Taking On Masquerade

It's the next day as your asleep Dan bursts into your room and shakes you waking you up

Y/n:Dan what is it?


Y/n:Oh yeah that*Yawns and rubs eyes* Just wait for me to get dressed

Dan nods as you wake up exhausted from getting some battling done to increase your rank up as you finish getting dressed Dan drags you out the door and dashes out of the house

Dan:Come on come on out of the way move it move it!

He dashes across the area and sprints downwards


Y/n:Hold on Dan jeez

Dan:Heads up coming through!

He runs past some people as you follow him and you finally manage to catch up to him

Y/n:"Thoughts" I won't use the ability card Masquerade gave me I don't even know why I considered it

Dan:"Thoughts" This is gonna be sweet I'm so pumped he won't stand a chance


You make it to your destination with Dan as you make it to the fenced in area you see Shuji and Akira as you groan

Dan:Your here?!

Shuji chuckles and Akira grins

Akira:We've been waiting for ya

Shuji:It's too bad your buddy Masquerade didn't show up

Dan falls over as you just face palm and groan out of annoyance

Dan:NOT YOU TWO AGAIN I DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS!!!!!*Shoos him away* Now why don't you two beat it?

Y/n:Yeah we got something else to do and we don't feel like babysitting ya

Shuji:You owe me! I demand a rematch so pull out your cards and let's get this battle underway punk*Grins and pulls out field card* Ready or not

Dan:Give me a break this is a complete waste of my time well might as well get this over with*Pulls out his field card and glares* You want a piece of me then you got it

Y/n:Might as well

Shuji:Yeah okay!

Dan:FIELD OPEN!!!!!!

Shuji:FIELD OPEN!!!!!


All your cards glow purple green and red as your transported to the arena once more

Dan:IT'S ON!!!!!!!

Y/n:IT'S ON!!!!!!!

Shuji:IT'S ON!!!!!!

Time skip brought to you with the six attributes behind Y/n and Dracona in his ball form

Shuji:I can't believe you beat my robotalian and garganoid!

Y/n:Well it happened

Dan:Hate to break it to ya Shuji but beating you isn't rocket science so ya ready to lose your ventus? Yeah it's almost ours!

Y/n:Yeah it sure is bud

Shuji:BRING IT!!!!!!

Y/n:Hey Dan since I won the last round with Dracona why don't you finish this idiot off?

Dan nods and grins

Dan:Okay Drago finish this for me

He throws Drago to the gate card as he opens up and transforms into his real form as he roars

Shuji:A draganoid?!

Drago:Ah when he releases me I can move around freely in this world

Dan grabs an ability card and grins

Dan:Here it comes Drago ability card activate

He tosses the ability towards Drago as a wall of fire begins to form around him

Drago:But my fire wall won't be effective against a beast with wind attributes

Drago descends to the card and doesn't attack

Dan:Drago what are ya doing? We're right in the middle of a battle

Drago glares at him and growls

Drago:I do not take orders human!

Y/n:Man harsh

Dan:What?! Get in there!

Shuji:This is the opening I've been waiting for

He tosses a ventus falconeer to the gate card where Serpenoid is and it opens up and caws

Y/n:Dude falconeer has 300 G's not enough man sorry

Shuji:Hey I might be low on power but your draganoid is useless against my falconeer wind attribute*Pulls out two ability cards* And just to be safe I'm gonna amp it up a notch ability activate jump over and correlation between ventus and pyrus! 

A tornado begins to engulf the falconeer and moves upwards


Falconeer jumps out of the tornado and right into the fire wall that's engulfing Drago

Dan:He jumped right over the fire wall!

Shuji:Only way to fight fire is to use a little wind you thought your draganoid had more power then my falconeer?! Wrong fire is trumped by wind

Baku-Pod:Falconeer power level 400 G's

Dan:What do we do Drago?!

Y/n:I don't think he's listening

Drago roars at falconeer as he gets on top of Drago

Drago:Falconeer our fight is not with each other

Y/n:Drago trying to use talk no jutsu!

Falconeer:I battle using my instincts draganoid

Drago pushes falconeer off as he goes to attack again but Drago towers over it and it caws

Drago:Come to your senses! It is negative energy that drives you

Falconeer caws again and strikes Drago in the neck as he screams in pain

Y/n:Ow looks like talk no jutsu was ineffective


Drago:You leave me no choice!

Drago roars as the fire wall gets closer between the two and gets larger and defeats falconeer

Dan:Fire wall smothered the wind!

Falconeer lands to Shuji's foot as he screams as the flames die down from Drago's body as he growls at Shuji the arena vanishes as time moves once more as Dan grins

Dan:You lose

Y/n:Better luck next time


Akira:Aw man look what happened to ya didn't I tell ya but no mister big shot here wouldn't listen and now look what happened to ya

Shuji:Can it Akira I'm going home to mommy!

He runs away crying as your biting your tongue to try to hold in your laughter

Akira:Hey! Catch ya later slick!

He runs after Shuji as Dan waves

Dan:If ya wanna lose why don't ya guys just give us a call*Looks at Drago* Hey Drago way to pull off the win to be honest I was getting a little nervous back there

Drago ignores Dan once again as Dan gets a bit annoyed

Dan:Oh the silent treatment again? Well this time I'm not falling for it you can-

You growl and look to the empty entrance way as you know what's about to happen as you know it's Masquerade

Masquerade:I'm looking for Dan Kuso and Y/n L/n

Footsteps are heard as he walks out of the shadows and into the light as you growl again as Masquerade smirks at you

Dan:That you Masquerade?

Masquerade grins and stops walking as he's looking at the both of you

Dan:So you decided to show up and we get to put a face to the name well Masquerade I hear you've been stealing my buddies bakugan how come?!

Masquerade laughs and pulls out a field card

Dan:We put a lot of time into organizing this game and there's no way I'm gonna let you or anyone mess it up it stops here Masquerade

Masquerade:It's time to battle Dan and Y/n ready?

Y/n:I'm more then ready

Masquerade:FIELD OPEN!!!!!



Your all transported to the arena as time stopped once again as you glare at him

Y/n:"Thoughts" I can't allow myself to use that card


Masquerade:GATE CARD SET!!!!!


You all toss the gate cards down as they increase in size and glow there respective colors as you all land to the ground as you grin

Dan:Now concentrate

Y/n:Your next line is "Your move" Right?

Masquerade grabs a doom card and drops it into the floor as it sinks into the ground

Masquerade:Your move

He then realizes that you just predicted what he said as he's a bit annoyed

Masquerade:How did you know what I was gonna say?!

Y/n:Just a guess or I've been secretly a Joestar this entire time

Dan:A what?


Dan looks on Masquerade's side of the field

Dan:"Thoughts" I wonder what he thew down guess I'll just have to use my serpenoid with higher G's

He grabs it from his holster and twirls it in the air and tosses it to a gate card as it opens up and it roars as you grin

Y/n:Ya ready Dracona?

Dracona:Yes my friend let's do it

You grab Dracona and toss him to your gate card as he opens up and transforms he let's out a roar as Masquerade grins

Masquerade:Impressive bakugan

He raises his hand in the air and tosses his Reaper into the fray as it opens up and transforms you growl

Baku-Pod:Reaper power level 370 G's serpenoid's power level 320 G's


The gate card glows red then flames come out of it and circles the area and the flames increase in size

Baku-Pod:Serpenoid's power level increased to 620 G's

Dan:Okay Masquerade time to put up or shut up let's see you trump that bad boy

Masquerade grins as you decide to mess with him again

Y/n:Let me take a guess your abiity card is dimension four right?

Masquerade:Ability card activate dimension four*He raises it in the air as it glows purple and the flames vanish and he gets more irritated that you guess right again* Can you see into the future or something?!

Y/n:None of your business

Dan:What's that?!

Masquerade:Just one of my many pets it's an ability card called dimension four 

Dan looks at his baku-pod

Baku-Pod:Serpenoid's power dropped to 320 G's

Masquerade grins as Reaper goes to attack


Reaper strikes Serpenoid as a dark portal opens up as you know it's the doom dimension

Dan:Oh no he took my beast right out of the battle

Reaper shrinks and goes back to Masquerades hand as he chuckles

Drago:What incredible power

Y/n:Dan this guy needs to be taught a lesson

Dan nods as you glare at Masquerade as he just grins

Masquerade:"Thoughts" I wonder if the boy is going to use the ability card I gave him

Masquerade:Let's see how you can take my Reaper Y/n seeing as your such a smart mouth

Y/n:Sure bring it on

Masqureade tosses Reaper to your gate card as you grin


Shadows consume Dracona as he growls his eyes glow dark purple

Baku-Pod:Dracona's power level raised to 780 G's

Y/n:Top that one tough guy

Masquerade:Ability card activate double dimension

He raises his hand once again as the card glows purple the shadows begin to vanish from Dracona's body but you chuckle


The card vanishes into thin air as the double dimension card vanishes back into his deck box as Masquerade growls as you grin smugly

Y/n:Darkus counter can negate any ability that's thrown at me and my buddy's power is still 780 but the downside of this card is that you can use that card once again

Dan:Wow incredible



Dracona roars and goes to strike Reaper with his tail but Reaper suddenly shrinks and goes back to his hand

Dracona:What the?!

Dracona shrinks down into his ball form and goes to your hand as your confused

Y/n:What's going on here?!

Masquerade:Did you think you were the only one with a surprise up your sleeve? I had my own  ability called dark vanish the bakugan with the lowest power level goes back to the owners hand and ends to a draw and the battle is canceled out

A/n:I know Masquerade doesn't have a card like that but I'd figure I'd spice it up a bit make it more challenging for the reader


Dan tosses his saurus to the field as it opens up and transforms and let's out a roar as Masquerade grins and throws out Reaper once more

Y/n:"Thoughts" I wonder what it would be like if the Reaper was an ally

Dan:Ability card activate saurus glow!

He tosses the card to saurus as a flame like aura swirls around him

Dan:You beat my gate card but you won't be able to override the power of my ability card

Y/n:"Thoughts" I'm gonna regret using darkus counter

Masquerade:Double dimension activate

He activates the ability as he negates the ability card

Dan:Aw man he shut down the power of ability!

Reaper defeats saurus as well as you growl

Y/n:DARN IT!!!!!!

Dan:NO SAURUS!!!!!

Saurus goes to the doom dimension as Reaper goes back to Masquerade as you get angry a dark aura covers your body slightly

Dan:No fair I want my bakugan back!

Masquerade:Sorry but no can do once the doom card is played the battle is over

Dan:Doom card?

Masquerade:Yes Dan the doom card once you throw it down it overpowers all cards sending the defeated bakugan into another dimension for eternity

Y/n:It's a very dangerous card

Dan:Your kidding?!

Drago:The doom dimension he's right humans a bakugan can never return from the doom dimension there we meet our eternal demise nothing is feared more

Dan:Now I know how your stealing everyone's bakugan but the question is why ya wrecking our game Masquerade?!

Masquerade chuckles

Masquerade:Dan Dan Dan whoever said this was just a game? Every single battle is real


Drago growls as he is starting to get covered in a red aura


He tosses another gate card and grabs Drago

Dan:Come on Drago this is our one shot at it

He tosses Drago as Masquerade tosses Reaper as they both slam into each other and transform as Drago roars and charges towards Reaper but Reaper blocks Drago's attack with his scythe

Drago:Why are you doing this?! Do you realize what's happened in Vestroia?!

Reaper:That does not concern me

Drago:Of course it does

Drago and Reaper break apart from their clash as Reaper twirls his scythe around

Reaper:I am a soldier*Slashes at Drago but he dodges* And in this dimension I am free to team up with a human*He goes to attack Drago a few more times* Then I can inherit infinite power

Drago:You fool!

Reaper:I've had enough of you! It's time to send you to the doom dimension draganoid!

Dan:Come on Drago!

Dracona:Y/n put me in I can help

Y/n:Right I just need to activate a little ability*Grabs an ability card from deck box and slams it into the ground* ABILITY ACTIVATE DARK SUMMON!!!!!!

Dracona's ball form glows a dark purple and and he goes to the field and transforms and roars as Reaper jumps up in the air and laughs

Reaper:Have a pleasant journey

Y/n:Oh no you don't!


Dracona smacks him with his tail sending him to the ground as Reaper growls Dracona's eyes glow purple again


You throw the card in the air as Dracona flies up to the clouds created by the storm as black lightning shocks Dracona and he absorbs the lightning and charges at Reaper and smacks him to the ground and is about to finish him but Masquerade activates another ability card and cuts Dracona's power by half as Reaper goes to strike Dracona he barley dodges it and Reaper goes to strike Drago but his body begins to get engulfed in flames as Dan activates his gate card as Drago roars Dan's ability card glows and shatters as the arena vanishes

Dan:Drago?! Drago where are you?*He sees Drago lying on the ground and picks him up* Drago

Y/n:Dracona you alright?


Masquerade:I spared them for you both


Masquerade:You realize I could have captured your bakugan but I decided against it's been a slice Dan and Y/n later

He begins to walk away

Dan:Wait we can beat you I know we can

Masquerade:Bakugan is not a mere game kiddo there are other dimensions and powers involved it's a battle that can lead to the destruction of the entire world

Dan:For real?

Masquerade:And the only way to stop it is for you to defeat me

Dan:This is crazy

Y/n:He's telling the truth

Masquerade walks away and laughs as you decide to follow Masquerade

Reaper:So human that was a draganoid I wonder if he fought at full power

Masquerade:No clue and unfortunately he didn't posses what I am searching for but his friend on the other hand he's worth investigating but I will remember young Dan Kuso and his bakugan Drago

He hears your footsteps and grins as he chuckles

Masquerade:So you followed me after all huh?

Y/n:That's right why did you give me darkus rage? Where did you get it? And how could you be so cruel?

Masquerade:If I'm as cruel as you say I was then I would have sent Drago to the doom dimension as well as your Dracona be thankful I didn't and as to why I gave you darkus rage I just want to test your mentality see if your strong willed and where I got it I have no clue I just found it after defeating a weakling brawler who thought he could best me

Y/n:Just letting you know me and my friends are gonna clobber you someday that is a promise

Masquerade:I look forward to that day get stronger and when your ready face me in a one on one brawl only one of us will remain standing

Y/n:I will defeat you

Masquerade:We shall see see ya later kid

He walks off as you make your way back as you see Dan still on his knees

Dan:Man oh man oh man this bites I will beat you Masquerade!
