Ultimate Moves

Hey, readers! Just wanted to say that I am really excited for where the story is going at this point. I feel like the License Exam Arc brings a lot of opportunity for creative interactions and battles with new characters. I hope to keep things fresh and exciting in the coming chapters!

Third Person POV:

It was the day after moving into the UA dorms. Y/N was lying in his bed, his arms and legs sprawled out in all directions beneath the blanket. There was an ever so slight crack in the curtains let in a line of sunshine that casted itself across part of the room. An increasingly aggressive knocking at the door caused Y/N to awaken. "Y/N! Wake up! Come on!" Iida yelled.

"Where am I...?" Y/N asked himself. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and took in his surroundings. "Oh, right. UA dormitory." Y/N remembered.

"Y/N! Hey!" Iida yelled again.

"Iida, what are you yelling about?! Do you know what time it is?!" Y/N said, irritated.

"It's time to get up and prepare ourselves for school!" Iida replied.

"Bullshit. My alarm hasn't even gone off yet!" Y/N reasoned.

"Your alarm has gone off like six times! I think you keep hitting the snooze button." Iida argued.

"This seems like the kind of thing you could just text me about..." Y/N said, silencing his phone. This whole time, he hadn't moved out of bed. Just as he began to get comfortable again, a small explosion perfectly blew the doorknob out of his room's door. The metal doorknob clanged as it hit the floor by Y/N's bed.

"Let's go, jackass!" Bakugo said, entering. With no hesitation, he grabbed Y/N's left ankle and dragged him out of bed and across the cold floor.

"Oh, come on! Why do guys care so much about how long I sleep?" Y/N asked. Iida glided over, waving around his usual robot-looking hands.

"Being punctual is an important part of being a hero. Besides, with these dormitories only a five minute walk from our classes, it would look considerably bad to still be late!" Iida explained. Bakugo finally released his hold on my ankle, having dragged me all the way to the common area.

"Well, why do you care so much, Bakugo?" Y/N asked, confused. The explosive hothead scoffed.

"I don't care. I was just getting sick of that robot's yelling and banging at your door." Bakugo said, walking away.

"You say that, but I'm sure you really just don't want one less class rival there to challenge you, right?" Todoroki said.

"Shut the hell up! Damn Icy-Hot bastard!" Bakugo screamed, storming off.

'I guess Todoroki must've been right on the money...' Y/N thought. With that, he hurried to get ready for school and took my breakfast with me, as everyone walked to class.

"Jeez, Y/N. I never knew you were so... not a morning person." Jiro commented.

"Yeah, I never have been much for waking myself up. In Junior High, my dad considered installing this thing that would make my whole bed tilt up and throw me out when a timer went off." Y/N said, reminiscent. Hearing that, Jiro was now trying hard not to break out in laughter.

"No way! How are you not late, like, all the time?" Jiro asked, snickering.

"It's not like I aim to be early, anyway. I actually prefer to arrive to class not too early, not too late. Right on the edge of mediocre. I figure as long as I arrive on time, when it really matters, then what's the harm?" Y/N said, honestly.

"That just sounds like an excuse to be lazy." Kirishima joked, smiling.

"I don't know. I think it sounds pretty cool." Jiro said, slightly blushing. Y/N didn't even hear, as he had now found himself deep in thought.

'Oh, man... I got used to Izuku always waking me up. Whether it was for school, or to go running with him. Hell, on Saturdays we would sometimes wake up early to be first in line for a new game we wanted. Now...nothing... I wish I knew how to fix this tension. If only I could go back to before... before I betrayed his trust...' Y/N thought, sadly.

"Hey, Y/N." Kaminari said.

"Huh?" Y/N muttered.

"You sure were thinking hard... Anyway, why take breakfast with you this morning on the walk to class? Can't you just refill the last food your stomach, like usual?" Kaminari asked.

"Oh yeah... I guess it slipped my mind." Y/N replied, scratching his head.

"It's understandable to still be on edge. Your's and Bakugo's kidnapping are still fairly recent." Yaomomo stated. Kirishima grabbed Y/N with one arm and Bakugo with the other, pulling them close to him.

"No worries, guys! You'll get back into the swing of things in no time!" Kirishima said, caring.

"Okay, thanks, but that's enough." Y/N said, inching away.

"Get off me." Bakugo added, pushing off. Once we all arrived to class and got settled, Aizawa got started.

"I believe I mentioned this already, but your main focus this summer is obtaining provisional hero licenses." he said.

"Yes, sir!" the class replied.

"Do not take this lightly. A hero license means that you're responsible for human lives. You can imagine the exam to receive one is very difficult. Only 50% of students pass the tests required for these permits each year." Aizawa stated, seriously.

"It's that hard to get a provisional license?" Mineta mumbled, worried.

"In order to prepare, today you'll be concentrating on creating something new. Two ultimate moves." Aizawa said. Just then, the door to the classroom slid open and three familiar faces entered. It was Midnight, Ectoplasm and Cementoss.

"Ultimate moves?" Kaminari and Kirishima said, surprised.

"An exam is a normal school thing!" Y/N, Ashido and Kaminari said.

"But this is total hero work!" Kirishima and Sero continued.

"When we say 'ultimate,' we mean a move that will ensure you win against your opponent." Ectoplasm began.

"An action so unique to your identity that no other person could hope to copy it. Simply put, you must learn to lean into your strengths." Cementoss continued.

"Your moves represent who you are. These days, most pro heroes have an ultimate move. Those who don't are fools." Midnight concluded.

"This may sound abstract, but we'll explain more as the day goes on. For now, change into your costumes and meet in Gym Gamma." Aizawa ordered. After everyone suited up, they met in the aforementioned location. "Gym Gamma, also known at the academy as the 'Training Dining Land,' or TDL." Aizawa added.

"Training Dining Land? What the hell does that even mean...?" Y/N ranted, to himself. Cementoss placed his hands on the gymnasium floor and began to mold the floor into a unique terrain.

"This facility was my idea. We can prepare unique terrains and obstacles for each student here. Here you will learn to serve up justice, hence the name." Cementoss explained.

"That's pretty cool." Kaminari said.

"Ohhh. We're learning to serve up justice, so it's the Training Dining Land. Makes sense. Still kind of an ass name, though." Y/N mumbled.

"Please allow me a question. What is the advantage of having ultimate moves for our provisional exam? May we know your reasoning?" Iida requested.

"That's two questions. Calm down." Aizawa said.

"Let me guess, this ultimate move stuff is because of the sports festival, right?" Y/N quickly asked. Rather than answer him, Aizawa went ahead and responded to Iida.

"Listen up. The job of a hero is to save people from all sorts of dangers. Crime, accidents, and nature or man-made disasters. Of course, the licensing exam analyzes how well you're able to deal with such things. It won't just be fighting. Your ability to gather information and make quick decisions will be judged. In addition to how well you communicate, cooperate, and lead others. Every year, a new test is used to evaluate these qualities." Aizawa explained.

"One thing is especially important. If you want to be a pro hero, you must be able to prevail in battle. And those of you with an ultimate move will have stronger results." Midnight added.


The teachers kept talking and talking. But that was about where I had zoned out. 'Come on. Just let us get started, already.' I thought. I looked up to the high ceiling in great boredom. Although I was drifting in and out of the teacher's rambling, I got the gist. Apparently we would be working on developing and perfecting our ultimate moves over the next ten or so days. This would literally be the remainder of our summer vacation. 'Whoa. Looks like Cementoss is done transforming the terrain.' I thought, noticing.

"Prepare for intensive training. In addition, you should think about how you can improve your costumes, now that you all have a better understanding of your quirks. I expect each of you to go Plus Ultra." Aizawa declared.

"Yes, sir!" the class yelled.

I came back to reality once again, as Ectoplasm smacked the back of my head.

"Dad?" I said, looking around.

"What are you staring off into space for? You haven't made any headway with your own ultimate move." Ectoplasm scolded. Each of us students had one of Ectoplasm's clones to train with.

"To be fair, that time I wasn't staring off into space. I was staring off at my classmates. I figured it might help me, to see the routes they're going with their moves." I defended. The pro hero released a noticeable sigh.

"And what did you learn?" Ectoplasm asked.

"Well... Ashido's turning her acid into a projectile stream, Ojiro's working on fighting without his tail, Izuku is just standing around..." I began.

"Don't just list off what the others are doing. What ideas of your own have you come up with, from watching them?" Ectoplasm repeated.

"I think... that my quirk isn't the attack type. I've always known that. It's more of an enhancement quirk, than anything. In the past few months, I've experienced just how much it can help my longevity in battle. But it's not offensive at all. That's why I have all the support gear that I do." I admitted.

"Clearly you weren't paying attention for our entire explanation because there are two things you aren't considering. One; an ultimate move does not have to be an attack. Iida's Recipro Burst even qualifies as what we're looking for, here. And two; no one ever said you can't incorporate your gear. That's what it's for, to support you." Ectoplasm stated. I couldn't help but facepalm at myself. My head really was all over the place to the point I had missed something so obvious.

"Of course! I've been using ultimate moves this whole time!" I finally realized. In my head, I recalled previous encounters with various random villains I had fought in the past months, including Stain. Reaching in my overcoat and under my arm, I drew one of my pistols from its holster.

"It's crossed my mind before, but what kind of pistol is that?" Ectoplasm asked, curiously. I ejected the magazine and exposed the empty chamber, before holding it up for his viewing.

"My pistols are dual Beretta 92FS 9mm, each with a 20 round magazine. I carry around a total of 40 non-lethal impact rounds, made by UA's Support Course. But those numbers don't really matter, thanks to my quirk. It's like an infinite ammo cheat." I explained, reloading my magazine.

Basically this:

"Am I to believe you have an ultimate move in mind that uses them?" Ectoplasm asked.

"Oh yeah. Here's a classic I've been doing since the start." I replied, grinning. I turned to a thin piece of stone that was almost my height. Then I aimed my pistol about halfway down.

"Cockshot!" I shouted. In that moment, I fired a few shots into the stone, where I imagined an opponent's groin would be. "In most cases, all it takes is one bullet." I simply said. Ectoplasm released a loud and begrudging groan.

"If you insist on using such a shameless and pain-inducing move, then at least give it a less derogatory name... And please avoid using it against fellow students." Ectoplasm reasoned.

"A new name for it? Alright, I'll think of something." I agreed.

"While you're at it, you should consider carrying more pistol magazines than you do now. If you were to both run out of ammunition and overuse your quirk, you would effectively be defenseless." Ectoplasm suggested.

"Now that you mention it, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to pay a visit to the Support Course. You mind?" I asked.

"You mean the Development Studio? Go ahead. But be ready for more training, and more moves, when you get back." Ectoplasm said.

I took off and ended up heading there with both Uraraka and Iida. "So you're focusing on making your own body float?" Iida asked.

"Mm-hm. If I increase my mobility, I can use the martial arts I learned from my internship even more. What are you doing?" Uraraka replied.

"It's quite simple. I want to reduce Recipro's drawbacks. I plan on asking the development studio to improve my radiator." Iida said.

"What about you, Y/N?" Uraraka asked.

"Huh? Oh, I really just felt like it was about time I see what inventions Mei has cooked up. Beyond that, I'm probably gonna request more ammo than I currently carry." I explained.

"It's so weird to have a classmate who uses guns." Uraraka said, thinking.

"Indeed. Speaking of guns, Y/N, did you ever hear back on Snipe's condition?" Iida asked.

"Thankfully, he's alive. He's just pretty messed up from the attack Toga or whoever did to him. Honestly, I still can't believe what happened." I replied, sadly.

"Oh, there's Deku!" Uraraka suddenly exclaimed. I looked forward and indeed saw Izuku standing before the Development Studio door. "I was just wondering where you were!" Uraraka said, running ahead. But I had been faster.

"Don't run in the halls!" Iida shouted, sternly.

"You here for costume improvements too?" Uraraka asked, waving. As she said those words, I was close to grabbing Izuku's shoulder.

"Can we talk about..." I tried.

I was interrupted as Izuku slid the door open and a massive explosion sent us both flying.

I lay shellshocked on the floor from what had just happened. With my ears now ringing, I noticed the smoke pouring out of the room. I quickly refilled the oxygen in the hallway, dispersing it. But there was another issue. Some kind of weight preventing me from getting up.

"Oh, hey. When did you get here?" Mei asked, happily. She was partially on my back and partially on Izuku's chest, as we all were on the floor. Izuku released an almost fearful cry from how close Mei's boobs were to his face. Meanwhile I had my own thoughts.

"Mei, I know whose back you're on, but whose side are you on?!" I exploded, dumbfounded.

"Y/N! You're here too? Glad you could make it." Mei replied, happily. She finally got off Izuku and I and we each stood up. As I dusted myself off, Power Loader emerged from the Development Studio.

"You shouldn't try to mix everything you can find in a lab, like that." he said.

"Failure is the mother of invention, Mr. Power Loader. Thomas Edison said something like that. As long as I learn something, this wasn't a waste of time!" Mei countered.

"You almost blew up the entire design studio! Will you please listen to me for once! Hatsume!" Power Loader demanded, frustrated.

"How's it going, Power Loader? What kept you?" I said, rubbing my head.

"That explosion hit me before it hit you. I think I actually blacked out for a minute..." Power Loader replied.

"Well, I'm busy developing new babies, so, bye!" Mei suddenly said. The others had been speaking with her only for her to lose interest.

"Wait! I wanted to speak to someone about improving my costume!" Izuku cried out.

"You can count me in!" Mei screamed, turning around.

"Oh, no..." I muttered.

"Hatsume! If you can't behave and do as I say, you're banned from the studio. Got it? The rest of you: Eraser Head mentioned you were coming by. Come on in." Power Loader instructed. Our group entered the Development Studio, where we were helped one by one.

In the end, we had each found our own solution to what we were looking for. Myself, having acquired additional ammo and even smoke grenades, like Snipe uses. One by one, the four of us returned to Gym Gamma with new potential flooding our minds. Developing and training our ultimate moves would now become part of our daily lives.
