Tom Riddle was always an intelligent boy, that had been acknowledged both in the muggle world, and the magical one as well. He knew what he was doing, and he planned several steps ahead in every possible way. He covered every possible avenue, and often managed to do what he wanted, even when nobody realized that they were playing to his tune. Nobody could ever see through him, except that fool of a teacher Dumbledore. When he finally came out of that stupid Diary fully...he was admittedly confused. He was in a room, a large spacious room, one that used to belong to Abraxsas if he was remembering correctly, but the last time he had seen Abraxas' room was that summer so he could have been wrong. When another man came in that...did look like Abraxsas, but not entirely, he stopped and stared at Tom as though Tom was the one intruding, and Tom could not help but stare back.

"You are not Abraxsas Malfoy..." was the first words that Tom Riddle spoke, they were light and contemplative, wondering almost. He tilted his head to the side and watched as the other seemed to digest the statement.

"No, I am his son, Lucius Malfoy." the words came finally and Tom nodded thoughtfully. It was not much, and he would have wished for Abraxas, but he doubted that the other was even still alive at this point, considering how old his son was, and the fact that most Wizards like Abraxas-who dabbled heavily in dark magic despite the warnings and usually did not think to use the standard precautions, did not live all that long of a life.

"Good enough." He said with a sigh and a shrug.

After gathering the information of the last fifty-five years that he was in the diary, he got himself a band of death eaters or what was supposed to be his older selves' band of death eaters, descended from his original set, or at least, he did after he held Avery Jr. under the Cruciatus Curse for about five minutes for cutting him off and disrespecting him. It was all good, although he questioned his older self's sanity considering it would seem as though he had completely desensitized certain descendants far more than others. That Lucius' apathy was almost concerning. Despite that, Tom was not satisified. He needed younger followers, followers that would obey him without question, maybe not at first, but later on, he needed people who obeyed him because they are loyal, not scared of him. Although fear did much, it was not always the best way to go. He needed that fear, but not to the extent most of these followers had it. They border on useless with the weight of it.

That is where Draco Malfoy came in. Tom had heard quite a bit about the sole Heir of the Malfoy name, and he had to admit, that he was somewhat impressed. Maybe Lucius's teaching methods were quite unorthodox, but in this instance, they served him well. The boy would be desperate for someone who would listen, someone he could call an actual friend. Unfortunately, the boy was currently at Hogwarts, for his third year, so he could do nothing about that, not until the summer came. From what he had managed to gather from Lucius, this boy, should Tom play him correctly, would be of great use to him. Not only did he have the status and prestige that came with being a Malfoy, but Lucius was an idiot and regularly beat him. Though Narcissus may heal the boy afterwards, that accounted for little when also coupled with the head of house' neglect over the emotional needs of his son. Tom knew those were the easiest to manipulate, and given Draco's propensity for the arts, and magic as a whole, this was quite useful, not that he said such things to Lucius, of course.

He also had to worry about Dumbledore, who was apparently, the Headmaster at Hogwarts now. He needed to get into Hogwarts. He had things to plan, and a school to in the end, take over. He loved Hogwarts, and would be it's ultimate ruler at some point. It was what he had planned in the beginning, before he realized who and what his father was, but hearing his ultimate downfall after having killed his father and his father's "Better Family", he decided smaller is better. Besides, it would start with Hogwarts, but he had to be patient, and go under the radar. He did need to get into Hogwarts under the cover of a Student first. And it would be incredibly difficult to sway Dumbledore. After all, he would likely know exactly what he looked like when he was sixteen, he would remember and recognize him. So he needed a different plan. An unassuming plan. And than it hit him. He would pose as the son of Tom Riddle AKA Lord Voldermort, instead of himself. If he was the Son of Tom Riddle, it would make sense for him to be in the same house as his ancestor, it would not be weird when he could speak with snakes, and it would not look odd that he was abnormally good with magic, as his supposed 'father' would have been to, and the looks, well, Genetics. Many people, like the Malfoys for instance, almost always looked like their father. He could claim that Avery Jr. was his 'paternal' father, and that he had no idea that Voldermort was his supposed 'father'. And it would make sense, considering that Tom would have to play a complete different ball game. He would have to act shy, scared, anxious, nervous, and yet, still pretend to be nice and compassionate or kind. It would be difficult, and of course, Avery Jr. would have to die, at least, temporally, which was why Poly-juice potion was currently being brewed. They would kill a muggle, right before hand, giving him the poly-juice potion, and once dead the affect would stay permanent. It was really quite clever. Of course, Tom would play the distressed, scared, tearful son, who suddenly finds out he was the son of a dark and evil sorcerer.

It was the perfect plan, and Tom Riddle was certain that it would work. He just had to be patient. He could easily use Draco, mold him into what he needed. Cultivate that loyalty from when he returns from his 3rd year. He would play that role that he never truly got. The caring compassionate friend that genuinely worried over him. Or perhaps the older brother type, it did not matter as long as he got what he needed. 
