
The next day was hell. With nearly no sleep Sam slept through her classes and when she finally made it home her mom was ready to have a word with her.

"Where have you been" Sam flopped down into her bed and groaned. "Answer me, young lady"

"I've been practicing my exam with Allison" Melissa crossed her arms.

"Oh really. I happen to know Allison has been out with Scott yesterday" Sam raised her head and smirked.

"Really, Scott and Allison? How did it go?"

"Don't try and change the subject. Where were you last night?" Sam propped herself up her elbows.

"I have been working nights at Deton's." She reached inside her pocked and pulled out a couple of bills. The truth was that she had saved it from her last delivery job. It was not much but enough for her mom to buy her lie. Sam handed it to her mom. "For the window I broke two months back" Melissa took it and frowned.

"Yeah. Next time tell me" Sam nodded and rested her head on her pillow. "Get some sleep" Sam nodded and closed her eyes. Melissa stared at her daughter before she walked out.


Sam jumped, as the locker next to her slammed closed. Why was she so jumpy? She looked up, just in time to see Stiles running towards her.

"Sam!" He smiled. "You're alive!" Sam chuckled, her nerves disappearing.

"Yeah, barely." She swapped her books and closed her locker. Stiles was nearly bouncing out of his sneakers. "So, I heard Scott and Alison are hitting off. What's up with that?" Stiles shrugged.

"After the party, Scott asked her out, and again and again" Sam laughed, noticing how annoyed Stiles was getting.

"Well, I think it's sweet" They walked in silence, until Sam dared to ask the question she had been wanting to ask. "And how's he doing with the whole 'werewolf' thing" Stiles tensed.

"Good" Sam frowned.

"Stiles" He sighed, knowing he couldn't hide it from her.

"We think he might have attacked the bus chauffeur" Sam sighed, going with the story.

"God" She stopped and thought for a second. "We need to help him" Stiles nodded, but then he shook his head.

"I will, you need to stay out of it" Sam rolled her eyes.

"I can take care of myself Stiles" She was about to walk away when Stiles grabbed her shoulders.

"Please Sam, I promised Scott I would keep you safe. You need to stay away from this" Sam stared at him for a moment before she nodded.

"I will" Stiles exhaled.

"Good." He chuckled. "I don't know what would have happened if you got bit instead of Scott" Sam rubbed her neck, following him. What did she get herself into.


"Derek! I'm here, on time this time!" Sam called into the silent house. She placed her bag next to the door. She turned back to the doors and frowned. "Derek?"

"Your brother is coming" Sam swirled around, seeing Derek enter trough the other door.


"He thinks I killed the old man, which I didn't. You should go" Sam watched him walk up the stairs, thinking, before she shook her head.

"No, I want to help. He's my brother" Derek turned to her, his face stone cold, but his eyes filled with something unknown.

"He will know who you are this time. If you do this, there is no turning back" Sam sighed.

"I should have never lied to him." She took off her hoodie and followed him.


"Derek! I know you're here! I know what you did!"

"I didn't do anything."

"You killed him!"

"He died."

"Like your sister died?"

"My sister was missing. I came here looking for her."

"You found her."

"I found her in pieces, being used as bait to catch me."

"I think you killed them both. I'm gonna tell everyone, starting with the sheriff." Derek, having enough, pushed Scott back of the stairs. He then jumped after him, but Scott grabbed him and threw him trough the wall. Derek just stood up, like nothing happened.

"That was cute." He took off his jacked and shifted. They started fighting, Derek holding himself back. Scott landed some punches but Derek finally threw him back into the hallway. Scott grunted, his back feeling like it had shattered. He pushed himself to his feet. He blinked. There stood Sam, next to Derek. Derek shifted back as well, breathing heavily.

"Sam, get away from him" Scott grunted, trough his talons. Sam gave him a sad look.

"Scott, you need to stop and listen" With a sickening grunt, Scott's face turned back to normal.

"I didn't kill him. Neither of us did. It's not your fault, it's not Sam's, and it's not mine." Scott took a step forward's, his glare returning.

"This? This is all your fault! You ruined my life!"

"No, I didn't."

"You're the one who bit me." Sam took a step forwards, placing her hand on Scott's chest holding him back, not meeting his eyes.

"No, he didn't" Scott's eyes shot to hers.


"I'm not the one that bit you." Derek repeated. Scott fell silent.

"There's another." Sam added, releasing Scott.

"It's called an Alpha. It's the most dangerous of our kind. We're betas. This thing is more powerful, more animal than either of us. My sister came here looking for him. Now I'm trying to find him. But I don't think I can do it without you."

"Why me?"

"Because he's the one that bit you."

"You're part of his pack. It's you, Scott. You're the one he wants." Scott blinked, letting the information sink. He finally turned to Sam.

"Then why did you bring my sister into this" Sam sighed.

"Because the Alfa bit me too" As on cue, she flashed her eyes. Scott staggered back, his vision turning red. Last night's events flashed before his eyes. Him entering the truck, him trying to attack the Alfa but seeing Sam and attacking her and finally fleeing.
