Chapter 30

Harry came back over to me as Blake and Ron were pulling the fang out of my arm.

I took it from them and gritted my teeth as I stood up, "It's already starting to feel better," I lied as my arm was on fire, "Let's go help Ginny now."

We walked over to where Ginny was still lying on the ground not moving. Tom looked even more solid than he had before.

He gave us a smug smile when we came over, "Well I didn't think you had it in you Harry. Good job on slaying the beast, luckily for me and rather unluckily for Ginny it bought me enough time. If you touch her right now she's sure to die and I'll become real, and if you don't touch her, the process will finish in less than an hour and I'll still become real. It's a shame that you didn't really do much Harry. How is it possible that you are the same boy that ended Lord Voldemort?"

"How do you even know about him?" Harry asked, "He's past your time, why do you care about him?"

Tom smiled although there was no warmth in his smile, "Lord Voldemort is my past, present and future, he is all I could ever care about."

"What?" Harry said confused.

Tom seemingly ignored his question and replied, "I was born to a muggle and a wizard, they named me Tom Marvelo Riddle," as he said this he wrote it in the air, "But as I grew up and came to school I realized I didn't want to have my filthy muggle father's name so I created a new name for myself. It wasn't used until I was older than I am in this memory but Ginny has told me all about him."

"Who are you?" asked Blake.

Tom moved his hands and the letters moved with them to form the sentence I am Lord Voldemort, "I am the Dark Lord himself, and later in my life I was thwarted by a baby boy, but now I am here to return for good."

The diary was lying on the ground again and I was still clutching the basilisk fang in my hand when I said, "No you won't."

I lunged at the diary and sunk the fang into it before Tom could register what I was doing. A circle of light burst from Tom's chest and another one followed as I stabbed the diary again and again.

As he was dying he yelled, "Well at least I'll take one of you with me."

I understood what he meant but everyone else didn't. I chose to ignore it as he burst into a blinding white light then was gone. As soon as he was gone Ginny sat up coughing.

She looked around confused, "Where am i?"

Ron went over and hugged her, "The Chamber of Secret, the monster took you."

"I'm the monster," she cried as actual tears began falling from her eyes.

Harry went over and joined Ron in hugging Ginny as Blake and I hung back for a respectful couple minutes before I said, "Come on Ginny let's get you out of here. You need to go see Madam Pomfrey and your family is worried sick about you I'm sure."

She nodded as she wiped tears from her eyes, "I can't walk."

"I've got you," said Ron scooping her up into his arms.

Trying to avoid letting on how badly I was hurt the five of us walked out of the chamber back into the first room we had come through.

As I looked up at the light above us and everyone seemed to be thinking the same thing, how would we get up there?"

I sighed and said, "I'll fly you all up one by one. Ron you'll go first while Harry holds Ginny then I'll bring Ginny up to you."

I took Ron to get on my back piggy back ride style and flew up to the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. I let him off my back and took a moment of rest of catch my breath before I went down and collected Ginny from Harry's arms. She looked like she was blushing and there was definitely a hint of red in Harry's cheeks as well. I smiled at the two of them then flew Ginny up. I took Blake up next and was about to pass out by the time I flew Harry up.

Harry hissed close in Parseltongue and the Chamber of Secrets closed behind us. Feeling a bit lightheaded I put my hand on the wall for some steadiness for a moment before following everyone else out of the bathroom.

I wasn't sure where we should go but I didn't have to decide, we ran into Professor Flitwick right as we came out.

He came over to us and said, "Severus got a note saying what had happened in Lockhart's office so we went to check that out and we saw he had woken up with no memories about anything let alone you guys. We've been searching for you guys for the past hour once we realized you weren't up in the Gryffindor common room. Everyone will be so glad to see you're alright."

He looked like he could've kept going but I said, "That's wonderful sir but Ginny needs to get up to the hospital wing right now. If anyone wants to see us could you send them there please?"

He nodded and we were about to go up to the hospital wing when Severus rounded the corner. I grimaced as I saw how angry he looked, he must've guessed where we had gone.

"Potter, Cox, Weasley you can take Mrs. Weasley up to the hospital wing by yourself I'm sure," he seethed.

They nodded and sent me sympathetic looks.

"Why didn't you call me right when you found them like I told you to?" bellowed Severus at Flitwick.

Annoyed I replied, "He just found us, and I told him that Ginny had to go to hospital wing right then and to send everyone up to see us if they wanted."

Turning to me he scowled and said, "And what the hell possessed you to go down there in the first place?"

Putting my hand on the wall to steady myself again I replied, "We went and talked to Lockhart to see if he was actually going to do something and it turns out he's a complete fraud. He takes stories from people then takes their memories so they don't know. That's how he lost his memory, he stole Ron's wand to try and cast one on us but Ron's wand is terrible so it backfired and hit him instead.""That doesn't answer my question," Severus replied his voice steely.

I looked around and saw that Flitwick had left, probably to get the other professors, "Well he told us how to kill it and I figured out where the entrance was and how to get in so we just went."

"You are in so much trouble later," I laughed as I realized I had no later, "But right now we should get up to the hospital wing so you can help tell everyone the story. I got an owl from Dumbledore saying he would be here shortly so hopefully he'll be here really soon."

The two of us walked up the stairs all the way to the hospital wing. Ron, Harry, Blake and Ginny were all in beds being tended by Madame Pomfrey. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were both there along with two other red head boys and Fred and George. That meant that one of them was still missing I noticed.

This chapter and especially the next chapter were really fun to write so if you liked them please vote or comment!
