Chapter Twenty-Two: First Day as a Performer

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Rustle rustle...I opened my eyes and looked around the tent. I glanced to the right of my bed and over to the bunk beds where the demon and reaper were 'sleeping'. Sebastian sat up and scooted over to the edge of his bed. William also sat up and picked up his death scythe and held it out in front of him, almost colliding with Sebastian's "beautiful" face. I leaned my head closer, to listen in to their conversation. I know I know it's rude, but I'm quite certain that Sebastian has overheard a great many of my conversations.

"Just where do you think you're going, demon? It's long past lights out...honestly."

William pushed up his glasses with his hand.

"Surely you can tell what is going on? Shouldn't you be out there as well?"

"I find it deeply offensive that one such as yourself thinks he has the right to question any rate, this is out of my purview. Please remember the terms of our agreement, do not go wandering about without your master."

Sebastian sighed and pushed William's death scythe down and away from him.

"I have no need to follow them, for my master never ordered me to. I am a loyal dog and I follow his orders scrupulously."

Sebastian said with a cheeky grin.

"That's one of the more ridiculous things I've ever heard."

William lowered his scythe and laid back in bed, as well as Sebastian. I felt someone turn over and wrap their arms around me, pulling me down. Oh right, Undertaker. I sighed and closed my eyes, attempting to get more sleep.

No One's P.O.V.

"Right, let's get moving..."

Joker stated and the group before him nodded. Joker took off running, the others following closely behind him. They needed to move quickly, the night was drawing to an end and a new day was fast approaching. The group ran into the nearby town and hid in the shadows. A police officer out on patrol strolled past them, twirling his baton in between his fingers.

"E-excuse me, sir..."

The police officer stopped in his tracks and faced a small girl. She was dirty and poor. She was holding a small basket that had a few flowers inside.

"Would you like to buy a flower? I need to get enough money for my mother...she is sick."

The man's face contorted into a look of pity and remorse. He crouched down and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Of course. You know, I have a girl at home who is about your age."

He put a hand in his pocket and took out three coins. The girl's smile brightened. She handed him the flowers and he gave her the money.

"Thank you so much, sir!"

He tipped his hat.

"It's no trouble. Now, run along home alright? It's dangerous to be out alone in the night like this."

She nodded her head and ran down the alleyway. The group that was hiding in the shadows emerged and stood in front of the girl. A beautiful song began to play and it seemed to put the girl into a trance. The world she knew disappeared and a new beautiful world took its place. The dirty, garbage-covered street, turned into a lovely field of flowers. Someone tapped on her shoulder and she turned around. Joker held out his hand.

"Are you ready princess? Your carriage is waiting for you."

He pointed behind her to a carriage not too far away from her. She nodded her head and skipped her way over to it. She dropped her items and walked deeper and deeper in. The police officer walked down the same alleyway that the girl was in and stopped. He noticed her basket and money lying in the street.

"Oh no..."

He ran down the street until he reached where the group was.

"No little girl stop!"

He yelled at her, however, she could not hear or see him. Joker opened the carriage door and helped the girl inside. The officer fired his gun, but the performers dodged his bullets. Doll jumped high into the air and pulled out a parasol, with which a sharp blade came out. She stabbed the officer in the heart and kept away, leaving him to die in the streets. All the performers had a look of fear and pity on their faces. By now they should have become accustomed to these kidnappings, but they haven't. It pains them every time they commit this crime. They silently prayed that this would end.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"Righty-o everyone it's time to wake up!"

The flap to our tent opened and Joker stepped inside. I rubbed my eyes and squinted. Joker was standing in the middle of our tent, hands on his hips, and a smile on his face.

"Breakfast will be start'n soon so y'a best be gettin ready now."

He turned around and walked out of the tent, but quickly ran back.

"By the way, it's your turn to make breakfast so hop to it!"

I sat up and looked over to the bunk beds. Sebastian and William were already wide awake and getting ready. William didn't look too good though. I looked over to my left and saw Undertaker was still fast asleep.

"Psst Undertaker..."

No response.


Still no response. I poked his cheeks and he giggled. He opened one eye but closed it quickly.

"Hey, I saw that!"

He rolled over on his side and slowly slithered out of bed. He stood up and looked over at William and Sebastian, who were changing, and gave them a death glare. William shuddered and Sebastian slowly turned his back away from him. He reached out his hand.

"Good morning, my dear. How did you sleep?"

I stood up and got out of bed.

"Good morning. I slept pretty well, how about you?"

"Better than usual~"

I rolled my eyes. I opened my suitcase and took out an outfit. The circus had given us outfits that we needed to wear practically at all times. I took out mine and placed it on the bed. It looked a little like Ciel's except it was red and black. Everything else stayed the same. Joker did this on purpose since he knew we were twins. All the guys were looking at me.


I said. The flap to the tent opened and Dagger ran inside.

"Oh, Angel I have something for you!"

He handed me a sheet of some sort.

"What is this for?"

"Here let me show you!"

He ran over to the corner of the room and tied the sheet up on both sides of the wall.

"Now you can change in peace!"

"Thank you Dagger, that is very kind of you."

He smiled and gave me a thumbs up.

"No problem, it's my job to make sure all our performers are comfortable and happy as can be!"

He waved and exited the tent. The men sighed and their happy faces returned to sad ones.

"What's wrong?"

I asked them. Sebastian waved me off.

" wouldn't understand."

I raised my eyebrow and shrugged it off. I grabbed my outfit and got behind the curtain. It was a pretty cute outfit. It was a tight fit, but I could still move and perform in it perfectly fine. I stepped out from the curtain and looked at the men. Sebastian looked not that different. He had a butler uniform with a purple tie and top hat. Undertaker looked exactly the same. Then I looked at William. I fell to the ground laughing.

"What is so funny?"

He asked, slightly irritated. Once I composed myself I stood back up.

"You looked like a banana."

He scowled and looked away from me.

"You look quite nice, my dear."

"Thank you Undertaker for noticing."

After everyone was dressed and ready we made our way to the breakfast tent. Joker stood at the front waiting for us.

"Ah, there ya are! I was gettin a little worried that you guys wouldn't show up. Follow me."

He took us inside the tent and into the back. There was a small kitchen-like area. Ciel and another were waiting for us too.

"(Y/N), Sebastian, there you are!"

Ciel came to us and I gave him a hug.

"How are you sister? They didn't hurt you did they?"

I shook my head.

"No, not at all! Ciel, I thought you trusted them."

"I trust two out of the three of them."

He glared at William, who sighed in response.

"Alright everyone, peel these potatoes."

Joker came back holding a large crate of potatoes. Dagger followed in as well, holding even more potatoes.

"All of them?!"

I asked and Joker chuckled.

"You are quite funny miss. Yes, all of them. Now, breakfast begins in three hours, so get to work everyone!"

I sat down on the floor and Sebastian handed me a knife.

"I'll walk you through it, mistress."

Sebastian showed me how to peel the potatoes, then we taught Ciel.

"Ugh, this is so embarrassing. I shouldn't have to be doing this."

Ciel huffed and puffed. He was quite upset at this. I scooted over towards him and smiled.

"Don't worry Ciel, we will get through this together!"

A small smile made its way onto Ciel's face.

"Thanks (Y/N)."

I nodded my head and went back to peeling the potatoes.

An Hour Later

I wiped the sweat off my face and placed the last potato in the bowl. My hands hurt like mad. I put the knife on the table and stood up.

"Ugh, I'm so glad that is over!"

Sebastian stood up and walked over to the bowls.

"I will be cooking these. I don't think you two are ready or experienced enough to cook these things."

Ciel sighed and crossed his arms.

Time skip to breakfast time

Not much time passed before Sebastian finished cooking breakfast. It looked very beautiful. Joker came back and was surprised.

"Wow, that looks amazing!"

Sebastian bowed his head and smiled.

"Thank you. I am simply one hell of a chef."

Joker chuckled and nodded his head. We all dished up the food and handed them to the people in line. After everyone was served, we got to eat ours.

"Thank you, Sebastian."

I said as I took a seat. Undertaker sat on the right of me and William on the left.

"You're quite welcome, mistress-"

Ciel nudged Sebastian's shoulder.

"Apologies, I mean (Y/N)."

I sighed and continued eating my breakfast. After we had all finished eating, Joker called us all inside the tent.

"Right, now you all are going to practice. We need to find exactly what you will be performing. Try anything you like-"

"And I'll observe!"

Dagger shouted.

"Alright then!"

Sebastian ran into the center and climbed up to the top of the trapeze.

"Up first...the flying trapeze."

He performed many outstanding tricks before landing on the other side.

"Next, juggling bottles...then pole climbing...the rings of exhibition of aerial acrobatics...skipping rope...contortions...and now I will swallow this sword-"

"Alright alright, that's enough!"

Ciel walked up to Sebastian and tapped his shoulder.

"Settle down, you need to act more like a newcomer."

I sat on the ground as Undertaker stretched my back. We interlaced our arms together and he leaned forward, causing me to lay on his back while in the air. He stood straight and bent over and I leaned forward. Oh God, this man is HEAVY! We did this a few times until we felt we were fully stretched. Dagger walked up to both of us and smiled.

"Hey Coffin Man-"

"Call me Undertaker."

Dagger smiled and nodded his head.

"Alright then Undertaker, you and Angel are coming with me. We'll work on your knife throwing."

We nodded our heads and Dagger took us away from the others. Across the tent, a small target was standing.

"Okay then, Undertaker how about you go first."

He nodded his head and picked up a knife that was lying on the ground. Again he pulled his arm back and threw it. Yet again, it landed dead center. He makes it look so easy and effortless.

"Very good Undertaker. Now, your turn."

I gulped and looked across the tent. Sebastian and Ciel were both busy doing other things. I only got into this circus with the help of Sebastian, but if he's busy, there is no way I'll be able to do it!

"Don't think dearest, just do it."

"But I can't!"

"You don't know unless you try."

"He's right you know! We're practicing, I'm here to help you perfect your skills! If you miss the target completely then we will backtrack and start at the beginning!"

Dagger stated. I nodded my head. Undertaker handed me a knife and I took my position. I pulled my arm back and released the knife. It went soaring. It made an arch and hit the target on the very bottom. Undertaker clapped his hands together.

"That was excellent dearie!"

I blushed and thanked him.

"Indeed, good job!"

I smiled at Dagger.

"Now, let's work on form alright! You cannot be afraid of the knife. If you cut yourself ya cut yourself. I've had my share of those."

He lifted the sleeve of his shirt and showed us his arm. There were a great many scars.

"Battle scars!"

He said with a wink. I smiled and nodded my head. Dagger stood behind me and handed me another knife.

"Do you mind if I help you?"

I shook my head and he smiled. He took his hand and moved my arm higher up. He took another hand and moved my waist so I was facing the target.

"You have to follow through with this motion."

He moved my arm back and forth in the motion I needed to use.

"Okay, try that now."

I did as he instructed. I pulled back and followed through the way he told me to and sure enough my knife hit almost right next to where Undertaker's knife was.

"Great job Angel!"

"That was fantastic dearie."

I smiled and we kept on practicing. Undertaker and I would alternate ever three of four throws. Dagger seemed very impressed and satisfied with my progress. After a few hours of practicing, Dagger said it was time to take a break. I sighed and rolled onto the floor.

"Hihi~ Is that comfortable dearie?"

I chuckled.

"Not particularly, but it's better than standing up."

"Remember dearie, we belong together."

I sat up and tilted my head to the side.

"What do you mean?"

His smile softened and he smirked.

"Oh, nothing."

He winked and I looked away.

"Looks like it's getting late. I wonder what dinner will be?"

Dagger and Joker came to the center of the ring and got our attention.

"Tonight will be our first performance! We need everyone's help! Let's get set up!"

Undertaker lifted me off of the ground and we walked across the tent arm in arm. This will be exciting!

Undertaker's P.O.V.

I didn't like the way that knife thrower was looking at (Y/N). I was especially concerned when he helped her with her form. I better keep a close eye on that one...
