Tom pushed Draco behind him, once they entered number 12 Grimwald place. Draco obeyed the silent demand that he stay behind him, and silent to Tom's pleasure. He was grateful, as it was more than enough for him to want to test the level of control, but he held himself back, it would do no good to do such things.

It was not long before Remus, the werewolf Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, according to Draco's information, was taking them up to meet and greet the golden squad, Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Tom could feel Draco's false bravado and confidence returning. He guessed that it made sense. He was surrounded by those who made his life hell, and he retaliated in the same. Those who, had Lucius not been told explicitly that this was Tom's plan and if anything were to interfere with it, he would personally crucio him into oblivion, Draco would be getting severely punished for being seen in the same house as them willingly, and without orders. He could understand what Draco was trying to do, and he commended him on it, but he also knew that Draco had reached a new level of rawness in the last few weeks. It was doubtful that he would be able to maintain the charade for very long. Draco was a rather submissive individual, who can easily take control, and while before hand, where there was no one Draco trusted or who were intelligent enough to realize it, now, Draco had Tom, and therefore, there would probably be several slips in the boy's behavior, contrasting what these apathetic Gryffindors were used to.

Tom easily slid inside the room, Draco following, albeit slightly more hesitantly. Remus spoke with the Gryffindors, the three giving both of them dirty looks, but Tom could really care less what they wanted. Soon enough they would be bowing down to him anyways. By contrast, also Draco, whom Tom would never let go now. He had proven himself far too valuable for Tom to so easily release from his control.

"Draco." Draco looked up, giving Remus a hauty expression, filled with loathing and distrust. "Your Hogwarts things will be brought here as well as Tom's things, and for the next few days, you will be sleeping in here with Harry and Ron." Tom simply nodded, at Draco's glance towards him, wordlessly asking if it was alright.

"Fine." He paused. His face suddenly black. "What of my Father?" Remus seemed to tense at the question. He paused, before answering, and Tom could taste the dissatisfaction from Remus as he spoke.

"Lucius said that you will stay here until he deems otherwise." Draco eyes fluttered shut for a mere second, before nodding. Tom had warned him, of course, but the other had undoubtedly still been anxious. Those worries were not put to rest, at least for the moment.

"Very well," Was all that was said, as Remus left the room. Tom gently guided Draco over to the farthest corner of the room, and pressed him down to sit on the floor, where Tom followed soon after. Tom then began talking quietly with him.


Harry was angry. He didn't want to have to share his room with Voldermort's son, and really, no one could blame him. And than there was the problem with Malfoy. Honestly, he did not want to even look at those two again, let alone have to share a room with them. Though, it would give him a chance to make sure that they were not planning anything nefarious. He didn't have much of a choice to agree anyways, because, this was technically, not his or Sirius's house. As far as he had been told, the inheritance had gone to Bellatrix, who may or may not have handed the inheritance over, given the fact that Kreacher has willfully disobeyed Sirius as of late. It was possible. He had not wanted to believe it until he had realized that House Elves were bound by obedience to the one that they were magically bonded to. Dobby had said something of the sort. Unless Kreacher was freed, there is no way that he would be able to avoid a direct command without punishing himself.

Than, when the two came in, and Draco had faint bruising around his neck, barely seen, this Tom Riddle, clearly had some sort of vitaimin D deficiency. He was pale, almost gaunt. Draco was clearly malnourished, and seemed to still radiate the same arrogance, even though he seemed far too tense around his shoulders and arms than was possibly healthy. Than, Remus left, and Tom seemed to pull Draco forward, and Draco followed, willingly. It was a little disconcerting. He noticed that Riddle forced Draco to sit down on the floor, and, unlike what he had expected after that, he sat down next to him, pulling him close, and rubbing his shoulders and arms, Draco and him talked quietly. Draco seemed to gently calm down and relax. Tom then gently grabbed the boy and wrapped his arms around him, which Draco seemed to uncertainly reciprocate. It was clear that both of them were unaccustomed to physical contact, the way they both seemed to hold on loosely, and release far to soon.

They would need to keep an eye on them, a very watchful eye. There was something up, and Harry, for one, was not going to let these things stand uninvesitigated. Dumbledore may be willing to put his coins on them, but he wasn't.

He knew that Ron and Hermione agreed with him. It was obvious in how they also kept a close eye on the two mystery figures. Malfoy was acting weird, and they did not know what to make of it, but they would figure out what it was that was going on, because it was kind of concerning, at best.  
