Chapter 21

The next Monday Severus's owl was waiting by my bed when I woke up. He was holding a piece of parchment so I gave him some food and sent him back up to the owlery. I opened it and in Severus's familiar writing it read, Jessica please come up to the Headmaster's office as soon as you wake up. McGonagall and I have something that we need to discuss with you.

I sighed and pulled on some clothes and pulled my hair up into a ponytail since I figured I didn't have much time to waste

I hurried up to the Headmaster's office and let myself in by muttering Sherbert Lemons to the gargoyle out front.

As I walked up I heard McGonagall say, "I guess we'll cancel our classes and go talk to the Ministry. Hogwarts has to stay open."

Not wanting to hear more than they intended me to hear I knocked on the door loudly. McGonagall opened the door looking surprised.

"Ms. Wallwirt what are you doing here?"

I replied, "I'm not quite sure myself yet," looking to Severus I asked, "Why am I here?"

I walked over to where he was standing and he replied, "The ministry wants to close Hogwarts so Minerva and I are going to go to the Ministry and try to convince them to keep it open. We'll be gone all day so I need you to handle my classes."

I shrugged, "Okay. Do you already have them planned out?"

He nodded, "Yep they're in their usual place on my desk. You're sure you're fine with this? I can just cancel them if you don't feel like it."

I shrugged again, "Nah I can. What about your classes ma'am?" I asked McGonagall.

She shook her head, "I was going to just cancel them but I do have one particularly advanced 7th year that could probably cover my classes if I asked him."

I smiled, "Great. When do you guys leave?"

Severus sneered, "Right now. They want us there nearly two hours early for this stupid hearing."

I laughed, "Alrighty then. I really hope you guys can pull off making them keep Hogwarts open. Do you have class plans Professor? I could ask the boy myself if you don't have the time."

It looked like she was going to say no but then she nodded and said, "Yes the plans for each of my classes are right on my desk right in the middle there's no way to miss them. The boy's name is Logan Dial, he's in Gryffindor," as an afterthought she added, "Also please do tell him that he can do something easier for my 7th year classes if he doesn't feel comfortable with teaching what I have down."

I nodded, "Okay good luck at the Ministry."

With this I stood on my tiptoes and gave Severus a kiss on the cheek, "Bye."

I walked out of the room before he could even react. I hurried back to my dormitory to make sure I would look better than I did now if I was going to be teaching.

In the common room I ran into the only 7th year boy I knew, and I only knew him because he was on our Quiddatch team as a chaser.

"Hey Rodger, could you go get Logan Dial? I have a message from Professor McGonagall to give him and it's super important."

He nodded and walked back upstairs. A few minutes later he came down with a tall blonde boy that I faintly recognized, probably from seeing him at breakfast or in the common room.

"Rodger said you have a message from McGonagall for me?"

I nodded, "Her and Snape are going to the Ministry of Magic all of today for some school business and she thinks you're the most qualified person to teach her classes today. If you don't want to you don't have to, but you're automatically excused from any work in all your other classes today."

He shrugged, "Sure I could teach for a day. What does she want me to do?"

I lifted my shoulders then let them fall, "I have no clue exactly what you'll be doing but her class plans are in the middle of her desk. She also told me to tell you that since you're in 7th year too if you don't feel comfortable with the 7th year class plans you can just review or do something easier."

He nodded, "Okay cool thanks. How do you know all of this?"

"I'm going to be covering Snape's classes today but McGonagall didn't have anyone set to take over her classes until the time I got to talk to both of them."

He seemed satisfied by this answer, "Oh yeah I remember. You took over Snape's classes when he was sick too didn't you?" I nodded, "Well I guess I'll go get my shower and get some breakfast then go see what she wants me to do today."

"Good luck," I told him as I took off and went up the stairs to the girl's dormitory.

I took a super quick shower and then brushed through my hair to try and make it look more presentable. I put on my Hogwarts robes and black combat boots. I did a little more makeup than usual and then went down to the common room trying not to think about why Hermione's bed was still empty.

My day went by surprisingly easy. Even though the Slytherins weren't happy that their favorite professor wasn't here I tried to treat all of them nicely and even tried to help a couple of them. They were all civil with me and a couple of them were even border line friendly. The only thing that didn't go very smoothly was me walking my class to their next one. Most of the kids were older than me so it was a bit awkward for me to be chaperoning them, but I knew that's what my father would've wanted me to do so I did it anyways.

Harry Ron and Blake stayed after their class to see how my day was going. I quickly walked everyone else down the hall to their next class and then came back to talk to them. I told them that the day was going surprisingly well and then I filled them in on exactly why I had to take over Severus's classes. I hadn't told them at breakfast because I wasn't sure how much of a secret it was but it seemed like word had somehow gotten out so I figured I could tell them exactly what was going on. After we were done talking they left and my day continued to move along smoothly.

I had a free period last period and I knew McGonagall didn't have classes last period either so I went upstairs to her room and walked through the open door where Rodger was sitting at her desk writing something.

When I came in he looked up and said, "I've been doing a class report each period just to let her know who was getting the material and everything like that. I don't know if I'll see her before her classes tomorrow so I figured I should have some way of letting her know."

I smiled, "They're supposed to be back in time for dinner in a couple hours but I'm sure she'll love to have those lists. She's very organized like that. How did your classes go?"

He grinned, "They went super well. I told McGonagall that I might want to be a teacher when I'm older like when we have to meet with our heads of houses to discuss electives and stuff and this makes me want to do that for sure. It was loads of fun, and I actually like helping people out. How did your classes go?"

I shrugged, "They were all fine. I mean we got through all the work and there were no fights so I consider it a success. The Slytherins didn't give you any trouble then?"

He shook his head, "No, not any more than what was to be expected having a Gryffindor student teaching them."

I smiled, "That's good then. Thank you so much for doing this, I'm sure McGonagall is really happy she didn't have to cancel all of her classes for the day."

"Yeah I'm just going to finish these last few sentences then go to the library and meet up with my friends. I know I don't have to do any of the work for today but I don't want to get behind either so I'm just going to ask them what happened and maybe read up a bit on it."

I laughed, "Now I understand part of McGonagall's reasoning for choosing you over other 7th years. She knew you would actually do your work even though you didn't have to."

He laughed along with me, "Yeah well I don't want to get behind."

"You seem perfectly fine to do this, looks like she made a good choice."
