
3rd POV 

Flash is now flying to USJ, he heard that the league had planned an attack towards the class and the leader, Shigaraki Tomura wanted to kill All Might and had brought a monster they gave the name Nomu. 

The vigilante are aware about the league's appearance, in fact he had met with the leader more than once, and the villain keep on convincing him to join the league, which the vigilante had refused all the time. 

Right now he is on full speed, flying to the USJ, praying that he would make it on time. You would be wondering, he had a Teleportation quirk so why would he fly? The answer is he can't, he didn't know the exact location and he can't just teleport there, he might land into a volcano for all he knows.

And he is too young to die, according to him. 

Flash finally arrived at the USJ, he saw the big monster thingy is sitting on his beloved uncle, the class are frozen and he saw Hitoshi was hiding behind the bush, hiding with his friends. And then he saw Shigaraki stretched his hands out to touch his purple headed friend, he quickly yanked the villain away using his quirk. 

"Shigaraki! What are you doing! He is my friend for fucks sake!" Flash finally made his appearance and some of the students that recognized him had exclaimed his name, they are excited on the sight of the vigilante. 

"You had come, Flash. I thought you also hated All Might? Come on, join us, we can kill the selfish bastard together." 

Izumi froze up at the mention of his father, the most powerful vigilante hated his father to the core and if they were to join the villains, the heroes would be screwed. 

"No! I said this so many times Tomura, yes I do hate the selfish blonde buffoon but this is not the way I wanted revenge! Stop this at this instant, I still consider you as a friend okay? I didn't want you to fell deeper into villainy, so please stop." 

"But, he also hurt you Flash! Your so called family neglected you and your friends bullied you just because you are a late bloomer! Don't you feel angry?" 

The class who are listening to this are shocked, although his story seemed awfully similar to someone, but they can't pinpoint who is it. 

"Yes I am angry Tomura, but look at me now. I am a respected vigilante and I will show to them I can and I will be a hero, in my own way. So please, just go. I will go talk with you later, and take the Nomu with you. I don't want to fight with my friend so please?" 

Izuku now are pleading his friend, he knows that the villain is actually not that evil, he is just being brainwashed by AFO and Izuku is still working on helping him onto the right path. 

"Fine! But don't you think this will end Flash, I will talk to you later. Come on Kurogiri, take the Nomu and let's leave." 

The heroes by now had arrived at the scene, too late and the villains escaped, only the vigilante remained. They saw how the vigilante quickly ran to Eraserhead and white light once again appeared from his palm, the teacher's wounds are now closed and is sleeping soundly. 

Flash carried his uncle bridal style, walking up to Hizashi and placed him in his arms. Stunning the heroes present. 

"Anyone hurt?" 

The vigilante asked, not caring if he was now in the sight of the heroes and prioritized the student's safety. The students shook their heads and make way to the teachers, leaving the vigilante in front of them. The villains in each sections are now getting arrested by the police. 


Shoto, Eijirou and Denki exclaimed, excited to see their favorite vigilante. Then they turned to each other;

"How did you know him?" 

"He saved me!" 

The three of them said in the same time, making Flash chuckle.

"Now now you three, I'm glad to see you guys too. You guys must be traumatized, I should've come sooner, I am sorry." 

"What are you sorry about? You saved my life Flash! Thank you!" 

The purple insomniac is brighter than they have ever seen, surprising the class at his sudden burst of energy. 

"You are welcome. I have to go now, for the reports, I will turn them in by tonight and Nezu? Your offer still up?" 


"Then I accept, I will see you guys later okay? Bye!" 

"Oi you extra! We don't need your help!"- Izumi 

"Whatever, see you later guys." 

His voice dropped noticeably and the heroes are suspicious on why did he replied like that when he is obviously would retort with a savage clap back?


Flash had teleported out of there, leaving the ones that knew him to crowd over Shoto, Eijirou and Denki, they just met the number one vigilante and they are excited. 

"What is so special about that extra?! He is just weak so stop talking! It's noisy." Again, Izumi.

"He would literally fight with you and win in a second, so stop whining and notice your own weakness. That just make you look pathetic."

"Shinsou-kun! That is no way to talk to your classmates like that! Apologize at this instant!" 

"I will if you apologize to your own son, All Might. You are in no place to talk, I'm disgusted with you." 

The students are shooketh, the heroes snorted and Hitoshi just walk out of the USJ, his hands in his pocket and the two boys following from behind, along with Shoto for some reason. 

'What just happened?' 


At the cafe

Izuku landed safely at the back of the room, startling Touya who are eating in the process, making him choke. The shorter boy quickly gave him water and apologized sheepishly. 

"Would you please warn me before you just pop out of no where?!" 

"Sorry" Izuku rubbed his neck, not feeling sorry at all. 

"A pale blue haired man had requested to meet you, he is at the 5th table." Touya informed him. 


Izuku walked out, his attire is changed and his mask is on. His long dirty blonde hair is tied into a ponytail, as we walked over the hidden table at the corner of the cafe. 

"You are quick, Tomura." 

"Of course! You just interfere with me helping you to kill him and I wanted answers! Why didn't you let me kill him?" 

Izuku take a seat, Tomura is having Iced Mocha and his pinkie is up to avoid the glass to get disintegrated. 

"Because, if we kill him this fast, it's not called a revenge. Do you remember when I told you about my story? He said that I can't be a hero right? Now what am I doing?"

"Saving people"

"And who save people?" 

"Heroes. But still! Seeing his face disgust me so much Izu! How are you even related to him? You are such an angel and him.... urgh" 

Izuku shook his head and chuckled, this man in front of him is called a villain and now he is acting like a toddler with a tantrum. Tomura would be a nice hero if he were to given a chance, it's a shame a society shunned him out and AFO out of everyone just had to reach out to him. 

The two of them talked, from the outside the people would thought that they are brothers from how close they are. They shared some jokes and even Mamagiri came and join them. 

They soon had to leave, much to Tenko's dismay but Izuku only reassure him that they will talk more in the future and that made the blue haired boy to beam, they even sealed a pinky promise. Who is the older one now? 

The two villains left, Izuku slumped on the chair, noticing the day turned dark. He thought that maybe it is time to go but.....


Denki's voice are heard from the front as the bell rang, No the electric boy didn't know about his vigilante work, neither did Eijirou. They are now friends and they would come to the cafe every now and then. 

Hikari/Izuku then was tackled onto the ground by the large electric boy, making him groan by the weight but his friends are just laughing at the small boy's attempt of shoving the bigger boy away, but failed miserably. 

"How was school guys? Is it fun?" 

"Yes! But it will be more fun if you joined us! And the Flash rescued us today! Can you believe it? They are so cool!" 

Mina fangirled, making the smallest boy there to chuckle lightly. He noticed that he is shortest among the guys there, aside from Mina although it is only by 1 cm. He sighed;

"What did you guys eat to get that tall?"

"You are just short Ari, we are not tall." 

Hitoshi snickered, earning a laugh from the guys. 

"Hey! How dare you!" 

Hikari chased the purple boy around the cafe, the group that are watching laughed when they heard Hitoshi screached, oh uh he was caught. RIP Hitoshi. 

"But being short is cute, no? You are cute though, Hikari-san."

Eijirou's reply made Hikari into an abrupt stop, his face is flushed from the compliment the red haired boy thrown so casually. 

"Oh~ Someone is blushing~" 

"Shut up!" 

Not gonna lie, the boys that have been visiting the cafe had been attached to the blonde boy that worked at the cafe, so seeing him so flustered made their heart clench in a good way. 

"You guys are so gay" Mina said, facepalming.

"You can't say that you are different though~" 

The group consisted of Eijirou, Denki, Hitoshi, Shoto and Mina. There are usually more but they had already gone home, making the 5 of them hang out with the cute yet strong boy in the cafe.

"Where is Eri? I bought her some sweets." Shoto spoke up, searching for the girl. 

"She is at the back, you can leave the sweets on the counter. You guys spoil her so much." Izuku shook his head in amusement. 

"She is cute so why not?" Shoto said. 

They hung out together until late night, Shota had came and picked Hitoshi up, no bandages because Flash's healing quirk fixed everything. Then the rest of them gone home, not before Denki gave him a suffocating bear hug and finally the cafe is empty. 

"You do know you need to tell him one day right?" Izuku said, eyes closed as he sensed Touya came inside the space. 

"I know, but I am not ready yet. Same goes to you though, when will you tell the hobo man about your identity?"

"Soon, you remember when I told you Nezu offered me a place in the hero course?"

"Yea? Did you accept?"


"Then that's great! Although the cafe might be a little bit busy without you."

"I'm sure you will be just fine, I taught you my coffee recipe didn't I?" 

"But that wouldn't be the same! Now Eri will have to be alone in the day time."

"Should I cancel the offer?" 

"No no! It's fine, and uhm have you got anything from the red chicken these days?" 

"Oh~ Someone's got a crush~" 

"Shut up! Did he?" 


They both bickered and soon got tired, the two of them then make way to their respective homes, Izuku brought the sleeping Eri in his arms and teleported home. 

'Now how am I going to tell them my identity?'

a/n: GOMEN YEOROBUNNN I lost the track of time and forgot to update so I am very very sorry. Hope you enjoy this chapter! :3
