Going To Settle The Score

A/n:So sorry for the long update I's just that I forgot about the story and I was writing on my other ones and also I couldn't think of anything but don't worry I'm now back on the Bakugan hype and will keep writing the story for all of you to enjoy I'll have off for a couple weeks for me to keep updating this and I ignored it for far to long so without further ado let's get into the chapter but I'm gonna get to episode 7 because I can't think of anything and the Darkus Rage card took a lot out of you now let's get to it

You wake up back in your room you gently sit up from your bed as you hold your head in pain

Y/n:Oh my head...

Dracona opens up and looks at you

Dracona:Y/n are you alright?!

Y/n:Yeah I guess so other then feeling like a truck ran me over I'd say I'm good as new by the way how did I get here?

Dracona:Dan carried you all the way here

You smile but your eyes widen as everything slowly comes back to you

Y/n:I used that card didn't I?

Dracona:Yes...you did

You walk over to Dracona and pick him up while your hair covered your eyes

Dracona:Look it wasn't your fault I understood the terms you didn't want to lose-

Y/n:I know but I still played right into Masquerade's hands like the fool I am!

Dracona:Look Y/n

Y/n:Why did I even accept that card?! I should have ripped it up when I had the chance!

Dracona hops on your shoulder you look at him

Dracona:Y/n you have got to stop beating yourself up over this yes what you did was stupid but we can look past this and make sure what happened with that boy and Masquerade never happens again! We just need to get stronger

You wipe your tears form your eyes and smile at Dracona

Y/n:Yeah your right thanks for the pep talk buddy

Dracona:It's no trouble we're gonna be partners for a long time so I gotta make sure you don't do anything reckless again

You chuckle you then look outside the window

Y/n:How long was I out for?

Dracona:Two days not that long

Y/n:So I wonder-

You hear Runo screaming in anger in Dan's room you sigh

Y/n:Can't they keep it down I still have that massive headache

Dracona:I don't think I'll ever figure you humans out

You laugh while Dracona is still on your shoulder you walk towards your door and open it and go into Dan's room you see Runo glaring at Dan you groan

Drago:*Opens up* Dan just let this one go

Tigrerra:This is one battle you won't win

Runo:Why you freeloading ungrateful brat!

Dan:But...but it was just a joke don't freeze me out of the free snackage I'm your best customer

Runo looks like she's about to punch the daylights out of Dan you fully open the door Runo and Dan turn to see you as do Drago and Tigrerra you smirk at them

Y/n:Can you guys keep it down? I can't sleep well with all that screaming

Dan:Hey Y/n! Good to see you up and about buddy how ya feeling?

Y/n:Pretty good for the most part

Dan walks up to you and pats you on the shoulder

Dan:Thanks for helping me when we brawled now I realize what you were getting at buddy

Y/n:No problem about time something got through that thick head of yours

Dan:Hey I carried you home and this is the thanks I get?!

Y/n:Hey relax I'm just messing with you pal

You playfully punch him on the shoulder you two let out a good laugh you turn to Dan's computer in the group chat which Marucho eventually joins

Marucho:Hey guys I just solved the skyscraper mystery!

You turn to the computer screen but even though you knew what he was gonna say next you wanted to play along


Marucho clears his throat while you chuckle

Marucho:Turns out it's my brand new house

Dan and the others fall over in a comedic fashion you just chuckle

Marucho:Yeah I know I was floored when my parents first told me where we were going to be moving to I kept it a secret so I could tell you in person and see the looks on your so we're throwing a party and your all invited

Y/n:Thanks Marucho but I've got something to do won't take too long

Dan:Alright but make sure you keep an eye on the time bro!

Y/n:You ain't my dad anyways I gotta go

You open the door and walk down the hallway of the home Dracona opens up in his ball form and looks at you

Dracona:What are yo going to do?

Y/n:Find Kuta or Masquerade and battle them of course

Dracona:I feel that is a poor decision

Y/n:Maybe...but it's mine to make

Dracona sighs and closes back up you open the door and walk out
