Chapter Twenty Four: In Sickness and In Health

(Y/N) P.O.V.

"What can this mean?"

I asked. I was very confused by all of this.

"I-I not su-sure yet-"

Ciel attempted to speak, but he started having a terrible coughing fit. I rushed to his side as he knelt down to the ground.

"Ciel are you okay?"

He nodded his head before throwing up. He was struggling to breathe as he kept vomiting. I felt a twist in my stomach as the sight made me feel sick. I put my hand up to my mouth and turned away from Ciel.

"E-excuse me..."

I muttered before rushing over to a bush behind us. That burning sensation running up and down my throat increased. I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Undertaker.

"It will be okay dearie. I'm here for you."

I nodded my head and threw up on the ground. William looked disgusted, and I was worried Undertaker felt the same way. When I looked up at him, I saw nothing but compassion and worry on his face.

"Let me get you a towel. Wait here, my dear."

Undertaker returned with a towel in his hand. I reached for it, but he pulled it away from me.

"Let me, please. I want to help you."

He bent down and wiped off my face. I was so embarrassed, but I was too shocked and frightened to say anything. Undertaker picked me up and held me close. He stood up and walked over to where Sebastian was standing, Ciel in his arms. Undertaker and Sebastian nodded before walking away.

"Let's get you to bed. You need rest."

I looked up at him and smiled.

"Thank you."

I whispered. He carried me back to our tent. Dagger was inside standing next to my bed.

"Oh, are you alright?"

He walked up to me and put his hand to my forehead. Undertaker swatted his hand away and gently laid me on the bed. He pulled the covers over my body and sat down next to me. Doll entered the tent next. She had a bowl of water and a small towel in her hand. She bent down next to me and dipped the towel in the water. She placed the towel on my head and gently patted it down. She looked at Undertaker with a determined look in her eyes.

"Are you the one watching over her?"

He nodded his head.

"Dip this towel in water and place it on her forehead anytime it starts feeling warm. Even though she only threw up, it can cause inflammation and possibly a fever."

Undertaker looked down at me and smiled.

"I will do that."

Doll nodded her head and sighed.

"They're dropping like flies, I swear." She turned around and left the tent.

"Feel better okay?"

Dagger left the tent too.

"I'm sorry."

I said and Undertaker looked confused.


"That you have to see me like this, that you have to take care of me."

He smiled.

"It pains me to see you sick, but it makes me happy that I will be the one who will take care of you. I will always take care of you, in sickness and in health, I will always be there for you. I will never let you go."

"Undertaker, I'm scared."

"Why, dearest?"

"I am confused by all this. Children have gone missing here, what if...what if that happens to me?"

He laid down next to me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to him.

"I would never let that happen to you, my darling. If anyone were trying to hurt you I would protect you. No matter what the time or where you are, I will be there. All you need to do is trust me."

He ran his fingers through my hair, sending shivers down my spine. I rested my head against his chest and closed my eyes. Being here with him makes me feel safe, makes me feel secure. I know that he would never allow anyone to bring harm to me, I needed to be reassured though.

Sebastian's P.O.V.

I carried my master to his tent. There the doctor was waiting for us. I lay him on the bed as the doctor rolled(I don't know, he's in a wheelchair...scooted?) over to the side of his bed. He took his temperature and sighed.

"As I thought, he is suffering from an asthma attack. The air quality in this area is quite poor, to be completely honest. This probably isn't the best place for him to be. I would suggest dropping out."

He turned around and placed a washcloth on his head. I nodded my head in agreement.

"I agree with you doctor, I believe we shall be taking our leave soon."

"I see...well, let's wait until the morning and see how he is."

The doctor left, leaving me with my master.


He mumbled and I walked to his side.

"Do what you get more information...we will be leaving in the morning...inform (Y/N) first though."

"Yes, my lord."

I excused myself and rushed over to my tent. I opened the flap and saw (Y/N) lying in bed, Undertaker's arms around her. I mentally cursed myself. What about me? I'm Sebastian the graceful, elegant, loyal, charming, beautiful. What makes him better than me? I walked over to Undertaker and tapped him on the shoulder.

"I apologize for interrupting, but I must inform you that we will be departing in the morning."

Undertaker groggily nodded his head before resting it back on top of (Y/N)'s. I turned around, getting one last look at my mistress, before heading off. I was walking past the main cast tents when I heard the faint whimper of a woman. I used my keen sense of hearing and was able to locate where it was coming from. Beast was crying near her tent. She had Joker's scarf wrapped around her neck. She was crying into her hands. I approached her. She noticed me and wiped the tears off her face.

"Why are you crying, miss?"

I asked.

"Nothing, it's none of your business."

I took her hand in mine and pulled her to my chest. She tried resisting but it was no use.

"Wouldn't you want to forget that? Choose pleasure over pain even if it is for one night."

Ugh, why am I doing this? Will she really tell me anything? She led me to her tent and I closed the flap, tying it tightly. There was a lamp in the corner of the room, I dimmed the lamp as she sat on the bed. I sighed and moved to her...


(Y/N) P.O.V.

I opened my eyes and looked at Undertaker, who was sleeping next to me. Sebastian and William were in the bunk beds. I sighed and Sebastian appeared behind me.

"Good morning Mistress. I regret to inform you that we will be leaving and going to the townhouse."

I nodded my head. My stomach still was not feeling well. I tapped Undertaker on the shoulder and he sat up. He looked at Sebastian then back at me.

"Did he tell you that we are leaving?"

I nodded my head. He held my hand.

"How are you feeling? Any better?"

"A little, but I'm going to get more rest when we get home."

He smiled and we both got out of bed. Sebastian grabbed my suitcase, Undertaker and I tiptoed past the sleeping reaper. Hopefully, he doesn't notice until he wakes up. We went to Ciel's tent and he was waiting for us. He had a blanket wrapped around his body.

"Let us go, Master."

He nodded his head and yawned. Sebastian found the carriage we had arrived here with and helped us all inside of it. It was a tight fit, due to the fact that Undertaker wasn't with us before, but we made it work. The carriage started moving as we made our way away from the circus and headed home. I leaned my head on Undertaker's shoulder and closed my eyes. He wrapped his arm around me and leaned his head on top of mine. I heard Ciel scoff before I fell asleep.

Undertaker's P.O.V.

I looked down at my beloved as she fell asleep on my shoulder. I love being close to her like this. Ciel scoffed and I chuckled. She has done so much for her brother. I wish that he would realize this. I closed my eyes and rested my head on hers. After a little while, we arrived at the townhouse. I tapped (Y/N) on her shoulder. She shifted and grabbed onto my shirt. I sighed and picked her up, bringing her inside.

"You can stay here until you are ready to take (Y/N) back with you to the shop."

I nodded my head and carried her upstairs and into her room. I placed her on the bed and turned to leave. I gently closed the door behind me, allowing her to sleep in peace. 
