USJ: Part 2

All Might stood at the entrance of USJ. He quickly removed his tie. "Everything will be alright! I am here!" All Might roared. As I looked closer, I noticed he wasn't smiling.

But his arrival had us students standing with great big smiles on our faces. Meanwhile, the Villains in the area looked intimidated. In a flash, All Might had moved down the stairs, defeated all the lower level enemies and saved Mr. Aizawa! He then grabbed Midoriya, Tsu, Mineta and I and set us a safe distance away, with the injured Mr. Aizawa. "Oh, man! That speed was crazy!" I yelled, astounded. Jiro and Yaoyorozu ran over from nearby and joined our group.

"Get out of here, my students. Now!" All Might instructed.

"Are you alright, Mr. Aizawa?" Mineta asked. Yaoyorozu kneeled down to the teacher, checking on him.

"We need to go. Once we get away, I will begin making first aid supplies." Yaoyorozu said. With that, Mineta and I picked up Mr. Aizawa and began carrying him out of the area.

"How did All Might figure out what was happening here?" Jiro asked.

"My money's on Iida. He was closest to escaping before we all got warped. He must've managed to escape USJ and find All Might." I said. I looked back and saw that Midoriya wasn't following after us.

"All Might!" Midoriya yelled, concerned. His face looked like he so desperately wanted to help.

"Dammit, Midoriya! Come on! Leave it to the Number One!" I screamed, irritated. All Might launched a Carolina Smash at the Nomu, but it did nothing. As the Nomu threw a punch, All Might dodged and tried punching it again, to no avail.

"Nomu's quirk is Shock Absorbtion. It was made to fight and kill you, All Might. You don't stand a chance." the hand villain declared. All Might dodged a punch from the Nomu, grabbed from behind and slammed it into the ground, headfirst. The force covered much of the area with dust. As we continued carrying Mr. Aizawa to the exit, Mineta looked back to the battle.

"Yeah! Go, All Might!" Mineta yelled.

"He should've gone for the head from the start. I mean, that Nomu thing has an exposed brain, for gods sake." I ranted, looking back. Midoriya had a look of great concern on his face. The dust cleared and revealed that the warp villain, Kurogiri, had used his quirk to help the Nomu. The Nomu now had a death grip on All Might.

Seeing this, Midoriya immediately rushed towards them. Bakugo, Kirishima and Todoroki had arrived on the scene and also moved to support All Might. Kurogiri moved to warp Midoriya away, but Bakugo came up behind him and hit him with an explosion. He placed a hand on the villain's neck armor and now had him pinned to the ground.

"I figured there had to be one solid part of you! You better believe I'll blow you to hell if you try to move!" Bakugo screamed, angrily. Kurogiri gulped at his ferocity and remained still. Todoroki rushed the Nomu and hit it with a powerful freeze attack. Meanwhile, Kirishima had tried to sneak up on the hand villain, but failed. All Might used his strength to shatter the Nomu's frozen arms, like glass.

"The strongest of the class are helping All Might!" Tsu said, thrilled.

"Get 'em guys!" Mineta yelled at them.

"Take Eraser Head and get out of here! The rest of you need to hide!" Thirteen ordered, straining.

"Not bad, brats. I'm impressed with your willingness to help All Might. But, I'm so disappointed in you, Kurogiri. You were supposed to keep the students at bay." the hand villain said.

"Shigaraki, I..." Kurogiri began.

"Nomu, free Kurogiri." Shigaraki ordered. The Nomu effortlessly broke free from Todoroki's ice. Its missing arms immediately regenerated and it rushed towards Bakugo. The Nomu launched a punch, but All Might moved in front of Bakugo and the two's fists collided. They were each slightly knocked back from the mutual recoil.

"The fact of the matter is, All Might, that what you call Heroes, are not real. At the end of the day, Heroes are nothing but restraints, placed on people, to ruin their fun. Why should we not be able to do what we want?" Shigaraki monologued. All Might winded back his arm for another punch at the Nomu.

"You have no noble cause for your actions. People doing whatever they want, with no restrictions, is the definition of chaos! That is why Heroes exist! To stop those like you!" All Might screamed. He and Nomu were moving all over the area. Because of their speed and the powerful shockwaves from their attacks, no one could get close. All Might grabbed the Nomu and intensely spun it around, at great speed, before throwing it high into the air. Next, he jumped with such force, that our eyes couldn't even follow him.

'Just like Midoriya at the Entrance Exam!' I thought. All Might grabbed hold of the Nomu's arm and threw it back to the ground. The Nomu impacted with the ground and created a massive crater. All Might landed behind it, and the two started trading blows, in a glorious fistfight. Their arms moved so fast that they were complete blurs. All Might put on a massive smile as he threw a final punch.

"Plus Ultra Texas Smash!" All Might screamed. He struck the Nomu in the chest with everything he had, and it was sent flying through the USJ dome. The smoke and dust around All Might cleared. "In my prime, I could've defeated it in five punches. But it ended up taking closer to three hundred..." All Might said. He turned to look at Shigaraki and Kurogiri who were in absolute shock. "You've been defeated, League of Villains. It's time to give up." All Might stated. Shigaraki gritted his teeth in anger. He began scratching his neck, until it bled.

"No. No. Nomu was defeated... It can't be... Now there's no chance of killing the Symbol of Peace..." Shigaraki panicked.

"What's wrong? Aren't you going to attack me?" All Might asked, calmly. Shigaraki and Kurogiri's eyes widened in surprise. "Come on. Fight me." All Might said again. I laughed at his badassery.

"Oh yeah! Fuck them up, All Might!" I yelled, excited.

"Shigaraki, look at him." Kurogiri said, calmly. Shigaraki looked at All Might, anxiously. "All Might has suffered significant damage from his fight with the Nomu. We have a chance. We can kill him." Kurogiri added.

Something caught my eye. I took out the telescope Yaoyorozu had made me earlier and looked down to Midoriya. His face was very anxious, scared even. 'What the hell? All Might has won. What's he scared about?' I thought. My expression changed as a theory crossed my mind. 'Does Midoriya know something we don't? Is...Is All Might bluffing?' I thought, nervously. Shigaraki and Kurogiri took stances like they were about to attack. I was now sweating bullets. I drew one of my pistols and aimed down at the two villains.

"Y/N?" Yaoyorozu asked, noticing. The other classmates around looked at me, as well. Their words were incoherent background noise to me. The two villains moved to attack and Midoriya used his quirk to propel himself forward and intercept them. Both of his legs were now broken.

'Dammit. There's no way I can land a shot, with a pistol, at this distance! But I have even less of a chance to close the distance between me and them, before someone dies! What should I do? What should I do?' I wondered, panicking. Shigaraki had put one of his hands through Kurogiri's portal. My finger gripped the trigger tighter, as my hands shook. The villain's hand was inches from grabbing Midoriya. Just then, the sound of a gunshot roared through USJ. And a bullet went through Shigaraki's arm, stopping his attack. I looked at my gun, confused. I wasn't me that had fired. I turned around to meet the source.

"I, Tenya Iida, have returned with help!" Iida shouted. The Pro Hero, Snipe, had been the one to shoot Shigaraki. With the Pros now here, they engaged the remaining villains. Present Mic took down several with his sonic scream. Ectoplasm made clones of himself and overwhelmed others. Snipe fired several more shots at Shigaraki, damaging most of his limbs. Thirteen activated her quirk and tried to suck up him and Kurogiri. Unfortunately, Kurogiri was able to warp himself and Shigaraki away. With all the villains defeated, I left Mr. Aizawa with the Pros. Kirishima and I ran to Midoriya and All Might, to check the condition of their injuries. But Cementoss suddenly jumped in front of us and raised a cement wall, blocking our path and line of sight.

"These two are not your priority. Please gather your classmates at the exit." Cementoss said. Kirishima and I were still concerned but did as he told. Afterwards, we were all gathered outside. An Investigator named Tsukauchi was going over the details of the incident.

"Okay. Other than Izuku Midoriya, no students sustained any injuries." Tsukauchi stated.

"Are Mr. Aizawa and Thirteen going to be okay?" Tsu asked, worried.

"Those two are critically injured, but neither suffered any fatal wounds. Given time, they'll be fine." Tsukauchi replied. An officer ran up to him and saluted.

"Sir! We located the villain that All Might defeated! The one called 'Nomu' is now in custody!" the officer said. Myself and a few of my classmates were stunned.

"That thing survived?! I thought All Might finally overwhelmed it's Shock Absorption and sent it straight to hell!" I shouted, astonished.

"Apparently, it was found several miles from UA's grounds, but very much alive, yes." Tsukauchi said.

"How did you even capture it?! That thing had the speed and power to rival All Might!" Kirishima asked, confused.

"The report says that it was found completely immobile and unresponsive to any form of stimuli." Tsukauchi explained.

"That Shigaraki guy, with the Decay quirk, kept telling it the Nomu what to do. It was almost like it had no free will or thought. Like it was made to follow orders..." I thought, aloud.

"That's what we were thinking, as well. We are going to look further it's origins and try to get some answers." Tsukauchi said, impressed. Eventually, it was night. Midoriya had ended up staying with Recovery Girl for the rest of the day, due to his injuries. Uraraka, Iida and I had all decided to wait on him. As he came outside, he was surprised and thankful to see us. Jiro and Yaoyorozu had almost waited with us, as well, but that was more because of the friendship they had developed with me. So I just sent them home.

"You all waited?" Midoriya asked.

"Of course." Iida said.

"Yeah, we were worried about you." Uraraka added.

"You need a better hobby. Constant self-harm is not the way to go." I joked, sarcastically. Midoriya made a guilty face before I patted him on the shoulder, smiling. Having survived our hardest day at UA, yet, the four of us walked home together.
