Chapter 8

We both went to our dormitories. Ron, Harry and Hermione were hanging out on the couch.

"Hey Jessica guess what?" Harry said.

"What?" I responded, playing along.

"So I was talking with Professor Lupin after dinner about teaching me how to do that spell he did on the train because I figured he would have more free time than you. So anyways he said he knew my parents growing up, and that he was practically best friends with my dad. So now I'm going to meet with him once a week to learn how to repel dementors, and hopefully I'll learn more about my parents too."

He sounded super excited so I responded with as much enthusiasm, "Harry that's great! It will be amazing to get to know everything about your parents, and Professor Lupin seems like he would be the kind of person that would talk to you about that kind of stuff."

We talked for about an hour more then we all went up to get some sleep. It was only my first day back at Hogwarts and already things were starting to look grim.

The next morning I got up at 5 and got ready within half an hour. I decided to curl my hair a bit and I put a little more effort into applying makeup that morning. I threw on a pair of black flats instead of my usual black combat boots. Once I was satisfied with how I looked I quietly crept out of the bathroom and down the stairs. Blake was already on the couch. I went over to say hi when I realized he was asleep.

Instead of waking him up I sat down in the tiny spot by his head and began to stroke his hair. After about 5 minutes he woke up startled.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up, I was just flattening out your hair. It was bothering me."

"No omg I'm so sorry I fell asleep. I just came up here at 5ish and I didn't see anyone yet so I was going to read a book or something and I must've fallen asleep instead. I just haven't been sleeping very well in general and tonight wasn't any different."

"No, no, no it's totally fine. I was just making myself presentable before I came down, sorry I wasn't here earlier? Why haven't you been sleeping well?"

"Well I kinda got kicked out of my room because I mean it has Draco in it so he sorta encouraged the rest of the guys to go along with it. At home, I mean you know but I was hoping to get some shut eye here."

"You will. You can sleep here, or up in Harry's room. They have an odd number of boys in their room so there's an empty bed."

"No it's fine. This isn't even my house. I'll just sleep in the Slytherin common room."

"No way. Seriously all of them like you, they'd let you stay with them if you asked them. Please? It'll be way easier for you to hang out with us and everything. We just have to do it behind the teacher's back which isn't very hard. You're here all the time anyways and no one will realize if you just don't leave."

"Jessica, I really don't want to force myself upon any of your friends. I'll be fine. Last night I didn't know what to do so I didn't get any sleep but now that I know I'll just sleep on the couch and it'll all be fine."

"I'm not taking no for an answer with this. You'll get so much more sleep if you just stay here and room with Harry and Ron and the other 2nd years."

"Fine, they have to all agree to it too though. And if it doesn't work after a week I'm going back and doing it my way."

"This is why I love you. You cave so easily Blake," I said punching him in the arm.

"No you're just really stubborn," he said rolling his eyes.

"How did that potion work for you?" I asked after a moment of silence.

"It worked really well," he said rolling up his sleeves to show that his arms looked normal.

An hour later the whole 2nd years boys dormitory came running down the stairs like madmen. I wasn't going to ask them now with Blake right there so I let the rest of them leave as Harry and Ron came and sat with us. Hermione came down 10 minutes later complaining about how loud they were.

The rest of the day was really boring. Everyone was starting to get back into the swing of being back at Hogwarts and all the teachers were more than happy to load everyone up with homework for that night. At lunch I was able to talk to all the boys in the 2nd year dorm about having Blake stay with them. They all agreed immediately, because they all knew how bad Slytherin was and how terrible it would be for Blake if he had to keep sleeping on the couch each night.

The only thing interesting that happened occurred at dinner while the mail came in. Harry's owl Hedwig came flying into the room with the other owls carrying a large parcel shaped like a broom.

Harry looked over at the three of us and asked, "Do you know who sent me this?"

"No idea mate. Almost no one even knows you're planning on trying out for the team."

Harry ripped open the package to see it contained a Firebolt.

"That's a Firebolt! The fastest broom out there right now, that's even better than my broom!" I exclaimed.

"I wonder who sent it?" pondered Hermione who wasn't as interested in the actual broom as the rest of us, "It really has no note or anything?"

Harry and Ron along with a lot of the other boys wanted to go outside and try it out right then but Hermione and I convinced them to wait until tomorrow when it would be light out.

I know this has an abrupt ending but I couldn't find anywhere better to stop it. Sorry 😂
