door swinging it open with a slight creak emitting from the hinges, revealing a young witch, Sahara with a deathly pale Sam practically crushing her. "Oh my, quick come in come in!" She waved the two students in pointing towards an empty hospital bed off to the left of the messy desk. Sahara set Sam down gently making sure he didn't fall over again, then released her grip from his arm once she was positive he wasnt gonna fall off the bed.

Keiko came over with a glass of water and set it down on the bed side table, then pulled Sahara away to question her about what happened leading up to this leaving Sam alone with his thoughts, which was not the best idea. He could barely hear the mumbles of their conversation, but his thoughts soon took over. Why was she here in Safe Haven? How is it even possible she exists? And most importantly... why him?

This thought has crossed his path before originally, he thought it was just bad luck, like a black cat crossing your path, breaking mirrors, walking under ladders bad luck. After living in this world and having these reoccurring nightmares, seeing his dead brother among the living again... it just feels as if there's a game of chess being played and he's a pawn in a much grander scheme, the feeling one no one would like.

The air was chilling, the type of cold that would send a shiver down anyone's spine. In the center of the darkly lit room was a metallic bowl filled just about to the brim with a dark, red liquid. A figure dressed in a ragged worn-out robe, stood towering over the bowl, listening carefully as it spoke to them. A crooked grin crept onto their face as they leaned back reaching for a crusty, fogged, dark green bottle and let a singular drop fall into the crimson goo. It began to move and ripple, then leaned in again and spoke "We'll start three days from now, when least expected." Seconds passed before they nodded receiving the reply they were expecting. A smile that radiated pure evil emerged, "The pieces are in place, so lets play a little."

(Sorry for the short chapter, but I wanted to get this little one out of the way so it could progress the way I need it too. So, I'm going to get the next chapter started tomorrow after class when I have the free time. See you then!)
