First Day

It was now April. Midoriya and I start at UA today. (You replace Koji Koda) We were entering UA now. "The acceptance rate for UA High's Hero Course is less than one in three hundred every year." Midoriya said.

"Yeah, I know. I read that other than the four people admitted through recommendations, thirty-six are admitted through the regular exam. And those thirty-six are split into only two classes with eighteen in each." I replied.

"Oh man! Where's Class 1A... This place's too big..." Midoriya said.

"There it is!" I said, enthusiastically. The door to the classroom had a big '1-A' written on it in red.

"The door's huge! Is it for accessibility... The elite chosen from the huge number at the exam..." Midoriya mumbled to himself. He shook his head as though he was thinking of something unpleasant.

"Take it easy, dude." I said. Midoriya turned to look at me. "You're worried that Bakugo or that jerk from the written exam will be here, right? Come on, what are the odds of that? We've got this, man!" I stated. Midoriya looked reassured as he smiled. With his temporary burst of confidence, he opened the door for us. As we stepped in the classroom, we were immediately exposed to familiar yelling.

"Don't put your feet on the desk!" a tall guy with glasses yelled. It was the same guy from the exam. And I couldn't believe who he was yelling at.

"Huh?" Bakugo replied. I facepalmed at how wrong I was. Meanwhile, Midoriya looked like he wanted to crawl under a desk and hide.

"Don't you think it's rude to the UA upperclassmen and the people who made the desk?" the tall guy asked.

"Nope. What Junior High did you go to, you side character?" Bakugo responded.

"I attended Somei Private Academy. My name is Tenya Iida." the tall guy said.

"Somei? So you're a damn elite, huh? Looks like I'll have fun crushing you." Bakugo stated, confidently.

'So his name's Iida, huh? What a wet blanket.' I thought. I couldn't help but scoff. "Note to self: Do not sit next to Bakugo or Iida..." I said, sarcastically. No one was near me, except Midoriya. So only he heard me. Bakugo and Iida exchanged a few more words before turning to see us at the door. The rest of the class followed their eyes and turned to face Midoriya and I. While I enjoyed time in the spotlight, Midoriya was super shy. I decided to mess with him. I leaned toward him and started jabbing him in the side with my elbow.

"They're staring at you!" I shouted in a whisper tone. Everyone heard me. Most of the class started laughing. Somehow, my comment made Midoriya even more embarrassed. Iida approached us.

"Good morning! I am from Somei Private Academy. My name is..." he began.

"I heard!" Midoriya interrupted. Iida stopped like a deer in headlights. "I'm Midoriya. Nice to meet you, Iida." Midoriya added.

"I'm Y/N L/N. Let's hope we all get along." I said, enthusiastically.

"Nice to meet you both. Midoriya, you realized there was something more to that practical exam, didn't you? I had no idea... I misjudged you! I hate to admit it but you are better than me." Iida said. Midoriya had a confused look on his face. I had no idea what Iida was talking about, either. But I liked that he basically apologized to Midoriya.

"Sorry. I didn't actually realize anything." Midoriya replied.

"Oh, that curly hair! You're the plain looking one!" a girl said. Midoriya and I turned around to see the girl from the entrance exam.

'The plain looking one? Who the hell starts a conversation like that? I mean, we just got here...' I thought. The girl started talking about Present Mic, Midoriya's punch, etc. I wasn't really paying attention. I was trying not to laugh at Midoriya. He had an extremely embarrassed look on his face, as the girl kept talking to him.

I turned to face Bakugo and matched his glare. At one point before today, Bakugo, Midoriya and I had a less than preferable encounter.


"I can't believe we have three students from our school all joining UA! I expected that much out of Bakugo, but not you two. It's a miracle! " the teacher said.

'That's kind of a dick thing to say.' I thought. "The only miracle here is Midoriya's quirk manifesting just in time for the entrance exam." I explained.

"That was quite a thing, wasn't it? Midoriya, I'm surprised you haven't been contacted by any quirk specialists, or anything. Manifesting your quirk ten years too late is something never before heard of!" the teacher said. Bakugo was angry through the entire thing. Afterwards, he used his quirk to push the two of us into an alley and interrogate us. He didn't pin us to the wall, but he threatened to explode us if we left without answering him.

"What dirty tricks did you two use to get in?! Nobody manifests a quirk ten years too late! So what trick did you two use to get into UA?! Huh?!" Bakugo yelled.

"All we did was give our all at the entrance exam. It's not our problem if you're too arrogant to see that there's more than just brute strength." I said. Bakugo released a small explosion that knocked me off my feet.

"Y/N!" Midoriya shouted, worriedly. Bakugo grabbed Midoriya's shirt and pinned him to the wall behind us.

"I was supposed to be the first and only one from this crap school to get into UA! You two have already ruined my plans!" Bakugo screamed. Midoriya grabbed his hand in response. Bakugo was shocked at this.

"Kacchan. Someone told me...'You can become a Hero.' Both that person and Y/N told me, it's about the effort you put in. So that's why I'm going to UA!" Midoriya shouted back. I was surprised but thrilled at his confidence and drive. Standing up from the ground, I shoved Bakugo off Midoriya.

"You mean 'we' Midoriya! That's why we are going to UA! I give you my word Bakugo, some day...we'll be Heroes! Heroes way greater than you!" I screamed from the heart.

End of Flashback:

"I wonder what the teacher's gonna be like. I wonder what the plan for today is." the girl said. Midoriya was still badly blushing.

"This isn't a playground. If you're just here to make friends, leave now." a voice said. Everyone in the classroom started looking around. Then, a man in a black outfit, wearing a scarf, walked in. "It took you eight seconds to get quite. Time is limited, and you kids aren't rational enough." the man added. He looked extremely un-kept and tired.

'I thought all the teachers here were supposed to be Pro Heroes? No way this guy is the teacher.' I thought. "Are you okay, sir? I mean, it's a little early to be drinking." I spoke, jokingly.

"Guess I've found this year's class clown. Keep it up and I'll have you expelled before lunch." the man said. My expression changed at the speed of light. I covered my mouth with my hands and nodded in agreement. "I'm your homeroom teacher, Shoto Aizawa." Aizawa said. I almost fainted. Not even an hour in at UA and I'm about to get expelled.

'High School is rough...' I thought.

"I'll make this simple. Put on this outfit and head out to the field." Aizawa said, holding up a gym uniform. Everyone changed and met outside. "Today will be a no-holds-barred Quirk Assessment Test." Aizawa explained.

"Oh, man! We get to use our quirks?! Awesome!" a red haired guy said.

"Yeah. Here at UA, we do things differently. Other schools test your physical capabilities with your quirks restricted, it's illogical. In a superpowered society, why would you not use your quirk to get ahead? Let's get started. Bakugo, what was your record for the ball throw in middle school?" Aizawa asked.

"Sixty-seven meters." Bakugo stated. Aizawa tossed him a ball.

"Then do it now, but this time, use your quirk." Aizawa ordered. Bakugo stepped up to the circle.

"Die!" he said, throwing. He added an explosion to his throw, and the ball flew with enough force to create several shockwaves.

"Die?" Midoriya and I both said. Aizawa held up a device displaying the distance of his throw.

"705 meters? Seriously?" a blond guy said.

"What's this? It looks fun!" a pink girl said.

"We can use our quirks as much as we want! As expected of the Hero Course!" a black haired guy said. He had oddly shaped elbows that I couldn't look away from. It looked like his elbows had matching tumors in them.

'Okay, that's freaking me out. I really hope that's part of his quirk...' I thought. I couldn't help but cross my arms, feeling uncomfortable.

"It looks fun, huh? Do you intend to hold onto that attitude the entire three years you spend here? Alright, then. Whoever gets the lowest score today, gets expelled." Aizawa said, seriously. The classes' jaws dropped. Except Bakugo, of course. He wasn't worried and for good reason. With full use of our quirks allowed, he would probably end up with the highest score, again.

Test 1: Fifty Meter Dash

Iida used engines in his legs to run super fast. Bakugo propelled straight over by flying with his explosions. Etc

On my turn, I ran it in 6.02 seconds.

"You did better than me by a whole second..." Midoriya said, gloomy.

"Why didn't you use your quirk? At the entrance exam, you were so fast, I couldn't follow you with my eyes!" I said.

"It's kind of complicated..." Midoriya replied.

Test 2: Grip Strength

Midoriya got 56kg and I got 68kg.

"540kg?! What are you, a gorilla? Oh, an octopus?" the black haired guy said. He was marveling over a guy with six arms.

"Octopuses are sexy." a short purple guy said.

"What kind of sick class did they put us in?" I asked Midoriya.

Test 3: Standing Long Jump

Because Midoriya still wasn't using his quirk, he did badly. Don't ask me how, but I did even worse.

Test 4: Repeated Side Steps

I did above average.

Test 5: Ball Throw

The girl Midoriya liked stepped up to throw. She used her zero gravity quirk to throw the ball, and as such it never came down. Aizawa showed everyone her score. "Infinity?!" Everyone screamed.

"That's amazing! She got infinity!" the blond guy said. As impressed as I was, this was yet another test that my quirk couldn't help with.

"Aw, man. I wish there was a test of pure stamina. I could get infinity on that." I sulked. Some people around me overheard.

"Wait what?! You've got infinite stamina?!" the red haired guy asked. Others overheard his yelling and walked over.

"Seriously? That's cool! So what, you never get tired?" the blond guy asked.

"An infinite stamina quirk? But weren't you using some kind of electrical power at the entrance exam?" Iida asked.

"Well actually, my quirk is Refill." I responded. Those around me looked confused but curious.

"Refill? I've never heard of a quirk like that." the red haired guy said.

"I'm afraid I don't understand." Iida said.

"Okay, Okay. Listen. My quirk is Refill. I can pretty much refill anything physical." I explained.

"That's pretty weird..." the blond guy said. Iida lit up like a lightbulb.

"I get it now. So you mean to say, you can even use your quirk to refill your own stamina?" Iida asked.

"Not just MY stamina, anyone's. And my quirk goes way beyond that. If it can be refilled, I can refill it. And I can do it just by thinking." I clarified once again.

"Whoa! That's awesome!" the red haired guy said.

"So that electrical power you used at the entrance exam..." Iida started.

"That power didn't come from me. It came from the Shock Gloves I was wearing at the time." I said.

"Oh, wow. For a second, I thought there was someone else in this class with an electrical quirk, besides me. Like there isn't enough competition already." the blond guy said. Suddenly, a short annoying purple guy ran up.

"Hey, you! I overheard about your quirk. You gotta refill my stamina for me! I'm exhausted!" he shouted. More people started to run up and ask the same thing. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like the acknowledgement, even if they did just want something out of my quirk. It was just like when I was a little kid.

"May I remind you that you're all competing? Don't forget, whoever gets the lowest score today, gets expelled." Aizawa stated. He turned to me. "L/N, how many times have you refilled your stamina today?" he asked.

"Not at all. I'm pretty conditioned, so my stamina is notably high. I only refill it when I really need to." I answered.

"Good. With an ability like that, it would be easy to become too dependent on it. Don't let that happen. Midoriya, you're up next for the ball throw." Aizawa said. Midoriya took the ball and stepped up to throw. He stood there for a good bit, contemplating something. I could tell he was nervous. It still bothered me that he wasn't using it at all today. Did it depend on his emotions? Could he not access that monstrous strength if he were nervous? My thoughts were interrupted by the chatter around.

"It doesn't look good for Midoriya if he continues like this." Iida said.

"Huh? Of course not. He's a quirkless small fry, you know." Bakugo said, pointing.

"Quirkless?! Are you not aware of what he did in the entrance exam?" Iida asked, shocked. Midoriya took a throwing stance and some kind of energy began to light up his arm.

'Whoa! It's like his quirk works by first charging up power!' I thought. Midoriya threw the ball with a grunt, but it didn't go very far.

"Forty-six meters." an electronic voice said. Midoriya stood shocked, his mouth agape. I was concerned for what had just happened to his quirk.

"I was definitely trying to use it just now..." Midoriya said, clutching his hand.

"I erased your quirk." Aizawa said. His eyes were now glowing red, and his scarf was levitating around him. Everyone's eyes widened.

"I know you! You're an underground Hero! You can look at someone and neutralize their power!" Midoriya proclaimed.

"That entrance exam was definitely not rational enough. Not if someone like you was able to pass. From what I can tell, you can't control your quirk, can you? Do you intend to become incapacitated again and have someone save you?" Aizawa asked.

"T-That's not my intention..." Midoriya defended. Aizawa used his strange scarf to wrap up Midoriya and pull him towards him.

"Izuku Midoriya. With your power, you cannot become a Hero. I have returned your impractical quirk. You have two turns for the ball throw. Hurry up and get it over with." Aizawa said, walking away. I wanted to say something to Midoriya, but this didn't seem like the time. I knew how he felt, though. To be told that your quirk isn't Hero Material... It's awful. Midoriya took a throwing stance once again. This time, for a brief moment before the ball left his hand, I could've sworn I saw one of his fingers charge up the same energy from before!

"Smash!" Midoriya screamed, throwing. The incredible force of his throw created several shockwaves just as Bakugo's had earlier! Everyone stood shocked at the power of Midoriya's quirk, even Aizawa. He looked at his device to check the distance of the throw. Midoriya held his hand up and clenched his fist. The finger I saw light up was broken, and he looked like he was trying not to cry.

"Mr. Aizawa. I can still move!" Midoriya shouted. Aizawa's tired face now wore an unexpected smile.

"This kid..." he said. He held up the device displaying the distance of Midoriya's throw.

"He got 705 meters, too?! Wow! That's as good as Bakugo!" the blond guy said. I scoffed at his comment.

"No. He did even better than Bakugo's throw. Even if it was by just 0.1 meters more." I exclaimed, grinning. Me and the girl Midoriya liked started cheering for him.

"Hang on, it looks like one of his fingers is broken." Iida noticed.

"Yeah, it's pretty weird, I agree. Every quirk has its limits, but it's like the only limit to Midoriya's quirk is his body. I've never seen anything like it." I confessed. Bakugo suddenly rushed towards Midoriya.

"Hey! Tell me what's going on, Deku, you bastard!" Bakugo shouted. Midoriya was frozen with fear. I began to move, until Aizawa wrapped up Bakugo.

"Jeez... Don't keep making me use my quirk over and over. We're wasting time. Whoever's next, throw." Aizawa said, annoyed.

The class made it through the rest of the test. Midoriya wasn't doing so well before breaking his finger, but afterwards, he started doing even worse. Understandable... It's hard to do anything when you're in pain. Aizawa displayed the scores for everyone. I was somewhere in the middle. Then I found Midoriya's name. He had the lowest score... I felt angry at the circumstances. I turned to face him, and he looked pitiful.

"Midoriya, I..." I began.

"Oh, by the way, last place isn't really getting expelled." Aizawa stated, simply. The entire class freaked out. I breathed a loud sigh of relief for my friend. "I just said that to push you all to using the upper limits of your quirks. Okay, class is dismissed. Get out of here. And Midoriya, go see Recovery Girl about that finger." Aizawa ordered.

"Yes, Sensei!" the class said.
