Nighteye's Tests

(Hello readers. I just wanted to take a second to say how grateful I am for all the attention this fanfic has been getting. This started out as my secondary fanfic but has easily become the favorite of my two. This gets so many reads, votes and comments. And every time I update, it shows more growth than the last time. It's truly special when something of your own can get so much positive attention. I never thought a goofy idea like this would get this far. It makes me want to put as much effort and heart into this story as I can. I hope you readers continue to enjoy it. Thank you! Also this chapter is going to seem strange but trust the process.)

It's the first day of our Hero Internships. This morning, Mr. Aizawa had given us our Hero costumes and dismissed us. Since then, Izuku, Uraraka, Iida and I had traveled to a train station together. "I guess this is where we all go our separate ways." I spoke.

"You make it sound like it's forever, Y/N." Izuku said, chuckling.

"Who did you say you'd be interning with again, Deku?" Uraraka asked, curiously.

"Oh. It's an older Hero called Gran Torino." Izuku replied, slightly blushing.

"We're you ever able to find him in the Hero registry?" I asked.

"No. But I know him through someone very close to me. I'm sure things will go well. You know Y/N, I still can't believe you'll be interning with Nighteye! Not only was he All Might's sidekick, but he was considered the brains of their team!" Izuku said, excited.

"I still can't believe he sent me an invitation. I had no clue who to choose until I saw the invitation from the Nighteye Agency. If he really was the brains of All Might, he could probably help me find all kinds of ways to use my quirk." I said, hyped.

"I think we're all going to learn a lot! Good luck Y/N, Deku, Iida!" Uraraka encouraged. Iida was noticeably quite through the entire conversation. "Iida...?" Uraraka asked, concerned.

"Hm? Oh, sorry! Good luck to all of you on your internships!" Iida said. He put on a big smile, but something was off about it.

"Hey, you know Iida...we've all heard about Ingenium..." I began.

"If you're feeling helpless, you can talk to us." Uraraka added.

"We are your friends, after all. Aren't we?" Izuku asked. Iida's expression flinched for a moment, before his smile returned.

"Of course we're all friends. Thank you all for worrying about me, but I'm fine. Good luck again with your internships." Iida said, walking away. I clenched my fists, deep in thought.

'That smile of was fake... Iida, my friend, don't do anything stupid.' I thought. After a final goodbye, we each got on our trains. Before long, I reached my stop and started walking. I was using my phone to navigate the rest of the way.

"Looks like I'm here..." I said. With a deep breath, I eagerly but nervously entered the building. I was kind of surprised by how devoid of people it was.

"Can I help you?" someone asked. The sudden voice had me looking all around for the source. I finally turned around to see a man resembling a giant Centipede. Honestly, the sudden shock made me almost drop the case with my Hero costume in it.

"I-uh-I..." I stuttered. Truth be told, I was not a fan of bugs, so this was a very different experience for me. 'Oh, god! Kill it! Kill it with fire! No wait, don't! Don't be a dick! He's just a guy! He's a person! Make a good first impression!' I screamed, in my head.

"Do you have some business here?" the centipede asked again. I used both hands to slap both sides of my face, regaining a grip on myself.

"My name is Y/N L/N. I'm supposed to intern here. I'm from UA." I finally responded.

"Ah, yes. We've been expecting you. I am the Hero, Centipede. It's a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for choosing our agency for your internship." Centipede said, politely.

"Thanks for having me. I couldn't really turn down an opportunity like this." I complemented.

"Please follow me. I'll take you to Sir." Centipede said. We started walking to wherever I would be needed first. "Can I assume that you're a fan of Sir Nighteye?" Centipede asked, curiously.

"He's All Might's former sidekick, he was considered the brains of All Might, and his quirk is Foresight. I guess I'm enough of a fan to know all that. Anything else I'd be happy to learn." I replied.

"Interesting. Is there anything in particular you hope you learn from Sir in your time here?" Centipede asked. I walked quietly for a few seconds. I wanted my response to sound halfway decent.

"My quirk is very unusual in its abilities, but it has a lot of potential uses. I often find new ways to use it. But I still feel like there's so much more I could do. Not just with my quirk, but with everything that makes up a Hero. I guess you could say I'm here to improve, overall." I explained. Centipede glanced back at me, for a moment, as though he were surprised. Not long after, we reached a door.

"You will find Sir in here. A word of advice: try to make him laugh at some point before your internship ends." Centipede recommended. A confident grin appeared on my face.

"Challenge accepted." I said. With that, Centipede left to return to his duties. I turned the doorknob to Nighteye's office and opened it. My excitement didn't last long. Inside was Nighteye and a young Hero woman I hadn't seen before. She was strapped onto some kind of device that was ticking her sides with feathers to the point of tears.

Nighteye was overseeing the strange form of torture before turning to see me in the doorway.

"Nope." I simply said. With a hand still on the doorknob, I slammed the door shut. A second later, Nighteye pulled the door open from his side and pulled me with it. We were now face to face with him towering over me. "This-uh...This seems like a bad time... Can I come back later? Say about twenty years from-from right now...?" I said, tripping over my words. Even while panicked, my sarcasm remained.

"For your sake, I hope you don't carry that smart tone at all times." Nighteye stated, coldly.

'Why is this guy more like a yakuza than a Hero?!' I thought, intimidated. I released a small cough in an attempt to break the tension. "My name is..."

"Y/N L/N. Yes, I'm aware. It's no big secret. You're the only first year I sent an invitation to." Nighteye said, flatly.

"Seriously? Wow... You must've seen something you liked, huh?" I said. My attempt at breaking the ice had failed. Nighteye still held the same cold expression. "You're not much of a laugher are you? Was Mr. Centipede just messing with me?" I asked, looking back.

"I assure you, people smiling and laughing is a must for me." Nighteye replied, seriously. Understandably, I found that hard to believe.

"Ohhh, right! Cause you were All Might's sidekick! That makes sense." I realized. Nighteye finally pulled me into his office and shut the door. With his back to me, he continued speaking.

"You're awfully inconsistent. One moment you're nervous and seeking to escape. The next, you're unleashing a wave of casual sarcasm." Nighteye pointed out. I looked around at the various All Might posters on the walls of his office.

"Funny. Most people would say sarcasm is the most consistent thing about me. But, for the record, I'm still nervous, I'm just balancing it out with more sarcasm." I said, scratching my face. My eyes met with the Hero woman Nighteye had been previously torturing with an absurd tickling machine. "So, what's the deal with Giggles McGee over here? Or do I want to know?" I asked, hesitantly.

"As I said, it's important to me that people can smile and laugh. I was merely insuring that of my sidekick, here." Nighteye explained. He walked over and unlatched her hands from the torture device. "Bubble Girl, meet Y/N L/N. He's the first year that will be interning with us." Nighteye said, introducing us.

"Hi! We've heard a lot about you. Sir Nighteye has been interested since seeing you in the UA Sports Festival. I'm sure you'll do great here." Bubble Girl said, warmly. Her smile and over all demeanor were very welcoming, much like Centipede. The difference being that I could actually look at Bubble Girl without feeling like insects were crawling on me.

'What are two people like them doing with a guy like Nighteye?' I wondered. I set the case with my Hero costume in it on the ground. "Thank you. It means a lot to get complemented by a Pro. We should get along just fine." I replied, kindly. Nighteye sat down at his desk.

"With that out of the way, Bubble Girl, please return to your duties. L/N, you will remain here. We have some things to go over. Please take a seat." Nighteye ordered. Bubble Girl left the room and I sat in the chair across from Nighteye. He reached in one of his desk drawers and pulled out a plastic cup. He set it in front of me on the desk. "Refill this." Nighteye simply said. I blinked, finding his request weird, but did as he said. In the blink of an eye, the cup went from empty to full of water. Nighteye's eyes widened at the sight.

"How did you do that?" he asked.

"What do you mean? I just...did it. I wanted to refill it, so it happened." I explained. Nighteye pulled out another empty plastic cup and set it on the desk.

"Now refill this one." Nighteye said. I used my quirk, and the cup was then filled with various nuts and bolts.

"There's got to be some kind of plan here, right? A reason for this?" I asked. Nighteye disregarded my questions and continued whatever we were doing. I refilled another empty cup to half full of water. Then Nighteye set yet another cup in front of me. I was getting irritated, but my gut was telling me that there was a deeper meaning behind this.

"Wait. Before you refill it, cover you eyes." Nighteye said.

"Okay, this has gone from weird to straight up creepy, very fast." I said, facepalming. I ran a hand through my hair.

"I understand. But simply refill this cup with your eyes covered and all will make sense." Nighteye stated. With my left hand, I covered my eyes, in annoyance. Then I tried to use my quirk.

"Are we done with this now?" I asked.

"No. You must refill this cup." Nighteye repeated.

"It's still empty? What the hell?" I said, confused. I was certain I had thought of refilling it, but it still hadn't happened. Several minutes passed by. I still had my eyes covered. A bead of sweat was working it's way down my face. With all the the concentration I could muster, the cup evidently still hadn't refilled. "Oh, wait a second! This is a trick isn't it? I just can't refill the cup because it was never filled with anything, right?" I accused. I felt the cup in my right hand for a split second, and then the weight of it changed. I uncovered my face to see that it was full of both water and nails. "What the hell?! I'm so confused right now!" I shouted.

"You can tone it down. I apologize for the confusion. I felt it necessary to perform some tests on your quirk. That's what all this was." Nighteye stated.

"I thought there was some deeper meaning to it, but what exactly were you testing?" I asked.

"I believe I now know more about your quirk than you do. Centipede had believed your quirk worked by creating a copy of specific matter in order to occupy a space that had been previously occupied. But I don't think that is the case. I think your quirk focuses on a specific space at a time and reverses that space to a time when it was previously full of a type of matter." Nighteye said.

"No offense, but I had already theorized that." I pointed out.

"Oh? Are you aware of the requirements for your quirk to refill something? As you already know, the space has to have been previously occupied with something in order for you to 'refill' it. But it goes beyond that. In order to refill something, you must either be touching it or looking at it." Nighteye elaborated.

"Seriously...? You-You basically analyzed every aspect of my quirk in less than a half hour..." I said, shell-shocked. Everything he was saying made sense.

"It feels good to know, doesn't it? With that out of the way, shall we move on?" Nighteye asked, respectfully.
