Chapter 2

So the first book in this series is almost at 20K reads and that's insane so thank you all for continuing to read all the way up to this point! This book is much shorter than the first book even though it combines two of the Harry Potter books, so the updates will be a bit shorter and I may only make this book like 35 Chapters or something, I'm still figuring that out! This will probably be my last long author's note although I'll remind you to vote comment and fan nearly every chapter. I'm going to try and be much better about updates with this book, I mean this one is only a day later, but even if it's not the next day I'll do about 2 a week or so. Thanks so much guys, I love you all 💕

"Okay so a lot of weird stuff has been happening lately," he started, "So first about a week and a half ago this thing, he's called a house elf and he's named Dobby, well he came to my house and was freaking out, telling me not to go back to Hogwarts. That bad stuff was going to happen this year. He was saying Hogwarts was dangerous this year and that he would do anything to stop me from going back. Well also at the same time my uncle's sister, Marge was over visiting and I was told to stay in my room so I wouldn't bother her. Well Dobby went downstairs in an effort to stop me from coming back here and dropped a cake on her head, then he disappeared. Naturally she got really mad at me and started insulting my family so I got angry back at her and sorta blew her in to a ball. In my rage I was going to move out so I was in the street late at night when I fell and this bus called the Knight Bus pulled up. I got on, but halfway through the ride I got a letter from the Department of Underage Magic Control saying I had been expelled on account of using magic outside of school. Someone called the driver of the bus and I was taken to the Leaky Cauldron where the Minister of Magic was. He said that he would get me un-expelled. He was being really nice about it and it turned out its because there's something bad happening that somehow involves me. He made me stay at the Leaky Cauldron the whole week, so I started talking to people. One of the people I was talking to said a man named Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban and the whole wizarding world was on edge now. I don't know how he has to do with me, but he must because the minister was really scared. At the end of the week someone apparated me to King's Cross so I didn't even get to go out for that. Do you guys think the house elf and the fact that Sirius Black escaped are connected?"

Hermione looked at him blankly for a few seconds before answering, "Harry I don't think Sirius Black can be connected to you. I mean I can't think of any way he would be connected to you. Maybe he was a Death Eater but that doesn't make you more connected to him than any other Death Eater out there. The house elf must've just been playing a prank on you or something, Hogwarts is the safest place on Earth."

"I don't know Hermione," he replied unconvinced, "I'm not sure how yet, but I have a feeling this is going to be another hard year."

The train lurched forward then stopped completely. I looked at Harry and Hermione questioningly.

"What's happening?" I asked, opening the door to our compartment much like many other people were.

Before either one of them could answer, the lights flickered then went out so the only light in the whole compartment was the moonlight streaming in from the window. It got really cold all the sudden. I went and sat back down.

Suddenly there was a hand on the door and it opened to reveal sometin gi had only ever read about; a dementor. It came closer and I could see it sucking away my soul, making me remember things I didn't want to remember. I almost blacked out as it went onto Hermione. She didn't seem to be effected by it as much as I had. It effected Harry the most out of all of us. It was pulling away at his soul for a long time and Harry was yelling at it.

I knew the spell to repel the dementor but in my current state I could do nothing but watch on. Suddenly the blonde professor sitting with us stood up and said calmly, "Expecto Patronum" while pointing his wand at the dementor.

A huge wolf appeared from his wand and chased away the dementor. The lights went back on and the train began to move again.

Harry was waking up groggily but the time I was okay again.

The professor went over to Harry and handed him chocolate saying, "Eat this, you'll feel better."

Then he turned to me and handed some to me, "You too. The dementors seemed to effect you pretty badly."

Harry took the chocolate and ate it. He immediately looked better. I put mine in my mouth and I could feel myself perk up a bit.

The professor was looking at him with almost a smile on his face so I asked him, "Who are you?"

He replied, "I'm Professor Remus Lupin, I'm going to be a new professor this year."

"What are you going to teach?" Hermione asked, "Professor Lockhart is going to be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"I will be teaching a class very similar to D.A.D.A." he replied, "It's called Applied Spell Casting. Only 2nd, 4th and 5th year students will be taking it, so I believe all three of you will take it. Well if you excuse me I'm going to talk to the conductor about what just happened and why."
