License Exam: Part 2

Probably not my best chapter. But I hope you enjoy.

Izuku and Y/N stood in a safe space, hidden behind multiple large rocks. The previous examinees, from Ketsubutsu High, were relatively nearby but still out of earshot. With the two best friends, was Uraraka, looking very confused at the situation.

"Izuku...we fucked up..."

"No way...Y/N?"

From Izuku's body, Y/N shook his head in confirmation.

Izuku (Y/N's body): "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!"

Y/N (Izuku's body): "Look, I know that this is so unbelievably bad, but we need to stay calm."

Izuku (Y/N's body): "It must've been someone's quirk. I didn't even know a quirk like this existed! A body-switching power?! Y/N, how are you so calm about this?!"

Y/N (Izuku's body): "Up until now, my quirk has always been the king of abnormal, both for me and most people. But I've never seen anything like this... In fact, I still haven't..."

Izuku (Y/N's body): "It must've been that feeling from before... It felt like someone had tried to grab my head, and only managed to brush their hand against my skull, before we took off..."

Y/N (Izuku's body): "The same thing happened to me. Did you feel that burning sensation, too?"

Izuku (Y/N's body): "It was like my brain was on fire! It didn't last long, and then all of a sudden, I was in your body!"

Uraraka had stood up and finally began to speak, after watching the entire conversation, silently. "Hang on... You mean you two have switched bodies?" Uraraka said, shocked. The two friends looked to her with an almost pitiful expression.

Y/N (Izuku's body): "That would be the topic at hand, yes." he said, sarcastically.

Izuku (Y/N's body): "How does this even work? What type of quirk is this? Have our brains been physically moved to one another's body by some means? Or does it work by different means? The brain has electrical signals running through it. Could the quirk responsible have something to do with that? And by that logic, is it just an electrical quirk? One that they've repurposed to switch people's bodies?"

Y/N (Izuku's body): "Don't rant to yourself like that, in my body! I can tolerate it when it's coming from your mouth, but not mine."

"Can't you somehow fix this with your quirk, Y/N?" Uraraka asked.

Y/N (Izuku's body): "What am I supposed to do? Refill the brains in our heads? For all I know, I could risk causing us seizures or exploding our heads or something."

Izuku (Y/N's body): "No, that's not right. If only our minds have swapped bodies, then you don't have Refill right now!"

Realizing his friend was right, Y/N went on a fuming rant of loud grunting and unintelligible words.

Y/N (Izuku's body): "Okay. Looks like we might have to navigate each other's quirks in order to pass this exam. Fuck! So... time for a crash course on Refill. I want you to picture your current body in your mind, and imagine your stamina being totally refilled. You just have to commit, you have to mean it, and it'll happen." he explained. Izuku begrudgingly attempted what he had just been told, but suddenly felt something very uncomfortable, before vomiting. "Okaaayyy, I think you just refilled your stomach, somehow causing you to throw up. I cant imagine how difficult your quirk is gonna be for me..."

Unbeknownst to the two young men, Uraraka had pulled out of the exam balls. An eerie smile appeared on her face, as she brought the ball close to one of their targets. A loud gunshot suddenly erupted, and one of Y/N's bullets whizzed by, in her general direction.

Izuku (Y/N's body): "Let me guess. You're someone from Shiketsu?" He was holding the gun.

"I'm what?" she said.

Izuku (Y/N's body): "Uraraka has been working on her quirk. Training hard. She can even ignore its side effects for a short period of time and use it to make herself float without getting sick. But you, you haven't tried to use it at all, even though you were in danger. And even more suspicious, you exposed yourself to the enemy without a plan. Thats not like the Uraraka I know. So who are you?"

Hearing Izuku's words, Y/N was now on guard as well.

"If you saved me even though you knew I was a fake, does that mean you were trying to use me somehow?" the girl asked. Her face and outfit began to seemingly melt, revealing the Shiketsu girl from before, covered in some kind of grey sludge.

Y/N (Izuku's body): "Alright, I've had enough of this!" He reached in his own overcoat and drew his other pistol. Upon firing at the girl before him, Y/N's bullet missed, ricocheted, and impacted with the side of his torso, or rather, Izuku's torso.

"Shit! Ow!" Y/N screamed. For an instant, he was back to seeing things from his own body's perspective. Next, he was seeing through Izuku's eyes again. It was like a glitch in the matrix. The two friends looked to each other with mutually understanding expressions, before aiming their pistols at one another. Gunfire erupted as they pelted each other with the non-lethal rounds. The Shiketsu girl stood watching them in complete confusion and disbelief. At this point, her strange quirk had rendered her basically naked.

"I'm me again! I mean, I'm back in my own body!" Izuku exclaimed, excitedly.

"Hell yeah! I am, too!" Y/N said. He turned to face the dumbfounded Shiketsu girl. "And you're done." he added. Tape suddenly launched towards the girl, forcing her to dodge. The source was none other than Sero, standing atop a tall rock.

"Dammit, guys! What's this enviable situation you guys are in?" he called out.

"Sero!" Midoriya exclaimed. The one true Uraraka was with him. She leapt into the air, positioning herself high above the Shiketsu girl.

"Release!" Uraraka yelled. She began a controlled fall downward, but her target quickly dodged out the way. Seeing how outnumbered she now was, the Shiketsu girl got some distance and sat on a high rock, looking down.

"I really, really wanted to talk to you guys some more. But not with so many people around. What a bummer. Ochaco Uraraka. He really trusts you a lot, you know." the girl said, standing.

"Huh?" Uraraka questioned. The girl leapt off where she stood and the 1A group quickly lost sight of her.

"Good riddance. This day has been hard enough without her bullshit added to the mix." Y/N complained.

"Come back, naked girl!" Sero said.

"Don't follow her!" Izuku shouted.

"Aw, man, why not?" Sero asked, sounding disappointed.

"Because she may have been the first naked girl to run from you, but I doubt she'll be the last." Y/N joked.

"It might've been her quirk, but it looked like she wasn't wearing her clothes or her targets. There's still a chance she might come after us. But think about it, we don't have much time left, and it would be hard to get a point off her. Also...You two are actually you, right?" Izuku said.

"Huh? Actually us?" Uraraka said.

"What are you talkin' about?" Sero asked.

"Well, earlier, that girl transformed into Uraraka's clone..." Izuku began. Hearing that, Uraraka's face lit up bright red, having misunderstood the circumstances. Sero suddenly grabbed Izuku by the shoulders and furiously shook him.

"Was she naked then too, Midoriya?!" Sero screamed, extremely curious.

"That's what you're concerned about? Of course not, she had a costume on!" Izuku replied. Sero released his hold on him, placing a hand to his chin, in thought.

"So that hottie's quirk is to transform into other people. Weird." Sero said.

"Trust me, that's not the weirdest quirk we've seen today." Y/N swore.

"It's a good thing that your bullet richocheted, Y/N! We may have never found out that pain could bring us back to normal!" Izuku praised.

"Knowing your passion for self-harm, you would've figured that out sooner or later." Y/N said, sarcastically.

"Back to normal? What happened before we got here?" Uraraka asked.

"Izuku and I had an encounter with a really strange quirk. I'm still not sure how it worked. It was like all the information transmitting to and from our brains was going to the wrong person." Y/N admitted, crossing his arms.

"That sounds about right. In other words, our brains were remotely controlling one another's bodies, and a sufficient amount of pain stopped it." Izuku reiterated.

"No way!" Uraraka shouted.

"There's no way that happened. You guys have gotta be messing with us or something." Sero said, certain. Izuku and Y/N were now looking quite strained. Their adrenaline from before was beginning to wear off, so the pain of their injuries was setting in.

"We had to shoot each other with my pistols to induce pain and get back to normal. You think we would lie about that too, Sero? Because trust me, it's kinda hard to breathe like this." Y/N said, aching.

"I think my chest is bleeding from all those impact rounds in one spot." Izuku noticed. A little red could be seen coming through the fabric of his green suit.

"That's not looking good. How close are you guys to passing?" Sero asked.

"I haven't made an elimination yet. But Y/N just needs one more." Izuku replied, rasping. Uraraka suddenly raised her hand, looking like she had an idea.

"Sero and I took down some guys a little while ago. He wrapped them up in his tape, close to here!" Uraraka said.

"Hey, yeah! We didn't have time to get eliminations on them, because we heard your guy's voices and rushed to help." Sero remembered.

"How many people? Maybe we can all pass right now!" Y/N said, excited.

"Nah. It's just a couple of guys from some low ranking school. Only two of us four could pass, by eliminating them." Sero explained.

"You guys should go ahead and pass. Y/N and I can stick around until we get the eliminations we need." Izuku said, sternly.

"No way. You guys are hurt, you should hurry up and pass." Sero argued.

After a short while of arguing, it was eventually decided. Izuku and Y/N would take the opportunity to get the last of their eliminations and pass the exam. The duo left the battlefield with a mixture of guilt and difficulty breathing.
'Uraraka... Sero... I swear, we won't forget your sacrifice. We'll make it up to you guys!' the two thought, in unison.

Meanwhile, Uraraka and Sero would continue to fight for their eliminations, now aided by gear of Y/N's. Alone with Uraraka again, Sero held up one of the several smoke grenades Y/N had left them.

"These things will help us get our eliminations in no time! It's hard for anyone to fight when they can't see." Sero said, confident.

"We should still play this smart and avoid engaging with big groups of enemies." Uraraka said.

It would soon be time for the second and final phase of the license exam. And with each moment, the question of who would and wouldn't pass remained.
