Tom spent the next several days with Draco, calming him, playing with him, even helping him with his homework. These were rather dingy things, and simplistic at the best of times, but they would all help further his bond with Draco. He had not had that long to create it, after all, only a few days. Yet, in certain situations, a few days was more than enough to cultivate a desperation bond. Tom knew this, as he had read over these things quite extensively. With how young Draco was, and how his situation at home was, it should not be all that difficult. Perhaps there was a sense of...interest as well. Tom had never had someone react to his orders as Draco did, and it was curious. Duringthe three days they spent together, Draco slowly began to gain confidence in Tom, but it was not enough, and his entire plan hinged on getting Draco to his side before Hogwarts. Clearly, the boy had severe trust issues, who wouldn't if they had Lucius Malfoy as a father, but he only had two weeks before the train left for Hogwarts, meaning that he had to get his plan set into place by the end of the week.

Once Avery and Malfoy returned he was almost tempted to force them to give him more time with the Heir, but he knew how that would look and he could not risk the elder Malfoy thinking he had not managed what he wanted, he wanted him to speculate, and furthermore, Tom did suppose he had to test the validity of the young Malfoy's desire to be around him, and his bond with him, so this was a good time...but as the time continued, he was beginning to loose hope that the Malfoy boy trusted him, that is, until he heard a knock on his door, and an unconscious Draco Malfoy fell-quite literally-into his arm. Tom stared down at this child, who had rarely shown any sort of comfort with him in the room, who just passed out in his arms.

Tom placed the boy on the bed of the room that he had first found him in. It ended up being his designated room over the past several weeks. Tom slowly levitated him onto the mattress, before leaving him to get water and some snacks, the kid obviously hadn't eaten very much the last several days. He doubted that they would even remember where they were, or how they got there, and this was the perfect opportunity for Tom to play the concerned card. He could not deny the sense of relief that Draco had run to him when he was in such a vulnerable state. It meant more than what he would think.

When he came back into the room, Draco was wild eyed, and terrified. He stared at Tom as he held out the water and snack. Confused. "Eat." It was a command. Was it Tom's fault that his default command voice was cold and icy? No, blame that on his parents and their idiocy. Nevertheless, Tom saw absolutely no hesitation as Draco obeyed. Tom could not help but stare. After all these weeks, the boy had always hesitated before obeying a command, but now, that they were alone, he obeyed automatically. He wondered what could have possibly happened.

After Draco had downed the water and gobbled the snack up, he looked at Tom insecurely. He was nervous and almost twitching. It was an interesting response, and Tom had no idea what could have caused it. Draco was injured, yes, but it was not the same form of twitching one did when an injury was causing discomfort-yet another thing he would know intricately.

"What is it?" Tom asked, softening his voice and eyes. Draco looked up at him shyly, that is, before jumping on him and enveloping him in an embrace. Tom could feel the desperation in the boy's trembling body. He needed reassurance, a sense of direction, he needed someone and he desired comfort. Tom, with only a seconds hesitation, wrapped his arms around the frail boy's body. Encouraged by the relaxation of the boy, Tom pulled him closer, and held him tighter. He slowly maneuvered them on the bed to where Draco was lying over his lap, torso pressed against him, face buried in his chest, arms clutching his robes desperately. Tom sighed contently, as he drew small circles in the Malfoy Heir's back. the boy seemed to calm drastically, and was soon sleeping softly against Tom. Tom smiled to himself. He had the boy's trust. It just took him longer than normal to realize it. It was definitely good to know, and he could finally begin the next phase of the plan.

Now that he had the Malfoy Heir's trust, he just had to get him to agree to create a drastic situation to where Dumbledore would be called, and during which Tom could pull out the charms. He knew that it was risky, but it was the best thought process that he had at the time. Hogwarts had likely already registered that he was here anyways, and he doubted that Dumbledore would fail to notice a new name in sixth year. It was important that he handle the situation with grace, and he would have to see Dumbledore sooner or later when the other brought him his letter, just like he did all those years ago...the first time that Tom had seen him.

"Its alright," Tom muttered uselessly. "Don't worry I have you. Calm down, let's just get you some sleep, hm? You look absolutely exhausted." Draco gave a wet laugh at that, knowing that he was truly exhausted. He had come rushing towards Tom's house, not really sure where else to go, and honestly he was lucky that it was Tom not Avery that opened the door.

He had assumed that Avery would be busy at the ministry, but he had not been sure, so he had taken a calculated risk, and he was glad that he had not miscalculated. If Avery had opened the door, his father would have likely been informed immediately, and Draco would have been drug back to endure an even harsher punishment than the one that had already suffered through.  
