Chapter 18

Two days later our potion was finally ready. Hermione and I were up at the crack of dawn and went downstairs.

Blake was sitting on the couch already but Harry and Ron weren't in sight.

"Harry and Ron are still sleeping somehow, do you want me to go get them or what?" Blake said as he saw us approaching.

I thought for a moment then said, "Nah don't wake them up. They'll probably be up soon, they need rest though. They haven't gotten much of that lately."

Hermione and I went and sat next to Blake on the couch. We made awkward conversation for another half an hour because we were so nervous before Harry and Ron finally came down the stairs.

It was only 6 in the morning as we crept out of the Gryffindor common room and down to the girl's lavatory to check on our potion.

We went in and stirred it the final 4 times and then sat back as Moaning Myrtle went on and on about something.

Ron looked into the cauldron and said, "That doesn't look like a lot. How are both Jessica and Harry supposed to drink that little bit of potion?"

I replied, "You really don't need that much. Okay so everyone knows the plan for getting Crabbe and Goyle's hair and for keeping them preoccupied until we are done right?"

Harry nodded and said, "We have to follow them out of dinner and stun them. Then we take their hair for the potion and leave them in a closet. Ron and Hermione will go and obliviate their minds once they start to wake up when we're done."

That was our plan. We were all nervous the whole day. Everyone was so on edge that everyone was snippy with each other. Ron and Hermione were arguing because her cat Crookshanks kept chasing his rat Scabbers and Harry looked annoyed at both of them. Blake and I excused ourselves and went down to the potions room. Severus wasn't there, but each of us knew our minds would be clearer if we brewed a potion so we sat down and brewed a simple calming draught. Once we were finished we each took some of it and immediately we both felt a bit more at peace.

Dinner that night was still at the tiny table because Christmas break wasn't over yet, and there weren't that many kids at Hogwarts still.

The five of us barely ate anything since we were too nervous. Draco and his friends got up and left once they were done eating. The 5 of us looked at each other and communicated by looking at each other. The five of us got up a minute later and walked quickly after Draco, Crabbe and Goyle.

We caught up to them easily as I put an invisibility charm over us so they wuldn't be able to see us approach. Blake had told us that Draco always made Crabbe and Goyle go sneak into the kitchens and get him food for a snack if he got hungry at night. Sure enough once they reached the common room entrance Draco went in and told Crabbe and Goyle to go off and get him some cheese and crackers.

They nodded as Draco went into the common room and Crabbe and Goyle walked away.

The five of us raced after him and I stunned Crabbe as Hermione stunned Goyle. They both went down with a thud.

I grabbed some of each of their hair and said, "You guys get them hidden, Harry and I will go put this in the potion and be back soon."

Hermione, Ron and Blake nodded as I grabbed Harry's hand and raced off. We ran further into the dungeons to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

We ran in to where the potion was. Sitting next to the cauldron were two glasses. We each put some hair in the glass and poured in half of the potion.

I looked down at it, disgusted but clinked glasses with Harry and downed it in one gulp. When Harry had finished I was scared he was going to throw up but luckily he was able to keep his dinner.

Knowing we only have an hour and a half until the potion wore off, Harry and I raced back to the Slytherin common room entrance where our 3 other friends were busy trying to fit Crabbe and Goyle into a closet.

We were about to go in when Hermione yelled, "Cheese and crackers!"

At first I didn't understand what she meant but then I realized if we came back without the cheese and crackers Draco had sent us for it would look suspicious. I conjured some cheese and a few crackers on a plate as Harry and I walked into the Slytherin common room.

Draco was sitting on a couch in an otherwise empty Slytherin common room. Much like the Gryffindor common room everything from the color of the couches to the color of the walls to the color of the chairs, everything was in green and black for Slytherin. It was overall darker than the Gryffindor common room but it also looked like it could be cozy.

Draco said, "You guys took an awful long time to get cheese and crackers. Did you get lost on the way to the kitchen again?"

I scowled and muttered in the deepest voice I could muster, "Maybe."


We were running on a tight schedule so Harry asked in a voice that did sound very similar to Crabbe's, "Do you think people are going to stay home after break because of the thing with Sirius Black and because the Chamber of Secrets has been opened?"

Draco rolled his eyes, "I hope not. Especially not the Mudbloods. I'm just glad Granger is here, maybe she'll be the first to go."

It took a lot of effort for Harry and I to not break character and punch Draco in the face right then but we both restrained ourselves.

I questioned, "Do you think the Potter boy is the heir of Slytherin?"

Draco scowled, "He can't be. My father said the Chamber was opened long ago, even before he went to school but who could've been there that Potter was related to?"

"So you don't know who the heir is?" Harry asked.

Draco stared at him for a second before saying, "The two of you are so stupid sometimes. I told you just yesterday that I didn't know who the heir was. If I did, I would be helping them rid this school of Mudbloods."

I wanted to get out there with plenty of time to spare so after listening to Draco talk for another 20 minutes and grunting occasionally I clutched my stomach and ran out of the room.

I heard Harry yell, "Something we ate I suppose."

Once outside the common room we ran into Hermione, Ron and Blake. They were still invisible and guarding the closet where Crabbe and Goyle were.

We went over to them being able to see through the invisibility spell.

Hermione got down to business right away, "We have them locked up in the closet. I already obliviated their memories so we can go right now."

"Okay let's go," said Harry, "We'll explain once we're back in the common room.

The five of us raced back up to the Gryffindor common room, making sure we weren't followed. While we were running to the common room the potion wore off so Harry and I changed back into ourselves.

Once we got into the common room the 5 of us retreated to an empty corner of the room and sat down in a circle. Hermione and I quickly put up some protection spells so we couldn't be listened in on.

"So what did you guys find out?" Hermione asked her voice hushed even though we couldn't be heard.

Harry replied, "Just what we already knew really. He said he didn't know who the heir was, and the heir isn't him. He doesn't think it's me either though. Then he rambled on about how the chamber was opened long ago and killed a muggleborn girl."

Hermione sighed, "Well at least we know for sure it's not him. I'm not sure who it could be then though. I guess I was secretly hoping it would be him so it would be easy to get rid of him."

I shrugged, "Yeah I mean it wasn't that hard to just make sure he wasn't the heir."

I voiced the question on everyone's minds, "Who is the heir then?"

My question was met with a long silence which was interrupted by Blake saying, "Well that was actually pretty stressful for some reason. I want to go brew a potion to calm down, you wanna come Jessica?"

I nodded and said goodbye to everyone else. I followed Blake out of the room and down to the dungeons where we walked to Potions classroom and looked inside. When I didn't see anyone inside we went to Severus's office and still I didn't see my father. We walked even further into the dungeons and stood in front of the secret entrance to his personal chambers where I muttered Spinner's End and let myself in.

Severus still wasn't anywhere to be found but it didn't matter that much. What we wanted to tell him was just affirming what we already believed to be true.

"I don't know where he could be," mused Blake, "do you want to just go on a walk instead?"

I nodded, so the two of us walked out of the dungeons and outside. We sat beneath the big tree in front of the Black Lake and talked until curfew when we went back up to the Gryffindor common room.


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