Tom had explained to Draco what exactly it was that they had to do the plan that he had spent forever creating. It ensured that both Tom and Draco were taken out of the suspect pool, and would pry compassion from the idiotic old man as well. Tom had everything planned out. As of right now, Aver Jr. was dead, with several screams and begging to accompany it. Both he and Draco were currently in the house, locked in different locations. Tom remembered not ten hours ago, when Draco had turned to him with trusting silvery blue orbs of eyes.

"You will need to stay in here. Lucius already knows the story he must give the Ministry as I have told him exactly what I want him to say, and he will of course obey because he fears what I can do to him...he has also already effectively voiced concern that you have not come home from your friends house to a few of the people at the Ministry which has caused quite the alarm already." Tom said with a shrug.

"The ministry is aware of all the friends that I have, though," Tom laughed at the naivete of the boy.

"They may think that, but it is not really all that uncommon for Heirs to have friends that are hidden. Particularly those that are heavily in the media light, therefore it is not really as shocking to most ministry officials that you have an unnamed friend, though more so shocking that you are missing." He had explained diligently.

"What is my role?" Was the only other thing that Draco had stated regarding the subject matter. Despite the fact that Tom was about to lock him in a damp, wet, cold, and cruel cell of a closet, with only a thin shirt, and slacks, no socks, no blanket, nothing, not even light for an undetermined amount of time, that, and without his wand, the boy had remained diligent, and asked only what he should do when the ministry does come, what his reactions should be how he should hold himself. Tom had realized that Draco was giving this quite the trail of thought. He doubted such conscious measure would need to be taken, though, as he knew that Draco's mental state would revert himself to what he wanted either way.

"You must pretend that you had come here to escape Lucius..." Draco's eyes had widened at that, clearly not expecting it.

"But, I-I can't....My Lord, my father, he ordered me to not tell anyone about what happens. I will speak of it if that is what you desire, but he will furious." The last sentence was whispered but, Tom heard them perfectly. The boy was trembling in fear.

"Draco, dear, I do not want you to speak of Lucius explicitly, merely suggest it, hint to it, and than stop abruptly before you say his name." Draco visibly relaxed, relived.

"Thank you My Lord." was the Whispered reply. Tom had always wondered at the fact that the boy seemed to thank him for the most simple things. It was as though he was waiting to be given an order against his wishes, one that he did not want, but would comply with anyways. Tom just smiled at the thought. It was an interesting thing to wonder about, and he would continue to ponder over it. Perhaps one day, he would push those boundaries, but not yet, and not now.

"Draco," He said quietly. "If you do not want to do this, you do not have to. You will have be stuck here for at least ten hours, without water, and with very little food, to make this look somewhat realistic. If you do not, or cannot do this, I will understand." Draco's eyes hardened with determination, as well as lighting up with a mischievious spark, and a desperation to prove himself. Tom thought it ironic just how similar the two of them were to Salzar Slytherin and just how perfectly the description, the original description, of the Slytherin house applied to them.

"No, I will do this. You need me to do this, and so I will. It may be...uncomfortable, but it is nothing I have not dealt with before. I will persevere. Besides," Draco suddenly looked absolutely evil and malicious as a devilish smile lit upon his face, and sparked behind the the grim ambition in his eyes. "If anything, this will PROVE, to Father," Draco spat the name. "That he hasn't gotten to me. And where my loyalties lie." Tom smirked dangerously, Draco was indeed a marvelous individual. Full of surprises. Tom doubted if even he would ever figure out the boy completely.

"Are you certain about this? I just want you to be sure you know what you are getting yourself into. I will not be coming down here. No food, little water, no light, nothing. If you agree to this, I will not be allowing you to leave the closet until the time comes, if you agree to this. No matter how long and how much you plead with me." Tom saw Draco look into his eyes, defiant.

"I will do this." He said, voice steady, and sure. Tom nodded, with a small sigh, and proceeded to lock Draco in without another word.

Now, Avery Jr. was dead, gone, passed over, cold as stone. Exited the human realm. He was dead.. And it was a rather loud affair. Begging and pleading, but no 'lord' anything. And Tom had used Polyjuice potion as well. So his own appearance was not seen. Currently, he had locked himself in a relatively small room on the second floor. He had dirtied himself up a bit, put on slightly ragged clothes, and hadn't eaten several days prior, along with Draco. The boy was remarkably strong for his age. Tom was pleasantly surprised.

It was all to further a goal that Tom had in mind, and he fully anticipated pushing those bounds further eventually. Draco's inherently submissive nature with Tom was curious to him, particularly since he had heard of many situations in which Draco was the opposite, but even Tom knew the dangers of a good mask. Crafted well enough, they were tough to break, though in the right spot...they dismantled easily. Tom had begun by getting Lucius to drag Draco to him when the other had no time to recover himself, and everything else had merely fallen into place after that. 
