
Final class of the day, history. Sam's eyes nearly fell closed as she tried to focus on her book. The teacher handed her, her test. B+. Last night had been tough. After the fight with Scott, she and him went home. He hadn't talked to her since then. And then, to make it worse, Derek called, saying hunters were out again. Oh and she got shot. Derek told her it was nothing serious, that her body would reject it. It was, because she felt like hell.

"If Derek isn't the Alpha, if he's not the one who bit you, then who did?"

"I don't know."

"Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?"

"I don't know."

"Does Allison's dad know about the Alpha?"

"I don't know! Jeez." Oh and, the two still had to tell Stiles. The teacher past Scott, handing him his test.

"Dude, you need to study more." Scott looked scared. "That was a joke. Scott, it's one test. You're gonna make it up. Do you want help studying?"

"No. I'm studying with Allison after school today." Stiles slapped him on the shoulder.

"That's my boy." Sam, having enough, held up her hand.

"Sir, can I go to the bathroom?" The teacher nodded and Sam quickly left, feeling the boys staring at her retreating form. She had just excited the classroom when she hunched over, puking all over the floor. She didn't even look up as a warm hand appeared on her back, rubbing it. Minutes past and Sam finally found the energy to look up. Derek stared at her with concerned eyes.

"Derek, what are you doing here?" He didn't answer, instead he swung her arm across his shoulders.

"Can you walk?" Sam nodded. Derek started to move her to the exit, his pace fast but his hold gentle. Just as they reached the door the school bell rang, breaking Sam's concentration. She jolted out of Derek's arm, into the bushes. She puked again, much more violent than before. Derek remained by her, waiting for it to pass. It finally did and the two resumed their way. The driveway was much busier now, seeing the school was done but no one paid them any mind.

"Just hold on" Derek muttered. He just had to get her out of sights so he could speed them away. They crossed the driveway when Derek stopped. A car honked, people turned to them. That was when Sam's energy finally left her and she passed out.



Scott ran to the two werewolf's who laid in front of Stiles car. Derek had caught Sam before her head hit the ground but now she wasn't moving.

"What happened?" He slid to the ground, checking his sister. She was pale and cold but there was no sign of injury.

"She's shot." Stiles, who had joined them, looked at them, panicking

"How- why ?"

"Why isn't she healing?" Derek shook his head.

"She can't. It was a different kind of bullet." Stiles looked between them, very confused.

"A silver bullet?" Derek glared at him.

"No, you idiot.

"Wait, wait. That's what she meant when with 48 hours."


"Who said 48 hours?"

"The one who shot her." Scott shook his head. "Help me to put her in your car." He opted. He reached out to grab her when Derek beat him to it, lifting Sam from the ground by himself. Stiles quickly ran to the car and opened it. Derek placed Sam into the backseat and got in as well. Stiles looked at Scott but all he could do was shrug. Stiles got into the car and Derek turned to Scott.

"I need you to find out what kind of bullet they used."

"How the hell am I supposed to do that?"

"'Cause she's an Argent. She's with them."

"Why should I help you?"

"If you don't, she dies." Scott's eyes widen.

"Oke, I'll get the bullet." He stepped back and Stiles drove off.


15 minutes later

"We're almost there." Stiles back. Derek looked up from Sam.

"Almost where?" Stiles rolled his eyes, trying not to glare into the mirror.

"The hospital."

"What? No, you can't take her there." Derek barked. Stiles huffed.

"I can't take her to the hospital?"

"Yeah, take her to the hospital, where she can shift in front of hundreds people ." With a jerk of the wheel, Stiles placed the car at the side of the road. He turned around, facing Derek.

"All right. What happens if Scott doesn't find the little magic bullet?" Derek glared right back.

"She will die" Stiles fell silent for a moment before he chuckled.

"Yeah right, Sam's not like you" Derek took a deep, irritated breath.

"You really are stupid. She is a werewolf. She got bitten, just like Scott." He stopped and looked sideways to see Sam starting to move. The two watched her wiggle a bit before she stopped again. Derek took a hold of her arm and lifted the sleeve. There on her arm sat a large red/blackish hole, where the bullet had dug itself into her skin. The skin around the whole was turning black with veins and blisters sticking out. Stiles cringed.

"Oh, my God. What is that?" Derek looked up.

"Start the car." When Stiles didn't move his eyes flashed dangerously. "Now."

"I don't think you should be barking orders right now, okay? In fact, I think if I wanted to, I could probably kick your little werewolf ass out into the middle of the road and take Sam home myself."

"Start the car, or I'm gonna rip your throat out - With my teeth." Stiles gulped and started the car.


30 minutes later.

Slowly the sky started to turn darker and darker. Sam was started to move more and more and Derek was very sure she would shift soon. Finally, Stiles decided to call Scott.

"What am I supposed to do with them?"

"Take them somewhere, anywhere."Stiles ran a hand trough his hair.

"And, by the way, she's starting to smell." Scott fell silent.

"Like - like what?"

Stiles glanced in the mirror to see Sam, even more pale than before. He gulped. "Like death."

"Okay, take her to the animal clinic."

"What about your boss?"

"He's gone by now. There's a spare key in the box behind the dumpster." Stiles sighed, handing the phone to Derek, starting the car again.

"You're not gonna believe where he's telling me to take her" Derek frowned.

"Did you find it?"

"How am I supposed to find one bullet? They have a million. This house is like - the fricken Walmart of guns."

"Look, if you don't find it, then she's dead, all right?"

"I'll find it"



They finally reached the clinic. Stiles opened the door and Derek carried Sam inside. Stiles stopped however when he got a text.

"Does Northern blue monkshood mean anything to you?" Derek placed Sam on the examination bed and nodded.

"It's a rare form of wolfsbane. He has to bring me the bullet."


"'Cause she's gonna die without it." Both men stood over the girl, staring at the face that had almost lost all its colour. Derek reached over and ripped off her sleeve. Stiles cringed again.

"Okay. You know, that really doesn't look like anything some echinacea and a good night of sleep couldn't take care of."

"When the infection reaches her heart, It'll kill her."

"Positivity, just isn't in your vocabulary, is it?" Derek walked to one the cabinets, opening all the drawers, eventually taking out a bone saw. He held it up.

"If he doesn't get here with the bullet in time - Last resort."

"Which is?"

"We're gonna cut off her arm."

"Oh, my God. What if she bleeds to death?" Stiles shrieked. Derek ignored him and started binding off Sam's arm.

"It'll heal if it works."

"Ugh. Look - I don't know if I can do this."

"Why not?"

"Well, because of the cutting through the flesh, the sawing of the bone, and especially the blood!"

"You faint at the sight of blood?"

"No, but I might at the sight of a chopped - off arm!"

"All right, fine. I'll do it, but you're going to keep quiet, or I'm gonna cut off your head." Stiles took a step back, just as a groan reached their ears.

"Sam!" Stiles breathed, very glad she was awake.

"Can you both just shut up!" She barked, her eyes slowly opening. Her iris's lid up yellow and Stiles quickly stepped back. She sat up. "Bucket" She gulped. Stiles reacted quickly, handing her the trash can that was next to him. Sam took it and threw up again. It stopped quickly and she handed Stiles the bucket back. He cringed at the contents. Black puke.

"Holy God, what the hell is that?" Sam groaned and laid back down.

"Please tell me the bullet is out" Both men fell silent, staring at her. How were they going to explain this.


Stiles looked up. "Scott?"

Scott ran into the room, his eyes widen as he noticed Sam was awake.

"Sam!" He noticed the bucked Stiles was holding. "What's that?"

"Oh, just a lifetime of nightmares."

"Did you get it?" Derek butted in, not in the mood for jokes, seeing Sam nearly faint again. Scott handed him the bullet. Derek quickly took it, bit open the top and held the contents in his hands.

"What are you gonna do with it?"

"Hold her still" The boys did as told, Stiles took her left shoulder and Scott the right. With one fast movement Derek smeared the herb into Sam's wound, putting it deep into it. Immediately Sam shot up, at least tried to, her eyes flaring and her teeth bared. The boys struggled to hold her down, Derek even helped. After at least 5 minutes she finally calmed down. They all took a deep breath. Sam let her head fall back into the table, completely drained.

"Sam? Sam!" Sam groaned.

"I'm fine. Just tired",

"Are you okay?" She pushed herself up.

"Well, except for the agonizing pain." Scott laughed.

"She's fine" Stiles patted Sam's back, casting a glance at her arm. The mark was completely gone, only a small white dot remaining.

"Okay, we saved her life" Scott started, turning to Derek. "-which means you're gonna leave us alone, you got that? And if you don't, I'm gonna go back to Allison's dad, and I'm gonna tell him everything - " Sam rolled her eyes, swinging her legs of the table.

"You're gonna trust them? You think they can help you?"

"Well, why not? They're a lot freaking nicer than you are."

"I can show you exactly how nice they are."Derek clenched his jaw and walked out of the door.

"Derek" Sam called. He stopped and turned around. "Thank you" Derek nodded and left. Scott sighed.

"Can you take her home?" Scott asked Stiles. He nodded, not about to leave Sam alone. Scott nodded as well and followed Derek.


"Why didn't you tell me?" Stiles asked. Sam sighed, looking up from the window.

"I don't know. Maybe because you and Scott have been extremely protective of me, and I wanted to help for once" Stiles fell silent. "I'm sorry" Sam added after a while. Stiles cast her a look.

"Tell me next time" Sam nodded, turning back to the road.

"I will, I promise. No more secrets." Stiles smiled.

"How is it, being a predator of the night?" Sam chuckled.

"Apart from getting shot, pretty awesome"
