Draco had calmed down by the next morning, but that did not stop Hermione Granger from storming into the Black family library and studiously reading everything available on wizard alphas and soul-mates the next morning. She had decided that, if they were to figure out what in the world was going on, they were going to have to figure out exactly what Draco was, as he obviously was NOT human, he even looked a little like the veela. She had wondered about that ever since that month last year, when the other veela had come to the school. It was not exactly as though they hid it very well.


"Wait, WHAT?" It had been Draco who had called out, oddly enough. Shock, and frustration mixed with a tinge of worry.

"Calm down Mr. Malfoy. I assure you that our foreign friends will in no way cause any trouble." Dumbledore said smoothly. Draco had grit his teeth, grinding them down.

"That is not what I..." He had oddly seemed to simply drift off sentence at that. "You know what, it does not even matter. I doubt you would be able to deal with it anyways."

Hermione had always wondered what it had been about these foreigners that seemed to put him on edge. He was overly snappy and short for the days preceding. In fact, now that she thought about it, he hardly caused them any problems afterwards. But before the foreign students showed up he was a right terror. Harry had been on edge too. Most likely because he and Ron had been on the rocks again though, so that was of little matter.

When Hermione had seen the students of Beauxbatons she had been in complete shock. She doubted any could not be. The girls were, after all, beautiful and lovely girls. All the boys were fawning over them. Except Draco Malfoy. Before she had thought it may or may not have been because he thought that he was better, or maybe he was pretending not to be allured by their charm.

"Hey, Ginny, did you notice that Malfoy is..." That was when Hermione had paused. Ginny had not been looking at the girls of the Beauxbatons, but she still had those love shaped eyes at none other than Draco Malfoy, whom some of the veela girls had chosen to sit next to. Hermione had thumped her on the head, which had caused her to jerk into reality.

"What is it?" Ginny had wondered, her tone slightly brisk.

"You! You were making goo goo eyes at Malfoy!" Hermione had whisper shrieked.

"Oh, come on Hermione..." Ginny had said, with an eye roll, It was one of the few times Ginny had used an eye roll on her that was not related to academia so it was of great significance. Even you can't say that Malfoy is not hot as hades."

"What? I most certainly can!" Hermione had said annoyed. After all, what was Ginny thinking? Talking about the enemy like that.

"Alright you can, but you would be lying through your teeth." Ginny had amended.

"Why would you say that?" Looking back on it, Hermione felt incredibly foolish for having gotten into the argument in the first place.

"Hermione." Ginny had said calmly and with a soothing voice, like one would use with a child. "Look at Draco Malfoy, study him, and tell me while looking me straight dead into the eyes that he is not cute."

Hermione had tried, and she remembered failing miserably. Her and Ginny had kept their distance after that for at least a week. She had not known why the school was suddenly hosting some Veela students but that had not mattered because at that moment she wished nothing more than to have never heard of them before.

It had been more than that though. Hermione often remembered seeing Draco with the veela girls. And the odd veela boy here and there. Though, he had seemed a bit more level headed while they had been at the school. He had instantly gone to comfort Fleur Del La Cor, though it had been after Harry had saved her sister. And she also remembered him awkwardly patting her back, as if uncertain how to act. He had even glared at her with fiery eyes, but otherwise ignored her. No scathing comments, no crude words. In fact, the only cruel thing that Malfoy had done that year had not really even been that bad. And Moody had done worse to Malfoy than Harry would have, at least, that was what Hermione had thought. She highly doubted Malfoy would have hexed Harry in the middle of a huge group of people, it was probably more to scare him into fighting than anything else.

Not only that, but even Draco Malfoy seemed to be getting more attention that year than normal, with the presence of the veela girls. She recalled a rumor that Draco himself was a veela. Though she had disregarded that idea after it had been told that male veela were incredibly rare. She had believed that if Malfoy was a veela, he would be flauting it around. But even the boys seemed fixated on him while he was with the girls at least. the gay students in Hogwarts would all flock to him, and even some from Durmstrang, all flocked to him, asking him out, wanting to date him. Hermione had never really thought much on it.

Draco had seemed the most level headed that year, to all other years. Had to be reason right?


Honestly, Hermione had not really accounted for just how complex a veela was. They were not...how to put this...completely human. Most were not human at all, and those who did have human blood were not always capable of developing veela traits. Not to mention that veela were rather dangerous. After all, Veela are especially protective, and loyal, and dangerous when provoked, or angered, or threatened, or rudely acted towards.

Hermione was not sure, but she was quite certain that Draco had not met Harry Potter first at Hogwarts, or the Train. Something about the way Tom Riddle had spoken so passionately about that, it seemed...off...like Riddle knew for certain that Harry had met Draco before he had been friends with Ron Weasley. Although, it would explain Malfoy's behavior to her, for endangering his grades.

But Veela were so much more than that. Other than the natural physical appearance, which Draco Malfoy fit...to the T and the double E, there were a lot more to it. Apparently there were those Veela considered 'alpha' veela, and those considered 'beta' and 'omega'. Honestly, a lot of the interactions between Malfoy and Riddle made perfect sense if they were veela sou...

"I FIGURED IT OUT!!" Hermione jumped up and down, barging into the empty wardrobe room. Ron and Harry blinked, looking at her stupidly.

"Figured what out Mione."

"I figured out what exactly Malfoy and Riddle are."

"What?" Ron asked dumbly.

"Okay, so you remember what Riddle said yesterday about 'laws regarding our kind are complex' and all that? Well, that was when I figured that they could not be one hundred percent human, or at least, not a traditional wizard. Well, I looked up all the things I could find on magical creature bloodlines who have a 'alpha dom, and omega sub' traits. I figured it out! Draco is most certainly a Veela somewhere along the lines. And Tom has to have some dragon or fairy blood in him, as veela only have soul mates with those with dragon or fairy blood. Don't you see? It fits perfectly." She stared excitedly into their eyes.

"DRACO'S WHAT?" Harry shouted unable to stop himself. 
