Chapter Twenty Six: Mrs. Crevan

(Y/N) P.O.V.

It has not been long since the incident at the circus. Things seemed to be normal. I returned to Undertaker and helped in his shop again. I was happy and so was Ciel. Elizabeth was ecstatic by our return. I think I still have a headache from her screeches. I was sitting on top of a coffin when Undertaker approached from behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. He had something in his hands.

"What's that?"

I asked. He chuckled and sat down next to me. He handed me the envelope and I opened it.

"Do you remember me talking about Ryan Stoker?"

I nodded my head.

"mhm, you're doing some experimentation with him right?"

"That's correct my dear. Well, he invited me to join him on a sea voyage to America where we will put our experiments to the test."

"A Sea Voyage! You'll be so far away!"

He chuckled and smiled.

"I talked to him about that and he said I can bring you with me."

I stood up and put my hands on my hips.

"A sea voyage to America, how exhilarating! And it will be a great way to relax from all the craziness that has happened in the past few months."

He nodded his head and stood next to me.

"Indeed it will be. It will also be a great time for us to spend lots of time together."

I chuckled.

"Yes, it will. So, when will this voyage be taking place?"

Undertaker walked up to his desk and took out two cookies. He handed it to me and ate the other.

"It will be this week. In two days."

"Two days! You only thought to tell me this now!"

"Come dearie there is no need to get upset."

He put his hands on my shoulders and smiled. I blushed a little and looked at the floor.

"You're adorable, you know that?"

He took his hands and brought my face up so I had to look at him. He kissed my cheeks and walked to the back of the shop. I sat back down on a coffin and twirled my hair around my finger.


He poked his head out from around the corner. He had a cookie shoved in his mouth and crumbs all around his lips.

"Do you think I should tell Ciel?"

He swallowed and wiped his lips with his sleeve.

"Perhaps, but didn't Lady Elizabeth invite him already? I'm almost certain that he agreed."

I put a hand to my chin.

"I suppose so. If he's going then we will meet anyway. Best not to bother him now."

Undertaker nodded his head and turned around to sit in a chair.

"I better be getting ready then."

I walked past him and he took my hand

"But darling, it's in two days. Why rush now?"

I shook my head and chuckled.

"If I don't do it now, then I know I'll forget about it later."

"True true...very well then-"

My stomach rumbled and I blushed six hundred different shades of red. Undertaker laughed and let go of my hand.

"How about we go out and get some lunch once you are finished?"

I quickly nodded my head and ran to my room. I leaned on the door. Stupid body, of all times you have to make noises its when I'm with him. After I finished getting everything ready I went downstairs. I walked to the front front of the shop and saw Undertaker. He had a top hat on his head.

"What's with the hat?"

I asked. He spun around to show me his hat.

"I thought I'd try something new. Do you like it?"

"It looks very nice Mr. Undertaker."

He chuckled and we left the shop. The sun was shining and there was a light breeze. We walked down the street until we reached the restaurant we wanted to eat at.

"Table for two?"

The woman in front of us asked. Undertaker nodded his head.

"Follow me please."

We followed her to our table. Undertaker pulled out my chair then sat across from me.

"Forgive me for asking Mr. Undertaker, but is this woman a business partner of yours?"

Undertaker looked at me and smirked.

"I suppose you could say that."

The woman nodded her head and handed us our menus.

"Say, why did you decide to wait until I am 18 to marry me?"

"Because dear, I want to give you a choice. I didn't want to force you into a marriage that you were unhappy with."

I took a sip of my tea.

"I wouldn't mind getting married right now."

Undertaker chuckled and put his arms on the table, holding his head in his hands.

"Oh, is that so?"

I smiled and put my tea cup on the table.

"Could you tell me what your real name is? I doubt it's Undertaker."


"If you don't want to it's fine I just wanted to-"


"I beg your pardon?"

"My name is Adrian...Adrian Crevan."

I smiled.

"I like that name. It's wonderful!"

He smiled.

"I'm glad you do, my dear."

"Adrian Crevan...I love it."

He chuckled and sipped his tea.

"I'm glad...Mrs. Crevan~"

I blushed and looked down at the floor. The woman returned with our dish. We decided to share a soup. It was a chicken of some sort. After we finished drinking/eating our soup we paid and left. We were walking down the street.

"Mrs. Crevan, are you certain you want to join me on my voyage to America?"

"Voyage to America?!"

I looked next to me and saw Ciel and Sebastian were walking next to us. I stopped and so did he.

"Mrs. Crevan what's wrong?"

Adrian turned around and looked back at me. He noticed Ciel and Sebastian.


Ciel grabbed my arm and tugged me hard. He hauled me down the street until we reached Adrian's shop. Adrian opened the door and Ciel threw me inside.

"What is going on here!? Since when did he start calling you Mrs. Crevan?"

Ciel was furious. Adrian chuckled.

"Surely you knew that day would come didn't you?"

"Well, y-yes but not this soon! You said you would wait!"

"Welllll plans change."

Adrian chuckled and I stood back up.

"Fine, I will let it go for now. At least it sounds better than Mrs. Trancy...or Mrs. Michelias."

He shot Sebastian a deadly glare and Sebastian but his hand to his heart as well as one to his forehead.

"Oh secret shame has been exposed for all to hear."

Ciel rolled his eyes and sat down.

"Tell me, what is this voyage you were both discussing earlier."

"Well, A- I mean Undertaker told me that he had been invited by a colleague of his to go on this trip to America and that I could join them as well. Didn't Lizzy invite you?"

"Y-yes but I wasn't planning on going..."

"Tell that to the demon who packed all your bags for you..."

Sebastian muttered.


Sebastian chuckled and bent down.

"A-apologise my lord."

He said in between chuckles.

"Well, now that I know (Y/N) is going, I suppose I'll have to go won't I?"

"Yes, it would seem so. Not like you were planning on going anyway."

"Of course not, don't be ridiculous."

Ciel stood up and tipped his hat.

"I'll see you both in two days' time. Take care for now. (Y/N) you tell me if he says anything else questionable."

He gave Adrian a glare before closing the door. This will be fun...
