First Brawl

As Dan rides through the town on his bike you squeal in excitement as Dan looks at you

Dan:Man your excited for this huh?

Y/n:Yeah this is gonna be my first brawl and I can't wait

Dan:Ah so your a newbie huh?

Y/n:Kinda I played the game but not much

Dan:Oh hey I never got your name

Y/n:My name is Y/n L/n nice to meet ya

Dan:I'm Dan Kuso

You make it to the park as Dan parks his bicycle as you see two people you didn't like from the anime Shuji and Akira

Dan:Sorry I'm late

Akira:And here I thought you might have chickened out

Dan:Doubt that Akira*Gets off his bike* And who'd ya bring with you? Hope it's backup cause you'll need it

Akira:Your battle isn't with me Danny boy

Shuji stands up from his seat and glares at the both of you

Dan:Woah hey I don't think this is very fair

Shuji walks up towards you and Dan and cracks his knuckles

Shuji:My little bro here says you think your pretty good well I guess it's time to find out how good you really are

Dan:Yeah I'm pretty good what about you what's your deal?

Shuji:Names Shuji and I'm the master of Subterra space

Dan:Ya gotta be joking I've never heard of Subterra before! Aw great how am I supposeed to battle against a beast that doesn't exist?

Y/n:Uh Dan Subterra is a thing

Dan:Ya sure?

Y/n:Yeah I've seen it

Dan:Okay guess I'll take your word for it


Dan:Okay let's do this but I gotta warn you I never lost a battle before

Y/n:I'm gonna join in the fun

Dan:Okay Y/n if that's what you want

Y/n:Hey you brought me over here to get a battle underway so I'm battling with ya

Dan:Are you sure Y/n? You said you haven't played this game that much

Shuji:Oh man this will be easy I can take out one newbie and beat Dan talk about taking out two birds with one stone

You grin and pull out a field card as Dracona rolls onto your shoulder and opens up in his ball form

Dracona:Y/n let's win this thing

Y/n:Yes let's


Shuji:What kind of magic is this?!

Akira:That's impossible

Y/n:Yeah weird

Dracona:Listen human I don't have time for your stupid conversation let's just end this now

Y/n:Okay okay ruin the moment

You hold your field card in the air and grin as you giggle like a moron

Y/n:This is gonna be awesome! I can't contain my excitement!

Shuji:Are you ready or what?

Akira:Yeah let's go

Dan grins as water shoots up and birds fly off as Dan and Shuji pull out their field cards


Dan:FIELD OPEN!!!!!!

Shuji:FIELD OPEN!!!!!

All of your field cards glow red brown and purple as the attributes are shown on the ground as they circle around you as time begins to stop as you three are being transported to another world as your smile keeps getting wider you clench your fists as you get out gate cards




You all throw the cards to the field as they enlarge and glow their respective colors and you three land to the ground

A/n:I'll be giving you fan made ability cards and gate cards to use so I can get more creative with it

Shuji:Ready or not here I come!

He throws a Subterra bakugan to the card as it lands it's mark it opens up as the eyes glow brown and it transforms into a Subterra Mantris

Dan:Woah freaky

The Mantris growls and roars at the two of you as you activate your baku-pod

Baku-Pod:Welcome Dan and Y/n opponent Subterra Mantris power level 270 G's no other data available

Dan:"Thoughts" Ah great okay terra means earth and his power level's at 270 so at least we know what kind of beast we're dealing with here question is what should I counter with?

Dan grins as he grabs his holster and pulls out a bakugan

Dan:Your little bug is going down

Dan twirls it in the air and tosses it to the field and as you know it's a Pyrus a Serpenoid as it transforms into it's real form it hisses at the Mantris

Baku-Pod:Power level 320 G's

Dan&Shuji:BAKUGAN BRAWL!!!!!

The two bakugan lunge towards each other and clash as it looks like Serpenoid is going to be victorious in the fight as Dan begins to gloat


Shuji begins to chuckle as Dan is confused



The card underneath the two combatants lights up as it begins to glow brown and the area transforms into a pyramid with a desert floor as the Mantris topples over Sepenoid in the process as Dan chekcs his baku-pod

Baku-Pod:Power level increased to 420 G's

Dan:Not good

Y/n:Of course it's not good

Serpenoid tries to find it's enemy as Mantris springs up into the air and does a double slash at the snake like creature defeating it as it roars it shrinks back into it's ball form and lands to Dan's feet as the sand and pyramids vanish so does the gate card

Shuji:Your toast!

Mantris shrinks and glows brown as it goes back to Shuji's hand

Baku-Pod:Battle one terminated Subterra Mantris victorious

Shuji then laughs and begins to mock Dan

Shuji:Oh man that was so easy you fell faster then a deck of cards in a tornado

You growl and clench your fists as Shuji grins smugly and grabs another bakugan

Shuji:Time to finish what I started

He then proceeds to throw it as it lands on the card and opens up it's eyes glow brown and transforms as you see it's a Terrorclaw you then reach into your holster and grab Dracona

Y/n:Hey Dan mind if I have this bout?

Dan:Sure knock yourself out

Dracona:I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do human

Shuji:Oh come on man you said it yourself you haven't played the game that much how can you expect to beat me?

Y/n:Shut up and watch the fireworks

You toss Dracona to Terrorclaw's card as he opens up his eyes glow dark purple as he transforms into his original form he let's out a mighty roar sending gusts of wind everywhere knocking Terrorclaw down to the ground as Dan looks at him in amazement


Y/n:If you think that was cool get ready for this

Shuji checks his baku-pod and is horrified at his power

Shuji:460 G'S?!!!!!


You reach into your deck box and pull out an ability card as the card glows a purple like aura as you grin Shuji begins to sweat a bit

Y/n:What's wrong Shuji you were so confident before what happened to all that bravado?

Dracona:Your arrogance will be your downfall

Y/n:Ability card activate

You toss the card into the air as Dracona flies up into the air and the card goes into him as he glows a purple aura as do you


Thunder clouds begins to form in the arena as black lightning shocks Dracona but he absorbs it into his body as Dracona roars and flies downwards to Terrorclaw and bites it's claw sending black lightning through his body as it paralyzes it's body and Dracona breaths black fire on it as it screeches in pain it shrinks and lands towards Shuji's foot as Shuji's horrified Dracona let's out a victorious roar as you grin as his body glows purple and shrinks as it goes back to your hand

Y/n:That's my skills talking

Baku-Pod:Second battle terminated Darkus Dracona victorious

Shuji:What the heck even is that bakugan?! I've never seen anything like it

Y/n:Don't feel like telling ya

Dan:Sweet move Y/n that blew me away now it's my turn to have another round

Y/n:Sure knock yourself out

Shuji:That was just a fluke ya hear?!

They both throw their Sarus to the fray as they clash Dan tosses in an ability of his own and wins the battle as Dan grins

Dan:Hate to tell ya bud but it looks like your down to your Subterra Mantris and if I figured right one more itsy bitsy battle should put you away for good

Shuji:We'll just see about that punk

He tosses a gate card as he tosses in his Subterra Mantris as Dan puts his hand on your shoulder

Dan:Hey Y/n feel like finishing things here?

Y/n:Ya sure I don't want to take the spotlight from ya

Dan:I'm sure

Y/n:How about we take him down together?

Dan:Sure sounds fun

You toss Dracona to the field as Dan tosses his faulconeer as Dracona roars at the Mantris Shuji activates his gate card as the area transforms into the desert gate card he used earlier as Mantris goes to strike Dracona you grin and get a ability card


A shadow aura shows around Dracona's body and vanishes behind Mantris and Dracona smacks his tail and it hits it dead on as it gets sent flying towards Faulconeer as Dan activates another ability card and defeats Mantris as Faulconeer returns to Dan's hand as Dracona roars once more and goes to your hand and you chuckle

Y/n:That's how ya do it

The arena vanishes as time resumes Shuji kneels to the ground in defeat as Akira is shocked

Akira:I don't believe it you promised me you'd clean his clock what happened?!

Shuji:I'm sorry 

Dan:That was easy

Shuji gets back up and points to you as Dracona floats to your shoulder and opens up

Shuji:Hey how the heck did you get that bakugan?!

Y/n:Don't need to tell ya

You and Dan walk away as Dan smirks at you


Dan:Ya know your pretty good despite it being your first game I've seen

