Tom continued to calm the young Malfoy down. He knew that it would take some time.He held the child close to him, keeping safe within his grasp. He smiled as the boy slowly began to relax. He abruptly took a few steady breathes. He would need a good deal of patience to deal with those pathetic Gryffindor students. He was about tired of having to deal with incompitent children. It was more than frustrating. Not to mention they were the cause of this, which only made him angrier. Had they had just done what he told them to do, this would have never happened in the first place.


Severus sighed, as the people of the household sat down on the rickety chairs looking at him expectantly. He did not know what he could say about the situation, and what Lucius would accept if he were to explain things, let alone Tom.

"First," Severus began in his typical 'you did something wrong' voice. "I would like to make sure that you know that you are all morons." The Weasley parents sighed but Severus was not having it. "What would possess you to disobey Tom? " Harry instantly began defending and his friends and godfather.

"We did not disobey," Harry said with a sarcastic edge to his voice. "Anyone. We just...." the unimpressed look that Snape gave him had him trailing off. He had started out so confident but that look left it.

"As I remember it, Tom asked you to watch over him." Severus said coldly.

" And? " Harry passed back, his expression one of frustration and irritation.

"How is leaving him completely alone, watching over him at all? Would you call leaving someone by themselves to fend for themselves watching over them?" Severus asked, hitting the problem right in front of their faces. They looked as if they'd been struck.

"Well, no," Hermione conceded.

" Well, than, it would seem that you had disobeyed. Tom Riddle, if he is at all similar to his father, or at all a Slytherin in any way,well not forget this lightly. You can be sure he is most annoyed with you.I am surprised he managed to not hex you on the spot. " Severus took a deep breath seeing the slightly pale looks in the Gryffindors eyes. He could not help but think that this was good. In fact, he thoughr, a bit vindictively. They deserved it. This was just yet another classic case of moronic Gryffindors, believing they should just get their pathetic way. Severus took a moment to calm himself before he truly spiraled out of control.

"Professor?" Hermione asked slightly hesitant. After all, seeing anything other than neutral indifference was a bit scary from the stoic professor.

"Yes, miss Granger?" Severus asked, voice carefully void of any emotion, though his dark black eyed were far more than enough to convey that message. Severus stood waiting. Staring at her, it made Hermione hesitate even more before gathering her courage to ask what she needed to know.

"Riddle said something to you. Something about Malfoy going through a Drop..of some sort."

" And...? "

"Well I was wondering what that was exactly." Hermione finished lamely. Severus sighed heavily.

"it means that Draco is dealing...I believe the closest basis for comparison would be a multitude of fear and terror, quickly followed by a highly severe panic attack. " the trip just stare. They were all thinking one single though. Draco Lucius Malfoy had panic attacks. The idea seemed almost ludicrous. What could Malfoy possibly have panic attacks about. These two questions were flying through the golden trio's minds, only the be cut off the moment Snape started talking again. "As a result, Draco will be showing rather peculiar behaviors the next few hours, possibly even days. You are not to comment on these odd behaviors is that clear?" Severus asked severely. They nodded meekly. "Good. Now hopefully Tom is not so angry so as to do any severe harm hmm? Though I got one would most certainly NOT blame him. Nor would I stop him."

It took a while before Riddle came downstairs with Draco. The entire time, the Gryffindors found themselves feeling anxious and uncertain. Severus would say they deserved it.
