
"This is gonna be impossible, you know." Scott nearly whined, walking besides Sam and Stiles into the school building. After a thrilling car chase the night before Derek had told them that the key to finding the alpha was Allison's necklace.

"Why don't you just ask her if you can borrow it?" Stiles tried with a shrug.


"How about, 'Hey, Allison, can I borrow your necklace'" Sam smirked. Scott stopped and stared at his friends.

"'- to see if there's anything on it or in it'" Stiles continued. "-that can lead me to an Alpha werewolf that I need to kill in order to get back together with you?'" Scott huffed and continued his walk.

"You're not helping."

"Why don't you just talk to her." Sam asked, catching up to him.

"She won't talk to me. What if she, like, only takes it off in the shower or something?" Stiles shrugged.

"That's why you ease - that's why you ease back into it, okay? Get back on the good side, remind her of the good times. And then you ask for the necklace." He stopped, noticing Scott's distant gaze. " You're thinking about her in the shower, aren't you?" Scott nodded, a sheepish smile on his face.


"Gross" Sam shuddered. "Can we just stay focused for a second" Scott nodded.

"Get the necklace, get the Alpha, get cured, get Allison. In that order. Got it?"

"Got it" Sam and Stiles nodded and walked off, ready to take their history test.

"Do you think he can do it?"

"Not a chance"


"How the hell did he find out?!" Stiles hissed as he, Scott and Sam walked into the hallway. Test results were in. Sam and Stiles both nailed the tests. Scott' head snapped to Sam. She shook her head.

"I didn't tell him" Stiles slapped Scott on the shoulder, turning his attention back to him.

"Did he say it out loud - the word?"

"What word?"

"Werewolf. Did he say, "I know you're a werewolf"?" Stiles whispered. Scott shook his head.

"No, but he implied it pretty freaking clearly."

"Okay, maybe it's not as bad as it seems. I mean, he doesn't have any proof, right? And if he wanted to tell
someone, who's gonna believe him anyway?"

"No one" Sam confirmed.

"How about Allison's father?"

"Okay, it's bad."

"No its not, he won't believe him either." Stiles shook his head. Sam tugged at her bag straps, her mind going haywire.

"Okay, where's Derek?"

"Hiding, like we told him to. Why?"

"I have another idea. It's gonna take a little time and finesse, though."

"We have that game tonight. It's quarterfinals. And it's your first game."

"I know, I know. Look, do you have a plan for Allison yet?"

"She's in my next class."

"I'll distract Jackson" Sam voiced her thoughts and walked off. Stiles and Scott watched her go with wide eyes. Stiles turned to Scott, panic in his eyes.

"Get the necklace."

"I'll get the necklace." They nodded and parted ways.


Finally finding peace, Sam swum as fast as she could, a huge smile on her face. She came to a stop and send the boy next to her a playful glare.

"You beat me again Jackson"

"I have an unfair advantage. You see these cheekbones? Aerodynamically suited for speed in water." Sam laughed, her body shaking with laughter.

With Derek in hiding she had wanted to train more herself, to keep in shape so when Jackson opted to go swim with her she gladly accepted. "So you're coming to the game tonight, right?"

Sam pushed herself out of the water and nodded. Jackson copied her actions and sat next to her on the edge.

"Of course. I've never missed a game."

"Good, because we will win tonight, we're in the semifinals. You're not watching because of that Stiles kid right?" Sam turned her head, a small frown on her face. "He's a good guy. I mean, it's pretty obvious he's a little immature to like someone like you. But then, you - you can't really blame him for trying." Sam huffed and pushed him in the water. Jackson laughed and pulled her with him. They started splashing each other, not caring if anyone saw them. Finally they get out and Jackson walked Sam to the lockers.

"So, do you have anything to do later?"

"You mean before the game?" Sam asked, glancing at him. He nodded.

"Yeah, we could get a drink or-" Sam stopped and sighed.

"Look Jackson. You're nice, nicer than I thought you were, but I don't want to be in that kind of relationship right now. I really just want to be friends" Jackson fell silent for a moment before he smiled.

"Sure. But do you still want to get a drink, as friends?" Sam smiled.

"I like that" She nodded and walked to a stall, ready to change. Jackson watched her before he turned an send Scott a smirk. Oh he was going to enjoy this.


With a smile, Sam sat down on the bleachers. With minimal effort she spotted Scott and Jackson, conversing on the bench. After the drinks she had shared with Jackson  she had trained some more, sprinting some laps and doing some muscle training. It was actually quite relaxing.

"Now, this is what I like to see, rivals turned allies. You know there's no "me" in "team," right, boys?" The coach shouted, making Sam winch at the loudness of it.

"Yes, there is, coach."

"Okay, smartass, how 'bout this - No "A" in econ if no win on field? Good? Huh?" Scott nodded.

"Perfect. Good. Now where the hell is Bilinski?." Scott just shrugged so the coach stalked off. Sam took out her phone and send Stiles a quick text.

Sam – Where are you?

"So what are you gonna do?"

"Well, I'm gonna give you a chance to give me what I want. What's three days, huh? 72 hours. That's all you get, Scott. 72 hours" Sam sighed, not getting an reply from Stiles. Making a quick plan, she stood up and walked back to the school. Within ten minutes she walked back into the field, keeping her head low she walked to the team, who had just grouped up.

"Bilinski! You're late" Scott's eyes widen, turning to the person. 'Stiles nodded and joined the group. The couch sighed. "Ready? Say it so they can hear it!" Scott stepped closer to 'Stiles'.


"Ask again" Scott's eyes widen, reconising the voice.


"We are lacrosse!" The team around them shouted.
"All right, take the field! Let's go!" Everyone nodded and ran to their posts. Scott's eyes remained on Sam as she jogged over to the front line. When things couldn't get any worse. He clenched his jaw and ran to the goal.
