New Ally

After saying goodbye to Dan and Runo you walk out of the house and around the neighborhood until you reached the docks you feel the nice breeze across your face but you hear laughter coming from behind you turn your head slightly to look at your rivial Kuta smirking at you

Y/n:So your here good I've been looking for you

Kuta:Oh I'm honored

Y/n:Time to get down to business

Kuta:You got that right now...let's get down to it shall we?

Y/n:Your on

You grab your field card and get in a battle stance as does Kuta the two of you stare each other down as the wind brushes past the both of your faces 



A haos ability card zooms past Kuta's face slightly scratching his cheek Kuta growls and looks around to find the culprit


???:Really Kuta? Up to your old tricks again?

Your eyes widen as you know who it is you look to one of the giant crates to see a kid with a cloak covering him he hides behind the ray of the sun which Kuta covers his eyes he growls at who it is

Kuta:Mason you jerk what are you doing here?!

Mason grins before jumping off of the crate and doing a superhero landing looking smug

Mason:To help Y/n beat you of course

Y/n:M-Mason is that really you?

Mason gets up and walks towards you

Y/n:Woah man how did you-

Mason flicks you on the forehead

Y/n:Ow! Hey what was that for?!

Mason:For hogging all the fun

You smirk at Mason who grabs his field card out and glares at Kuta

Mason:So hotshot still ready to play?

Kuta:Grr Y/n I can handle but a two on one match would be difficult especially since I have no idea of what partner he has for a bakugan

Zhonic:Kuta let's retreat for now

Kuta:Tch fine

Mason:Go ahead and run coward!

Y/n:Are you really doing Heavy's line?

Mason:I can do it in his voice if you want

Y/n:Ya know I'd rather not

Kuta growls and runs off while Mason looks at you

Y/n:Yeah I have some explaining to do don't I?

Mason:Darn right you do!

Y/n:Alright follow me

A ball rolls on Mason's shoulder and opens up you look shocked at the sight of the bakugan it's Pegatrix

Pegatrix:So your the friend Mason talked about helping

Y/n:Yes I am

You then look directly at Mason who laughs nervously

Mason:Alright this is how I got here I was trying to find you because you've been missing for a few months I asked your family about it when you first disappeared but they don't know what happened to you but I had a feeling and decided to calm down by watching bakugan and lo and behold your in the show


Mason:Yeah you were in the show I called your parents and told them they were relieved that you were fine but they are still worried

Y/n:Okay but how does this all add up with you getting into this world?

Mason:Already on it mate you see as I said after I was watching bakugan you were in the show and a bright light engulfed me but before I came into that world I saw a figure he didn't tell me who he was though all he said was that he could send me to you and being the kind friend I am I accepted the offer but with a few conditions of course so now that's how I have Pegatrix

Y/n:I see so you ready to meet the brawlers in person?

Mason:HECK YEAH!!!!

You chuckle and run off Mason follows suit
