
3rd POV

Izuku is standing in front of the massive gates of UA, Eri is in his arms. The students are staring at him because why would THE Flash do at their school? At this moment, Izuku had known that he is very popular, a lot of students came to ask for his signature, which he gave gladly. 

He finally made it to the principle's office, he opened the door and all of his uncles are there, including Auntie Nem and Granny Chiyo. All Might and Green Telek are there too, which made Izuku grumbled at the sight of his 'parents'.

"Good Morning."

"Good Morning Flash." 

"Let's get onto the meeting, shall we?"

With that they started, UA now have a dorm system, making his job at the cafe a bit difficult. But then the heroes brought the Izuku and Touya's case up, Flash immediately cut off the detective's speech. 

"Can I say something please?"

"Go ahead Flash." 

"Actually, I am thinking about revealing my identity here. Please do not freak out or anything, I did it because I will be a student here and I thought that you guys deserved to know..."

Izuku then placed Eri with Shota and slowly opened his mask, revealing the half mask and his blonde hair, the heroes are shocked when they saw the face of the friendly boy at the cafe. But he is not done yet, he peeled down the mask and now his face is full in display. 


Shota placed Eri on the desk, making his way to his nephew and enveloped him into a hug, the hero almost cried when he saw his favorite nephew in front of him, alive and well. The rest of his uncles are shocked too, Auntie Nemuri is crying. 

"I'm so sorry guys, I know you have known me from the boy at the cafe, I hope you understand my actions."

"No we don't Izuku! Why did you ran away? Izumi cried everyday for your return, son!" A lie, the detective thought, sending Izuku a message with his eyes as the latter nodded.

"Who are you calling your son now? Watch your mouth because your son is dead, it is Flash or Hikari to you. You lost the privilege to call me my name a long time ago." 

"Don't be rude to your father, Izuku! We will take you home right in this instant!" 

"If you take him home then I will revoke your hero license forever, you are lucky that I didn't throw you in prison like Endeavour. Sit your ass down or get out of this room." 

The detective said- more like hissed, he is pissed. No, they are pissed. How dare they make like everything never happened? Even declared to take Izuku home? Are they nuts? 

"Thank you detective. Once again, it's Flash or Hikari to you. I stay at my place now, and you two are banned from my cafe. Speaking of the cafe, Nezu, I think it might be a problem if I stayed at the dorms. The cafe is too busy with people and there are only 2 workers there, plus my coffee~" 

"Right! How about if you move your cafe in here? The teachers and students love your coffee and cookies right? I don't see any problem with that." 

"It's okay I guess. And for Touya, I know where he is but, he does not wish to make himself known yet." 

"We understand Izuku. Now you owe Aizawa coffee and cookies, I see that he won't let you go anytime sooner." 

They then realized that the hobo man had slept on the boy's shoulder, tear stains are obvious on his face. They understand though, he is the most devastated when Izuku was gone so they let him be for now.  

"Right.. So when do I start?"

"You will start class tomorrow! I am glad to have you back Izuku and I would love to have a chess match with you again~" 

"Of course uncle Nezu~" 

The way they both stared creepily made a chill down to their spine, Eri? She is coloring on the desk without any care. Shota? Still sleeping. They made a mental note to not leave the both of them alone in a same room, a world war will happen and it is too early for them to die. 

Nezu and Izuku then have a chess match, All Might and Green Telek was kicked out of the room. The game was intense, they both each won a round and now they are on their third. The heroes watching in anticipation and Eri is just sleeping at the corner with her now uncle Shota. 

Then Nezu was declared as a winner and they wrapped it up, it is time to go home and make coffee for his uncle. They each hugged and apologized for not noticing sooner, Izuku had only waved them off, saying that it's okay. 

'He had grown into a beautiful young man.' 


As Izuku, now Hikari walked down the hallway, he had passed class 1A. And the students are on their way to go home, but a big crowd is in front of the class. Hikari sighed, Eri is sleeping on his shoulders and he didn't want to wake her up. 

"Will you let me through? My sister is sleeping and if she woke up because of you big mouths, I'll kill you." 

His voice made the crowd to quiet down, all of them are staring at him now. What is the beautiful boy from the cafe doing here? 

"Look who is here, the beautiful angel from the cafe. Would you like to go on a date with me?" 

A brave blonde boldly asked him out, but Hikari is too tired to play around right now;

"I am thankful for your compliment Monoma but can you please let me go through? I am tired and I might not be nicer next time." 

Izuku said in a tired voice, making the crowd to look at him and they noticed the faint eye bags under his eyes. Monoma then said a low sorry and the crowd opened up, giving him a space to walk. 

"Thank you" 

They watched his small figure walking to the entrance gate, before he is stopped once again by the one and only, All Might. They saw that he said something and then he slammed the hero to a nearby tree, making it fall from the impact. The crowd sweat dropped, he just slammed the number one hero effortlessly.

Hitoshi then took the opportunity and ran to caught up with Hikari, taking Eri out of his hands and they walked to the cafe together. Eijirou, Denki, Shoto and Mina trailing behind. They thought it is a rare sight for the insomniac to actually showed some emotions, yet he did it so easily with Hikari. 

They stared in envy and a certain Pomeranian clicked his tongue in annoyance, shoving the crowd away, Izumi following close behind. Not like he wanted the bitch to be there.


"Are you okay Ari? You look exhausted." Hitoshi asked after they arrived at the cafe, placing Eri on the couch and covering her with his blazer as a blanket. 

"Yeah, just some dumb oaf decided to ruin my day today." 

"Speaking of which, why are you at school today?" Eijirou asked, he had been dying to know since he saw his crush at the hallway. Also his coffee reminded him of a certain vigilante's coffee.

"You guys will know soon, do you want any drinks? Or cookies?" Hikari tried to stand up but was pulled down by Shoto.

"No can do Hikari, you need some rest. We are fine, right guys?" Denki said as they sat down on a table, the boys and Mina nodded in response. 

"Okay then." 

Alice then make way to their tables and took their orders, noting Izuku's fatigue and she decided that he should rest for now. They talked softly and noticed that Hikari is nodding his head, his eyes are closed then finally, he placed his head on Shoto's shoulders. 

Mina and Alice watched as the boys reaction and all of them are flushed, they are swooning on how cute he is and Shoto almost set himself on fire. Alice took a lot of pictures and sent it to the boys, they thanked her for the treasure and almost banged their heads on the table. 

They then placed Hikari on one of the other couch, giving him their blazers as a blanket and watched him snuggled in the blazers, they almost had a nosebleed from the sight. The boys then placed a kiss all over Hikari's face, avoiding his lips and they left, not bothering to even take their blazer with them. They visited the cafe everyday so it's fine. 

Tomorrow will be the best day of their lives, yet they are not aware of it.


Izuku then woke up a few hours later, the cafe is empty and its dark outside. He felt there is at least 3 blazers on him and he sat up, the blazers fell on his lap in the process. 

"The boys left their blazers with you, scared that you will freeze to death. You didn't tell them that you will join them tomorrow?" 

Alice's voice rang inside the cafe, her voice hinting with mischievous tone as she asked her brother. 

"Yeah, they will found out tomorrow. Will they hate me for lying though?" 

The older girl stared at her brother in disbelief, is her brother really that dense? Yes, he didn't have any romantic relationships before but isn't this too stupid to not notice? Speaking of relationships, Alice made a small mental note to have that talk to Izuku, so that the boy can at least be cautious around boys and girls.

"They won't hate you Izu, they are too whipped to even be mad at you.""

Alice's comment made Izuku flush as he folded the blazers neatly, placing them aside and made a mental note to bring them tomorrow. 

"My brother is whipped for Izuku aye? Look who is popular now."

Touya made his way to the tables and sat down, his eyebrows wiggling as he teased Izuku. The latter only throw a napkin to the older, landing exactly on his face. 

"Izu-nii have boyfriends? No! We need to protect Izu-nii! No one can take him away from me!" 

Eri exclaimed and she hugged Izuku tightly, the two adults chuckled at the sight and Izuku hugged his sister back;

"I am not going anywhere Eri, no one is taking me away."



Izuku then dialed Tomura's number to tell him about the news, which the latter did throw a slight tantrum but Izuku only assure him that he will be fine. Tomura calmed down, but he threatened Izuku that if the buffoon hurt him again, he will not hesitate to commit murder. 

Nezu had sent his uniform to the cafe, and Izuku sent a thank you text to the chimera as he prepared his things to move into the dorms. He also informed Alice about the move and she agreed, packing the things as well. UA will send someone to retrieve them later. 

A/N: Look who decided to update again after missing for a week? 

Okay okay I'm sorry, so to make it up, I'll post two chaps today :)

Hope you enjoyed the chapters!
