Meeting Drago And Naga

After your battle with Shuji Dan invites you in his home as you meet his parents as they agreed to let you live here seeing as you didn't have a place to stay in this world as your hanging with Dan in his room as he's in a chat with the brawlers as he talks about the battle with Shuji

Dan:And then I let him have it with my secret weapon frame fire man ya should have seen me*Places his foot on his chair* I was like totally wicked but then again what would you expect from the greatest bakugan brawler?!

Y/n:You talk big don't ya?

Dan:What can I say I'm just that good

Runo:Whatever I just checked the world rankings and your sitting at one twenty one!

Dan:That's impossible Runo I've got to check this out for myself*Scrolls up to check his ranking* Scrolling up ha one seventeen!

Runo:Oh please give me a break you should save your breath until you break into the top ten

Dan:Yeah right like your one to talk your not even ranked

He sticks his tongue out at her as you just sigh

Runo:Oh like that's real mature

Julie:Danny that is so dreamy one seventeen that's up four whole spots in one day definitely worthy of a big smooch from Julie

She kisses the screen as you chuckle


He topples over his chair as you fall over laughing hard

Dan:Oh man that hurt*Gets up from the floor and leans on his desk* Quit slobbering up the screen I'm a battle brawler not your boyfriend

Y/n:Your saying that while blushing

Dan:Y/n shut up

Runo:Woah this is so kindergarten

Runo turns her head as Julie cheers him on

Julie:You go Danny I'll always be your biggest fan in the world

Marucho:Dan might I suggest you set your sights on Shun he's ranked number one and in a few years you could surpass him

Dan looks a bit saddened by this as you look at your ability cards 

Alice:In a few years? There has to be someway where you can challenge him isn't there?

Dan scoffs and leans back on his chair

Dan:I bet I could take that jerk I don't mean to brag ya know but no ones even come close to challenging me better look out Shun because I'm gonna take you down

Runo then looks directly at you as she takes a peak at some of your cards

Runo:Woah those cards look strong I've never seen those darkus cards before

Y/n:Yeah well I'm not quite sure how I got them myself

Dracona rolls onto your shoulder and opens up

Dracona:Y/n it'd be best if you don't worry about it too much

The other brawlers are shocked that he can talk except for Dan


Dracona floats up to Dan's computer screen and looks at the brawlers

Dracona:Yeah ya got a problem with it?

Runo:N-No I'm just shocked is all I never thought a bakugan could talk

Marucho:Yes this is astonishing

You chuckle and walk to the door

Runo:Hey where are you going?

Y/n:My room I'm gonna be living with Dan for a while so I'm gonna be staying in his guest room

Marucho:Oh I see well I hope we see you and your bakugan more often

Y/n:Oh you will

Julie:Hey what's it's name?

Dracona:You better watch how you speak to me

Y/n:Calm down Dracona

Dracona scoffs and closes up as you grab him and put him in your pocket

Y/n:Sorry about that he just has a lot of pride in him

Runo:And he can be quite rude

Dracona growls softly as you chuckle nervously

Y/n:Well see ya guys

You walk out of Dan's room and shower as your done that you dry off and get dressed in your pajamas and walk into the guest room as you say goodnight to Dan's parents you lay on the bed

Y/n:I wonder if I made the right choice in this

Dracona:You did it without thinking Y/n

Y/n:Yeah I guess I did I was just so excited about being int this world but I guess I'm stuck here and there's no way to return home so I'd better make the most of it

You doze off as you wake up and you feel flames as you freak out but you calm down as you know what's about to happen as you see a dragon with white scales fly through pyrus space as you growl


???:Naga wait!

You then turn to see a red dragon with red scales and a yellow horn on top of it's head stop Naga as you know it's Drago

Naga:Out of my way Drago

Drago:Why are you so obsessed with gaining all this power Naga? You know it will only lead to your ultimate destruction

Naga:Silence you have no idea of what we feel inside you know nothing of our world

Drago:I suspect that you were the one behind the human they call Michal what I'd like to know is where did you find him?

Y/n:Please don't notice me please don't notice me please don't notice me

Naga chuckles and looks at you

Naga:It seems we have a visitor

Y/n:Me and my big mouth

Drago growls and turns to look at you as his eyes widen

Drago:How is a human able to enter Vestroia?!

You shrug as Naga laughs

Naga:I am curious myself

Drago:Leave him alone Naga!

Naga charges towards you as you go to reach for Dracona but you find he's not there as Drago stands in front of you and kicks him sending him back as Drago glares at you

Drago:Who are you and how did you get here human?!

Y/n:I don't really know look I'm just as lost as you I was asleep and I woke up here

Naga laughs as he pulls out an ability card

Naga:Do you know what this is?

Your eyes widen as Drago growls at him

Naga:Apparently the human knows what this card is Drago but you you have no idea

He tosses the card as it reveals a portal

Drago:A portal?!


He flies into the portal as you growl


Drago:But to where?



Naga:Oh I will brat and once I have absorbed this power I will come after you all!

Y/n:We will stop you Naga

Your suddenly transported to another area as you see the silent and infinity cores as you see Naga flying towards them as he stops and is shocked to see you


Y/n:I don't know but you have to stop what your doing Naga you'll only destroy yourself!

Naga:Human you don't know what it feels like to be powerless I have no power at all I'll do anything to gain the powers of the infinity core and no one will get in my way!

He smacks you with his tail grazing your cheek leaving a decent mark on your face as you wince in pain a bit as he flies near the cores

Naga:There they are the two conflicting forces infinity and silence they keep the dimension in balance *Flies near the infinity core* If I can absorb these two energies I can unite with Hal G and together we can conquer Earth and Vestroia!

He begins to absorbs the energy from the silent core and laughs

Naga:The power feel the glorious power! More*Energy begins to flow within Naga* Excellent the power infinite power building inside of me

He begins to absorb to much energy from the silent core as he begins to get pushed into it

Naga:No what's happened?! An overload of negative energy I can't control the balance too much too much no! *He gets fully absorbed into the silent core* Not enough positive energy! Out oc control! NO!!!!!!

A blinding light engulfs you as you wake up in your room in a cold sweat breathing heavily as you clench the blanket as Dracona wakes up and looks at you

Dracona:You alright?!

Y/n:Y-Yeah just a nightmare

You get up and see the sun is setting as you look at the time

Y/n:Man how long did I sleep for today?
