Chapter Four: The reapers

Undertaker's P.O.V.

I was sitting at my desk, the candles on the wall were flickering adding an even more eerie effect to the parlor. I sighed as I propped my feet up on the desk. Business here has been tortuously slow, despite all the murders, people just don't seem willing enough to die. I saw a streak of lightning light the sky. Another storm...hmm? I heard a light tapping coming from the door. Who could it be at this hour? The rain started to pick up as I heard it hitting the roof. The wind howled in the night. I walked over to the front door placing my hand on the cool metal handle. I cracked open the door and poked one eye out. I gasped as I saw a young woman standing at my door, drenched in rain, and shivering in the cold. I completely opened the door and motioned for them to come inside. Once inside I could properly see who it was. It was (Y/N)! She stood in the center of the room rubbing her arms up and down, her teeth chattering, and rain dripping from the hem of her dress onto the floor.

"Dear, what happened?" I asked as I approached her. I noticed that she had a cut on her arm and was bleeding. It wasn't enough to kill her, but it was enough to be concerned. She opened her mouth to speak but coughed loudly into her arm.

"I-I'm sorry..." She managed to scrape out.

"Oh, no no dearie, please don't apologize." She looked up at me. I could see the pure fear in her eyes. I hadn't seen her look at me like that since...since the fire. I took her hand and led her over to a coffin. I picked her up and placed her on top. I quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her small body. "I'll go make you something warm to drink. Is tea alright?" She nodded her head and I left the room. I boiled some water and placed it over the stove. I took some tea leaves and placed it in the pot, letting it simmer for a few minutes. I could hear her sneeze and cough a few times. I hope she doesn't get sick. Many young people have died from the common cold and her immune system, much like her brother and mothers, is not the strongest. I poured the tea into a cup and went back to her. I handed her the cup and she thanked me. The cup was shaking as she held it in her hands. She took a sip and placed it next to her. I sat down and looked at her. "I want you to tell me what happened." She looked away from me and down at the floor. "Don't think about lying either, I will know. I...I just want to help you in any way I can, my dear." She looked back up at me and took a deep breath.

"It all started not too long ago. A boy, who seemed to be my age, came over to the manor. I had no idea who he was or what he was doing here, but Ciel seemed to have a firm idea as to his arrival..."

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I was sitting in my room reading a book. Sebastian had recommended it to me; it was actually quite interesting and had a very complex and intricate plot.

"(Y/N), come downstairs!" I heard Ciel shout. I sighed and closed the book. Just when I was getting to a good part, too! I thought to myself as I rose from my chair. I left my room and walked down the hall. Grell took note and approached me. I had reached the top of the stairs when I noticed a boy was conversing with Ciel. I looked at Grell who seemed as confused as I.  Grell nervously ran off leaving me with the three of them. I slowly stepped down the stairs closer to them. Ciel looked up at me, an evil glint in his eyes.

"Ah, (Y/N), allow me to introduce you to Alois Trancy." The boy looked at me and rushed to my side. He skipped a few steps and latched onto my arm.

"Allow me to assist you, my lady. I'm Alois Trancy, it's a pleasure to meet you!" The boy's icy blue eyes pierced into my soft (E/C) ones and his blonde hair swept across his pale skin. As we made our way to the bottom of the stairs the man who was with Alois approached me. He was a tall man, black hair with the slightest hint of violet on the tips, and rectangular glasses. He gently took my hand and kissed it.

"My lady, I am Claude Faustus." He said as he stood up. His golden eyes reached the very depths of my soul. My breath hitched as I tried to contain my composure. Claude smirked, but it quickly fell as his gaze shifted to the left of me. "Michaelis..." He muttered under his breath.

"Faustus..." I turned my head to the side and saw Sebastian standing across from us, his hands on his hips and an angered expression on his face. Do the two of them know each other?

"Earl Trancy, (Y/N), please follow me. We can discuss our arrangements over tea," Ciel said as he walked us to the library. Alois walked beside me, his arm still laced around my own. Whenever I attempted to free myself from his grasp, he would only hold tighter and give me a sadistic smile. We sat down on the sofa nearest to the fireplace.

"So, why is Earl Trancy visiting us?" I asked as Sebastian handed me my cup of tea. Ciel nervously looked at Alois and nodded his head.

"We are here to discuss your betrothal to him..." I nearly spat out the tea in my mouth at this. I quickly stood up and looked at Ciel.

"I've already expressed my displeasure with getting married, Ciel you know this!" I shouted. He stood up and placed his hands on my shoulders, gently rubbing up and down my arms.

"I know, sister, but this is something that must be addressed. You are the successor of this household, you need a husband who can not only care for you, but provide ample support and guidance on family affairs!" He exclaimed. I shook my head as tears pricked my eyes.

"I-I can't do this right now, I'm sorry." I pushed Ciel aside and walked over to the doors. Sebastian swiftly rushed to my side and grabbed my wrist, halting me from moving and further.

"Sebastian, release me at once." However, he ignored my command and turned me around, forcing me to look at him.

"Mistress, I think it would be a wise decision to sit and listen to the terms of your engagement. If not for yourself, for your family." He suggested. I shook my head. He had a caring look in his eyes. "Mistress, I-" There was a large crash, the sound of glass being shattered, from the main hall. Sebastian let go of me and turned his attention to the door. He opened them and quickly walked into the room and up the stairs. Ciel, Alois, and I all looked at each other before slowly and carefully following after him. There was a scream and I saw Sebastian being flung across the hall, like a used rag. I gasped as his back smashed against the wall and he slid to the floor. I glanced upward and saw two men standing at the top of the stairs. One tall, the other shorter. Both strange and both focused. The taller one looked down at me and pointed a pair of hedge trimmers at me. The other nodded his head and leaped from the stairs, landing directly in front of me. Ciel grabbed my arms and pulled me away from the mysterious and unwanted guest. He examined my face then pulled out a small book, looking at it then back to me.

"This is her alright, Mr. Spears." He shouted.

"Good..." Sebastian attempted to stand up, but the other man forcefully threw his tool toward Sebastian, hitting him in the arm. Blood trickled as he crumpled. I hated to see him in such a weak state of being. I blinked and the other man was towering over me, a cold look in his eyes as he glared at me. My body went stiff and the other sighed.

"Now look, sir. You've scared the little lady. Let me introduce myself, the name's Ronald Knox. It's a pleasure to meet you, sweetheart!" He said with a wink. "And this here is my associate, Mr. William T. Spears."

"Miss. Phantomhive, I come to you from the Grim Reaper Staffing Association, we wish to speak with you. It won't take a moment."

"G-Grim Reapers...Are you going to take my soul?!" I asked.

"Haha- no, love. We only wanna talk to you." Ronald said as he stepped closer to me.

"So, my dear, may we talk now?" William asked. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sebastian lunge toward them, silver knives in hand. William swiftly and gracefully moved to the side. "You think that vermin like you could ever compare to reapers like us?" He asked.

"No...but I'll sure as hell try!" Sebastian shouted as he attempted to attack William once again, this time more successfully. Blood was splattered all around as the reapers both took a turn at hurting Sebastian.

"(Y/N) GET OUT OF HERE NOW, DO NOT RETURN UNTIL I GET YOU!!" Ciel shouted as he pushed me away from him. I nodded my head and sprinted out the door.

"HEY, SHE'S GETTING AWAY!" Ronald shouted.

"Don't worry, she won't get far. No one can escape the cold reach of the Grim Reapers." I continued to run, not noticing the small cut I had received after running through the crossfire. Screams could still be heard even after I ran through the gates. I went to the only place other than home that I knew...Undertaker.
