
Chapter 1

Hiding a bloody bite mark on your arm isn't as easy as you think, especially not when your brother was as protective as Scott. Scott wasn't home when she came home which was good. Sam quickly changed into her pj's with long sleeves to hide the bite. It was probably just a stray dog who got scared or something. After cleaning it and placing a large bandage on it she just left it alone to heal. It didn't hurt that much, it was just irritating. Soon the sound of a door closing reached her ears. She quickly tugged her sleeve to hide the bandage again and hopped on her bed. She turned off her light and rolled over, pretending to be asleep, just knowing Scott was coming to check on her. As predicted Scott opened the door on a crack. After a couple of seconds it closed again leaving the room in complete darkness. Sam signed and rolled over again avoiding her arm, trying to fall asleep.


The next morning came around very quickly. With a decent amount of sleep Sam took a quick shower and dressed herself. Being extra careful she replaced the bloody bandage. It didn't look infected so after a quick wash with water she placed a new bandage on it and carefully placed her cardigan over it to cover it up. After another quick check she made her way downstairs. Her mom was most likely sleeping right now. Scott sat at the breakfast table munching on an apple. He smiled when he noticed her walking down the stairs. "Morning" Sam just grabbed her backpack and walked out of the door. "Hey wait up" Scott soon joined her at their bikes before they rode off.


Scott took off his backpack and pulled his shirt up a few inches to show Stiles and Sam the bandage on his side

"It was too dark to see much but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf." Sam nodded in agreement. She thought it was a dog but now she fully thought about it was too big to be a dog.

"A wolf bit you? No, not a chance." Stiles scoffed

"I heard a wolf howling." Sam said. She had heard when she had ran after Scott.

"No, you didn't." Stiles repeated. He had to admit though that he was happy Sam got out of the woods unharmed. That Scott was bitten, okay but if Sam has... he would have... well he would have done something bad.

"What do you mean "No, I didn't?" How do you know what we've heard?" Scott frowned

"California doesn't have wolves. Not for the last sixty years." Stiles laughed.


"Yes, really. There are no wolves in California."

"Well, if you don't believe me about the wolf, then you're definitely not going to believe me when I tell you we saw the body." Sam smirked as she saw Stiles finally getting interested.

"You what? Are you kidding me?"

"I wish. I'm going to have nightmares about it for a month."

"Make that a year" Sam muttered as she made her way into the school leaving the two boys alone. She was starting to get an head ace. Maybe she should have taken aspirin before she went to school


"That's freaking awesome. This is seriously the best thing that's happened to this town since.." Stiles smiles as Lydia walked past "Since the birth of Lydia Sayers. Hey Lydia, how are you? You look-Like you're gonna ignore me"

Scott smiled as he nudges his friend. "Sam isn't here"

Stiles turned back to Scott a small smile on his face. "She isn't?" He turned around looking for her but she was indeed gone.

"Why don't you ask her out already?" Man he was really head over heels for her but Scott knew Stiles didn't wanted to ruined their friendship. When they were little Stiles and Sam were nearly bound to the hip and Stiles didn't want it to get awkward.

Stiles smiled in the direction Sam was gone. "No I-" He turned back to Scott and glared at him. "You're the cause of this, you know. Dragging me down to your nerd depths. I'm a nerd by association. I've been Scarlet-nerded by you. Blending into the crowd, they head into" he rambled when he and Scott walked up the steps into the school.


First period English. Scott took the desk just in front of Sam as Stiles took the one next to her.

"As you all know by now, there was indeed a body found in the woods last night. I'm sure your eager little minds are coming up with all sorts of macabre scenarios as to how it happened but I've been told that the police have a suspect in custody."Scott looked to Stiles who shrugged, news to him as well.

"A vagrant with a long history of psychiatric disorders was discovered camping out in the woods near where the body was found. Which means your undivided attention can be given to the syllabus outlining the semester on your desks." Sam signed as all the others and picked up the paper. Her head ache was staring to get worse and the aspirin wasn't working. Everyone started to softly talk to each other so Stiles turned to Sam. "It is strange though how Scott got that bite I mean-" Sam nodded her head as she looked out of the window. Suddenly a phone rings. Sam's head turns and she looked around her but no one notices accept Scott seemed to notice the ringing. Scott's look stopped as he stared at the window. Sam let her gaze drift to it to see a girl sitting there and strangely she could understand what she is saying.

Before she can even understand what she was saying her attention was pulled back to Stiles as he called her.

"so I think... Sam are you alright?" Sam gave him a small smile and nodded.

"Hmmm" "Head ache still going?" Sam raised an eyebrow.

"How do you know?" He pointed at her left hand who was pulling on a sting of hair. She always did that when something was wrong and mostly it was her head. She gave him a small glare before she signed. "Aspirin isn't working" Stiles reached out and softly touched her head checking for bumps.

"Mister Stilinski could show your endless love for Miss McCall after school" Some kids laughed as Stiles turned red and retracted his hand. Sam couldn't help but blush a little too. Stiles was amazing but he had his eyes on Lydia.

"Maybe you should go to the nurse" Stiles whispered as the laughter stopped. Sam nodded and rubbed her head. Maybe she hit a branch or something when she was running. The class fell quiet soon after. Sam rubbed her head as she swore she heard a heartbeat.

"-For a while" The door opens causing the rest of the class to look up.

"Class, this is our new student Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome." The girl with brown hair smiled and walked to the last empty seat, behind Scott. She walked past Stiles who gave her a nod. Sam noticed that when Allison sat down Scott immediately turned around and handed her a pen.

"Thanks." She whispered.


"I think you need to go to the nurse" Stiles nagged for the thousands time.

"I will Stiles, after the training I promise" Sam gave him a strained smile as she leaned against the lockers. Stiles watched her as she took a water bottle out of her bag before taking a large gulp.

"This jacket is totally killer. Where did you get it ?"Sam heard someone ask. She turned her head to the other side of the hallway to see Lydia talking to Allison. She turned away from them and focused on Stiles, trying to hide the fact she could freaking hear them from here.

"My mom was a buyer from a boutique back in San Francisco."

"And you are my new best friend."

"Can someone tell me how a girl who's here for five minutes can already hang out with Lydia's click ?" Jess asked as she joined them at the lockers. She had history with Scott and Stiles and math with Sam.

"Because she's new...Maybe Lydia wants be nice?" Stiles countered making Sam scoff. Lydia and nice? Yeah, right when pigs fly.

"So, this week-end, there's a party..."

"A party ?"

"Yeah, friday night, you should come." Sam heard Lydia say to Allison. How can she hear this? Stiles next to her was having a heated conversation with Jess about the history homework. She rubbed her head again as Lydia continued her conversation.

"Oh, I can't, it's family night on friday... But thanks for asking."

"You're sure ? Everyone's going after the game."

"You mean like football ?"

"Football is a joke here. The sport is lacrosse. We won national champion-ship last year."

"Because of the team captain !"

"We practice in a few minutes. If you don't have anything else to do..."

"Well, I was going to..."

"Perfect !" Not even noticed by Sam, Stiles had stopped his conversation with Jess to see her eying Allison, Lydia and Jackson with a frown on her face.


"But if you play, I won't have anyone to talk to on the bench except Sam. Are you really gonna do that to your best friend ?"

"I can't stay out again. My all life is sitting on the side lines. This season I make first line."

Sam heard Scott say to Stiles as she sat on the bench watching the training. Scott had finally picked up on her head ace and had offered to take her home but she wanted to see the training before she went home.



"You're in goal!"

"I've never played-"

"I know, score some shots will bring confidence. It's a first day thing !"

"What about me"

"Try to not take any in the face. Let's go !! Come on !!"

"Who is that ?" Sam zoned back to herself as she heard Allison talk behind her. Not that Allison knew who she was. Her head ache was getting worse. She could literally feel Allison point at Scott.

"Him ? I'm not sure who he is. Why?"

Sam turned her head, letting them know she was listening. "His name is Scott" She shot Lydia a look.

"He's in my English class." Allison smiled at her. She had noticed her earlier and was about to say hi when Lydia started talking to her. "I'm Allison"

"Sam" Sam smiled at her before an unbelievable high screech fills her ears. She squeezes her eyes shut and puts her hands over her ears trying to block out the sound. After a couple of seconds and she opened them again to see Allison and surprisingly Lydia looking at her in concern. "Head ace, comes in waves" She explained her thought running ahead of her. What was that?!

Allison gave her a relieved smile and moved a bit closer to Lydia making room for her to sit. Sam gave her an impressed look before she slowly took place next to Allison. Lydia shot Allison a look but she had already turned her attention back to the game.

A kid ran into the field and threw his ball to Scott who caught it. Sam's eyes widen. He has never caught a ball in his live. He caught the next one and the next and the next! Scott was beaming at the end.

"He seems pretty good." Allison smiled watching Scott. Sam turned to her and smiles Someone had a crush.

"Yeah, he is." Sam smiled.

"Very good" Lydia said with her jaw nearly hitting the floor. Not even Jackson could catch all the balls.

Jackson appeared on the field looking pissed. Scott's smile left his face and got ready to catch the ball. Jackson threw it and Scott caught it with ease. Sam and Lydia got up and cheered for Scott as Allison stayed seated with her focus on Scott as he gave her a smile.

"He's my friend ! He's my friend !" Sam could faintly hear Stiles shout but she was to proud of her brother to care.
