Chapter 11

After dinner Blake came over from the Slytherin table and walked up with us to the Gryffindor common room. We hung out there with everyone for about an hour.

Then at around 8 Harry said, "I have to go to the library. You guys want to come?"

Everyone else around us declined but Hermione Ron and I said yes immediately and I kicked Blake so he coughed and said yes too.    We got up and casually walked out of the portal and down the stairs.

Harry said, "Let's go outside, I need to talk to you guys but I don't need anyone overhearing by accident."

Once we were outside and had put up some protection spells Harry said, "Dobby came and saw me again. He keeps telling me that Hogwarts isn't safe. He also let it slip that he works for the Malfoys. What do you think that means?"

"House elves are treated terribly by most families. The Malfoys are naturally bad people so I'm sure they're terrible to him. But he has to obey commands from them at all costs. They could be telling Dobby to tell you these things to scare you. What else did he say?" Hermione said.

"Before he left he just said to remember that history always repeats itself and that we all need to be careful. More than a few bad things are happening right now. Do you think he's talking about Sirius Black?"

"I'm not sure what he would know about Sirius Black or how he would be a danger to you but I guess it's possible. I'm not really sure what to make of any of this situation, none of it makes any sense," Hermione replied.   

We talked for another hour before coming to the conclusion that we couldn't really know anything for sure, everything we were saying were all just speculations. Harry, Ron and Hermione went back up to the Gryffindor common room but I held Blake back and told them we were going to stay out here for a little more.

Once they were gone and I was sure they wouldn't be able to see us I got up, "We need to go talk to Severus. There's something he told me that I didn't think was important enough to tell him but we need to go see him right now."

Blake looked confused but he knew I couldn't say more without being behind protective spells. He followed me down into the dungeons where I first went to his office and knocked on the door. When there was no response I walked down the corridor a bit more to where it seemed it was a blank wall and said "Spinners End" under my breath. A door appeared and I knocked on it.

From behind the door came, "It's open now."

I turned the knob on the door and let myself into Severus' personal chambers. Blake followed behind me. Severus wasn't wearing robes and he looked weird without them. He was just wearing black dress pants and a plain white tee-shirt. He had been making tea because I could see the kettle on the stove.

"Hello Jessica, what's wrong?" he asked.

"I'm sorry about barging in on your evening but we need to talk about Harry and Sirius Black some more."

For a few minutes we filled Blake in on what we knew about Black and his connection to the Potters. Then I said, "Harry had Dobby visit him again. He said all the normal stuff like Hogwarts isn't safe and that we should remember history repeats itself but then Harry said Dobby let slip that he belongs to the Malfoys. Any ideas on what that could mean? Are you aware of the Malfoys knowing anything special that Dobby may have overheard?"

Severus replied, "No I haven't. I spoke to Lucius not too long ago and he didn't mention anything out of the ordinary. I don't know what Dobby meant but we definitely should keep an eye on that. If he knows something about Sirius Black, we all know that Black was a supporter of the Dark Lord, maybe it's somehow connected to him. I'm just guessing though."

"But why would Dobby come to tell him about Sirius Black?" Blake asked, "I mean harry doesn't know that Black is after him right? So is Dobby trying to lead him to that conclusion? But why would he care?" Blake asked.

There was a long silence before I sighed, "I hate not knowing things. This is going to kill me."  

"There's not much else we can do about that situation today though. Blake we were talking about you earlier and I think we both agree that you need to learn how to control your mind more. You need to learn better Legilimency and Occumency. I could teach you sometime during the week or you can learn from Jessica, but with this much knowledge you need to know how to block your mind from other people."

"I don't care, I can learn from either of you."

"I'll do it, or we both can or whatever works," I said, "We can just work on it once or twice a week whenever we're free until you're as good as my father."

Without even acknowledging the compliment he said, "Also I'm going to be teaching Jessica Dark Arts on Thursdays that you could join us for. You can't tell anyone about those though for obvious reasons. Dumbledore suggested it because he knows Jessica is going to need it but I doubt he'd let me teach you if we asked."

"Okay that sounds good sir," Blake replied.
