
I've wanted to do this for a while but this will be like a side story for me to write while I watch anime or update my other stories I also saw there were barley any Bakugan x male reader stories so I figured I would throw my own story into the fray so I hope it does well and I hope you the readers will enjoy and this anime was a big part of my childhood and I wanted to make a Bakugan story for the longest ever since I joined the website so let's get on with the chapter shall we?

Your in your room laying down on your bed with your computer watching your favorite anime Bakugan

Y/n:Man this show is so awesome how cool would it be to take place in one of my favorite shows and battle alongside the brawlers that would be epic but who would my partner be?

As your watching the screen you watch Dan Kuso duke it out with Masquerade in the arena as that's one of your favorite battles as Dan pulls out an ability card he looks directly at you as you look confused

Y/n:Weird I could have sworn he was just looking at me

???:That's because he was young warrior

Y/n:Wait who's there?!

  ???:Look closer and you'll see with your own eyes

You lean forwards to the screen as a blinding light engulfs your room as you try to shield the light from your eyes as the light dies down you see your in a empty void but with darkness surrounding you

Y/n:Where am I?!

???:Why young warrior you are in my realm

Y/n:Wait that voice no it couldn't be there's no way I'm in vestroia right now

???:But you are

A purple aura begins to form around you as the wind picks up as your nervous to see who's coming out

???:Fret not child I do not wish to bring any harm

Y/n:Then why did you bring me here?

???:That will be discussed in due time my young warrior

Y/n:Okay you keep calling me that but what does that phrase even mean?

???:You have been chosen

Y/n:Okay enough with the riddles just spill it out already!

???:If you insist

The aura stops as it appears to be someone you know from Bakugan as your eyes widen


Exedra:Yes young warrior I was the one who summoned you

Y/n:But how is that even possible?!

Exedra:All of your questions will be answered in due time child

Y/n:Okay then why did you summon me?

ExedraI:I trust you know the anime Bakugan Battle Brawlers?

Y/n:Yes sir it's one of my all time favorites but why do you ask?

Exedra:Then how about I can take the opportunity to summon you there and partake in the adventure?

Y/n:I'LL DO IT!!!!!

Exedra:I knew you would say that but you aren't going alone you will have two partners to aid you in your struggle




Exedra:Yes but you'll only use one but you'll meet your partner later on your quest

Y/n:Okay can I see him now?!

Exedra:You'll be leaving with him aren't you?


Exedra chuckles and raises his hand in the air and shoots dark purple lightning in the sky and summons forth a dragon with purple wings orange eyes and black purple scales with horns on it's head as it roars your eyes light up

???:Where am I why am I not in darkus space?

Exedra:There you go Y/n your first partner as I said your second one you will meet later down on the road in your adventures but his name is Dracona

Y/n:Dracona huh?

Dracona looks at you and growls

Dracona:A human?! What's he doing in Vestroia?!

Y/n:Nice to meet you too partner


Exedra:That's not a problem is it?

Dracona turns around to look at Exeedra as his eyes widen

Dracona:Oh Exeedra forgive me I did not know you summoned me so I am to aid this human?


Dracona:Very well Y/n is it?


Dracona:I trust you'll forgive my behavior against you earlier?

Y/n:No harm done *Turns to look at Exedra* Oh Exedra?

Exedra:Speak child

Y/n:How did you know that your from an anime?

Exedra:Let's just call it a hunch

He raises his hand and aims it towards you as Dracona flies close to you as he engulfs you in a dark purple light


Exedra:Safe travels young warrior

You and Dracona vanish from the realm as he chuckles again

Exedra:You five can come out now

The other legendary soldiers arrive in the realm as they laugh

Apollonir:Well that was the most strangest thing I've seen

Clayf:Yes putting faith in a human?

Frosch:What if he decides to mess around with the timeline?

Exedra:I don't think that the boy would do that even if he did it'll be for the better cause

Lars Lion:I respect Exedra's choice from what I saw the boy has some potential and Dracona does as well

Oberus:Yes I agree we shall observe the child for now

Clayf:I still don't think this was a good idea

Your falling through a portal as you land on the ground hard

Y/n:Ow! Note to self never take a ride from a elder bakugan again

???:Hey you alright?

You look up to see a kid with brown messy hair with glasses on top of them as he has a red jacket and also wears a yellow shirt with red pants as you try to contain your excitement as you know it's Dan Kuso himself

Y/n:Yeah I'm fine

Dan:Cool you look like ya hit the ground pretty hard

He notices your arm as you have a purple baku-pod

Dan:So your a darkus brawler huh?


Dan:Neat I got a battle to take part in but you look like you want to have a brawl now so wanna join me?

Y/n;Of course!

Dan:Well*Motions to his bicycle* Hop on 
