Chapter Twelve: Jack the Ripper

(Y/N) P.O.V.

A day has passed since the Viscount's Ball and when we foiled his black market scheme. Not only have I been locked away in the shop, but Undertaker has been keeping an intense eye on me. He follows me around the shop and I do the same with him. We were sitting in the kitchen, Undertaker was organizing some of his paperwork, and I was drinking a cup of tea. Suddenly he stopped and held up a small envelope.

"It seems I've gotten some mail mixed with my paperwork, how silly of me," He said with a chuckle. "This is for you..." He handed me the letter and I opened it.

"Ah, it's from Ciel!" My eyes traced over the words and joy arose in my heart...


How have you been? I hope you have been well. Things have been a bit quiet around the manor. Sebastian misses you terribly. It's a bit pathetic the way he mopes around the manor. I will admit is it quite entertaining, I've never seen anything quite like it. Now, to the reason, I've sent this to you. You know as well as I that Jack the Ripper is still at large. Our previous attempt to thwart him was a failure and we have but one option left. I want you to join me tonight in town. Meet me at the corner of Charles Street and Saint James. There we shall discuss our plans.

I folded the letter and gently placed it in my lap. I must find a way to meet him! Undertaker looked at me and rested his head on the table.

"So, what does the little lord want from you?"

"He wishes for me to join him for dinner this evening. He says that he and Sebastian miss my company and would like a chance to see me," I lied. He sat back upright and stood up.

"Well, I see no issue with at. Would you like me to join you?"

"No, that's not necessary," I quickly said. He shrugged his shoulders and walked out of the kitchen. I was a little surprised at this. He didn't even question me.

"Oh," He popped his head around the corner and looked at me. "Just be careful, you never know what's out there waiting for you. With that serial killer still on the loose, you have better keep an eye out..." He grinned before heading back over to his desk. I stood there for a moment and thought. Did he already read it? Does he know that I lied to him? I went to my room and sat on my bed. I began to think about tonight and what was to come...


The clock rang and I looked out the window. The sun had completely set and the moon began to rise in its place. I quickly walked over to my wardrobe and grabbed a pair of black shoes. I slipped them on my feet and left my room. I walked down the stairs and toward the door.

"Be careful dear~" I turned around and saw Undertaker, who was still sitting at his desk, slightly waving to me. He had lit a few candles which softly filled the room. I waved goodbye to him and ran out the door. I walked down the now empty streets until I reached Saint James. I saw a figure leaning against the wall and I approached it.

"Ciel?" I whispered.

"Mistress? Is that you?" I smiled as Sebastian walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on top of mine. "Oh, how glad I am to see you! I've missed you terribly! Life just isn't the same since you've left. Please, won't you come back!"

"No, Sebastian. You know that it's no longer safe for her..." I looked to the side and saw Ciel walk over to us. "I'm glad that you were able to join us. I was almost certain that Undertaker would be opposed, seeing as now he keeps a close eye on you."

"Indeed," Sebastian said as he let go of me.

"Now, how should we begin?" I asked.

"Well, firstly we should-" Suddenly, a scream rang throughout the entire town. Ciel's eyes widened and he took off sprinting toward an alley.

"Ciel!" I shouted as I chased after him.

"Mistress! Please, wait!" Sebastian called as he ran after both of us. The ally had come to an end where a singular door stood. Ciel reached for the handle and yanked it open. A small splash of blood landed on his cheek. Sebastian grabbed his shoulder and pulled him backward. The door slowly revealed a dark room. The light of the moon shone down on the room. I saw a pale hand stretched out on the floor reaching toward the door, claw marks on the tile, blood pooled around the woman's mangled corpse, and a silver dagger laid on the floor. I stood there, my legs trembling, at the sight.

"J-Jack the R-Ripper..." I stuttered.

"It would appear to be so, however, this is the work of someone else..." I heard the sound of heels clicking as they approached. A shadowy figure emerged and stood before us. "Or rather..."

"Grell?!" He looked up at me with terror lurking in his eyes. He had blood dripping down his face and staining his clothes. "Grell, what are you doing here? Did you...kill that woman?"

" don't understand! I heard the scream and rushed to help!" He explained.

"You can drop the act, Grell. I must say, you almost had everyone fooled, me included," Sebastian said.

"Sebastian, what are you talking about?" He gently held onto my arm and pulled me closer to him. Grell started to maniacally laugh as he looked at us.

"You think so? How kind!" He had a smile on his face that showed his sharp teeth. He pulled out a small comb and ran it through his hair. His dark brown hair began to change until it turned a bright red. "I am an actress...and a good one at that!" He took a pair of gloves and put them on his hands as well as a pair of red glasses. "Of course, you're not really Sebastian though are you?" Sebastian looked nervously down at me.

"You know, Grell, this is the first time I've ever met someone like you. You are supposed to be an intermediary between man and god, correct? A grim reaper...Why would a divine being, such as yourself, play at being a butler?"

"Why indeed? Let's just say it was out of love for a certain woman."

"Wait, Grell, you're a grim reaper! Like the ones who-"

"Who attacked you, yes. Those are my associates..."

"Grell..." Ciel said as he took a step closer, "You said you did this out of love. Who might that be?"

"You don't really need to ask, do you..." Another person stepped forward and stood next to Grell.



"Well, this is a surprise...I hadn't anticipated anyone would find out Grell's true identity," She said as he crossed her arms. I pulled myself away from Sebastian and rushed to my aunt's side. She had a small drop of blood running down her cheek. I ran up to her and clutched her arm. She looked down at me with a sad expression. She took her hand and cupped my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, darling, that you had to find out this way."

"Well, of course, you were on the suspect list from the very beginning," Ciel said.

"You suspected our own aunt?" I shouted. Ciel nodded his head and crossed his arms.

"Naturally. I was looking for a murderer. The degree of relation did not matter. None of the suspects on our list could have possibly been Jack the Ripper. But if someone had an inhuman accomplice that would change the game completely. It had to be someone who could enter and leave a room without being noticed. Someone who could travel from the Viscount's home to this alleyway the end the only ones who could be Jack the Ripper is you Madam Red and you Grell Sutcliff."

"Ciel! What are you talking about! There is no possible way that Aunt could have done this!" I looked up at her as her eyes began to sparkle. Tears filling them. "...right?"

"I'm so sorry, dear..." She pushed me away from her and toward Grell who looked down crazily at me. I stared into his green eyes for a moment. Something seems familiar...too familiar. Then it clicked.

"You!" I said as I pointed at him. "You're the one who brought me home when I was kidnapped. I remember you now!"

"Oh dear, that's simply wonderful! It's been a literal hell trying to keep my identity a secret, but now you remember! How happy I am!" Grell latched onto me and swung me from side to side as he gushed about how difficult this task was.

"Grell, I must ask you to stop swinging my mistress about. She's not something you can simply pick up and play with," Sebastian said. Grell let me go and smiled.

"Now, back to the task at hand..." Grell reached into his coat and revealed a rather large and deadly-looking chainsaw. I took a step backward and bumped into Sebastian. He stood protectively in front of me with his arms to the side.

"What on earth is that?" I asked.

"That is his reaper scythe. Each reaper is given one to ensure their harvesting duties are properly carried out," He explained.

"Don't you DARE call it that! This is so much more than a scythe. I worked very hard to customize it!" He held it in front of his face and smiled. "This is a Death Scythe of my own design! It can hack anyone into tiny pieces!" Grell seemed to be very proud of his scythe. "Would you like to try it, (Y/N)?"

"No, she would not!" Sebastian hissed. Grell sighed and lowered his head.

"Oh, you're no fun!"

"Sebastian..." Ciel removed his eye patch and stared at Madam Red and Grell. "Put an end to Jack the Ripper!"

"Yes my lord...'' Sebastian pushed me aside and charged toward Grell. His eyes were a color I had never seen. I stood next to Ciel and watched this unfold. Grell leaped into the air and swung down his scythe. Sebastian jumped to the side and easily dodged his attack. Sebastian ran down the alley while Grell chased behind. In a moment of rest, Grell snuck up from behind and kicked him in the back. Sebastian was sent flying and he slammed against the wall. Grell jammed his scythe into the brick wall and slowly lowered it toward Sebastian's arm. I rubbed my arm, as I had gotten a cut, and saw a flash of black zip past me. I heard a scream as Madam Red charged toward us.

"(Y/N) LOOK OUT!" Ciel pushed me aside and he took my place. I felt a pair of cold arms wrap around me and prevented me from falling.

"Dear, are you alright?" I looked up and saw Undertaker holding onto me. I nodded my head and looked at Ciel. I watched in horror as my Aunt stood over him holding a knife in her hands.

"You two should never have been born in the first place!" She screamed. I watched her eye widen as she stared down at my brother. Her breathing slowed and her knees trembled. Tears began to well up in her eyes. She dropped the knife and took a step backward. Sebastian managed to escape Grell's scythe, however, it was not without loss. A rather large gash had been made in his shoulder. He rushed to our sides as Grell slowly approached us.

"What a prince you are, Bassy. Sacrificing your own limb for some kids...I'm jealous. However, Madam Red, you're proving to be a disappointment. Just kill the little brat already! If you don't end him he'll end you!" Madam Red clasped her hands over her red lips as tears streamed down her delicate face.

"I-I can't..." she mumbled. "I can't kill them! These children are my-AH!" In an instant, her face contorted to one filled with pain. I watched as Grell swung his scythe and rammed it into her chest.

"How disappointing! What use are you to me if you're just another woman?" She stood for a moment before collapsing onto the ground in a bloody heap. As she laid a bright light emerged and thousands of small reels of film shot out from her body.

"Are those her cinematic records?" Sebastian asked. I watched and saw her entire life through her eyes: When she first met Vincent and fell madly in love only to learn he loved another; when she met her husband and how happy she was; when she got into a carriage accident and lost her husband but also her child; the various women she had done procedures on, and the birth of my brothers and I. We saw all of her life decisions, the good and the bad, leading up to this point. As I looked down at her face which was slowly fading away I saw her smile at me. The records disappeared and so did the life of my Aunt. Tears streamed down my face as I ripped myself away from Undertaker. I cupped my hands on her cheeks and pulled myself closer to her.

"(Y/N), I-" Grell tried to approach me, but Sebastian was swift and kicked him down the alley.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on my Lady!" He looked down at me for a brief moment and sorely smiled. "All will be alright, that much I can guarantee. It is my duty as your butler to ensure that. Please excuse me..." He ran down the alley and began fighting Grell yet again. Their fight had taken its way to the roofs of buildings. After minutes of slashing, blood being spilled, and his precious tailcoat being ruined, Sebastian managed to successfully land a punch on Grell and sent him falling to the ground. His scythe had fallen out of his hand and landed in the street. Sebastian picked it up and removed his tailcoat, which he had used to jam it, with ease.

"I'll show you someday..." Grell muttered as he attempted to crawl away.

"Oh dear, I suppose it takes a bit more than brute force to kill a reaper..." As Grell tried to flee, Sebastian stood on top of him, preventing any moment or chance to run. "Master, are you certain you want me to kill him? He's repulsive, but still a divine being?"

"Are you questioning my orders?" Ciel asked.

"No my lord..." Sebastian started the scythe as Grell wailed and cried. "Look, it seems we've found something you're good at; screaming. Very well done. Now, as a reward, I shall kill you with this treasured toy of yours!"

"No..NO PLEASE DON'T! I CAN TELL YOU WHO KILLED THE KIDS PARENTS!" Sebastian swung down the scythe with full force. I closed my eyes and waited for the scream...but it never came. I opened my eyes and saw a long, shiny, pole blocking the scythe. The pole retracted and I followed it upward.

"I apologize for interrupting..." Standing on the roof, with a book in his left hand and his scythe in his right, was William. "My name is William T. Spears. I come from the Grim Reaper Staffing Association," He looked down at me and nodded his head. "(Y/N), how nice to see you again. I do hope all is well..." He looked and saw my aunt and sighed. ", I've come to collect that reaper there."

"William...oh William! You've come to save me!" Grell cried. William leaped off the roof and landed on the ground. He stomped on Grell's face and opened his book.

"Attention reaper Grell Sutcliff."


"You have violated many regulations. Firstly, you killed people who are not on the to-die list. Secondly, you operated a modified death scythe without proper authorization. Finally, you offered strictly classified information about a relative's murderer."He took a step toward Sebastian and sighed. "I apologize for any trouble this wretch has caused. Please accept my card," he took out a small card and handed it to Sebastian. He smiled and tossed it behind him. "I never thought I'd see the day where I'd have to bow my head to demon scum...this is a disgrace to all grim reapers..."

"Well perhaps you should keep a better eye on your minions...humans are so easily tempted when they are in the grip of utter despair. They will grasp on to anything that will save them from unhappiness. You should know that..." William straightened and adjusted his glasses with his scythe.

"That's a charming bit of hypocrisy. You demons capitalize on that quality more often than we do..." I looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"Demon? What are you getting at?" William looked back at me and smirked.

"Oh, my mistake," he looked back at Sebastian. "It seems I have said too much. Anyhow, at the moment you seem to be a rather tame dog. That makes you far less dangerous..." He bent down and grabbed Grell by his hair and began to drag him. "Come, Grell, we're leaving. We're already shorthanded as it is and here you've gone and landed me with even more overtime. The board will not be pleased." I saw a playful glare in Sebastian's eyes as he smirked. He took Grell's scythe and threw it directly at William. William looked to the side and raised his left hand. The scythe came to a screeching halt as he held it between his index and middle fingers.

"I assume you'll be wanting this, yes?" Sebastian asked with a closed-eyed smile.

"Yes, thank you." He moved his fingers and the scythe fell. It landed on Grell and he let out a yelp of pain. William looked back at Undertaker and nodded his head before turning back around. Slowly they disappeared into the darkness.

I looked back down at my now dead aunt and held on tightly to her body. Ciel came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Come, we should go back to the manor. There is much to discuss. You come as well, Undertaker." I stood up and took Ciel's hand. We then headed toward the manor. However, as I turned the corner I felt as though something was watching me. I looked behind me and I saw a tall, dark, figure lurking in the shadows.

"Mistress? Is everything alright?" Sebastian asked. I shook my head and ran up to them.

"Yes, everything is fine..." As we walked along I couldn't get the image out of my mind. The figure had golden eyes..where have I seen them before? 
